
Reputation: 105

How can I change the border color of an event in Vuetify Calendar?

I have tried picking up the class after inspecting the element and then adding it to my Sass stylesheet, but it doesn't work that way. Made the values !important and removed scoped too and it still is not working. Any suggestions on how to get it to work ?

screenshot of the calendar I am working on

On inspecting the element, this is the class: .theme--dark.v-calendar-events .v-event-timed

.theme--dark.v-calendar-events .v-event-timed

If I add the border style inside inspect element of the above class. It works fine. But it doesn't in my project.

Upvotes: 1

Views: 2836

Answers (1)


Reputation: 280

Add div selector before the vuetify CSS selector.

Example taken from Vuetify Calendar page

div .theme--light.v-calendar-events .v-event-timed {
  border: 5px solid brown !important;
<!DOCTYPE html>
  <link href=",300,400,500,700,900" rel="stylesheet">
  <link href="[email protected]/css/materialdesignicons.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
  <link href="[email protected]/dist/vuetify.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, user-scalable=no, minimal-ui">
  <div id="app">
        <v-row class="fill-height">
      <v-sheet height="600">
          <template v-slot:event="{ event, timed, eventSummary }">

  <script src="[email protected]/dist/vue.js"></script>
  <script src="[email protected]/dist/vuetify.js"></script>
    new Vue({
      el: '#app',
      vuetify: new Vuetify(),
      data: () => ({
      value: '',
      events: [],
      colors: ['#2196F3', '#3F51B5', '#673AB7', '#00BCD4', '#4CAF50', '#FF9800', '#757575'],
      names: ['Meeting', 'Holiday', 'PTO', 'Travel', 'Event', 'Birthday', 'Conference', 'Party'],
      dragEvent: null,
      dragStart: null,
      createEvent: null,
      createStart: null,
      extendOriginal: null,
    methods: {
      startDrag ({ event, timed }) {
        if (event && timed) {
          this.dragEvent = event
          this.dragTime = null
          this.extendOriginal = null
      startTime (tms) {
        const mouse = this.toTime(tms)

        if (this.dragEvent && this.dragTime === null) {
          const start = this.dragEvent.start

          this.dragTime = mouse - start
        } else {
          this.createStart = this.roundTime(mouse)
          this.createEvent = {
            name: `Event #${}`,
            color: this.rndElement(this.colors),
            start: this.createStart,
            end: this.createStart,
            timed: true,

      extendBottom (event) {
        this.createEvent = event
        this.createStart = event.start
        this.extendOriginal = event.end
      mouseMove (tms) {
        const mouse = this.toTime(tms)

        if (this.dragEvent && this.dragTime !== null) {
          const start = this.dragEvent.start
          const end = this.dragEvent.end
          const duration = end - start
          const newStartTime = mouse - this.dragTime
          const newStart = this.roundTime(newStartTime)
          const newEnd = newStart + duration

          this.dragEvent.start = newStart
          this.dragEvent.end = newEnd
        } else if (this.createEvent && this.createStart !== null) {
          const mouseRounded = this.roundTime(mouse, false)
          const min = Math.min(mouseRounded, this.createStart)
          const max = Math.max(mouseRounded, this.createStart)

          this.createEvent.start = min
          this.createEvent.end = max
      endDrag () {
        this.dragTime = null
        this.dragEvent = null
        this.createEvent = null
        this.createStart = null
        this.extendOriginal = null
      cancelDrag () {
        if (this.createEvent) {
          if (this.extendOriginal) {
            this.createEvent.end = this.extendOriginal
          } else {
            const i =
            if (i !== -1) {
    , 1)

        this.createEvent = null
        this.createStart = null
        this.dragTime = null
        this.dragEvent = null
      roundTime (time, down = true) {
        const roundTo = 15 // minutes
        const roundDownTime = roundTo * 60 * 1000

        return down
          ? time - time % roundDownTime
          : time + (roundDownTime - (time % roundDownTime))
      toTime (tms) {
        return new Date(tms.year, tms.month - 1,, tms.hour, tms.minute).getTime()
      getEventColor (event) {
        const rgb = parseInt(event.color.substring(1), 16)
        const r = (rgb >> 16) & 0xFF
        const g = (rgb >> 8) & 0xFF
        const b = (rgb >> 0) & 0xFF

        return event === this.dragEvent
          ? `rgba(${r}, ${g}, ${b}, 0.7)`
          : event === this.createEvent
            ? `rgba(${r}, ${g}, ${b}, 0.7)`
            : event.color
      getEvents ({ start, end }) {
        const events = []

        const min = new Date(`${}T00:00:00`).getTime()
        const max = new Date(`${}T23:59:59`).getTime()
        const days = (max - min) / 86400000
        const eventCount = this.rnd(days, days + 20)

        for (let i = 0; i < eventCount; i++) {
          const timed = this.rnd(0, 3) !== 0
          const firstTimestamp = this.rnd(min, max)
          const secondTimestamp = this.rnd(2, timed ? 8 : 288) * 900000
          const start = firstTimestamp - (firstTimestamp % 900000)
          const end = start + secondTimestamp

            name: this.rndElement(this.names),
            color: this.rndElement(this.colors),
        } = events
      rnd (a, b) {
        return Math.floor((b - a + 1) * Math.random()) + a
      rndElement (arr) {
        return arr[this.rnd(0, arr.length - 1)]

Upvotes: 1

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