Reputation: 167
I'm trying to specify the limits and breaks for primary y-axis and secondary y-axis. Even when I specify the limit and range it is not reflected in the plot.
This is my data:
structure(c(39.571, 36.571, 34, 36.143, 36, 36.571, 38.286, 34.429,
34.429, 34.714, 33, 30.857, 29.429, 26.429, 25.571, 23.714, 22,
21.714, 24.286, 29.857, 38, 48.429, 58.714, 70.857, 79, 87, 92,
99.714, 98.714, 99.571, 101.571, 104.714, 108.857, 112.286, 109,
109.714, 112.714, 112.143, 114.857, 110.857, 107.143, 107.286,
108.143, 107.857, 104, 101.286, 99.571, 105.143, 103.143, 103.286,
98.714, 96, 92.714, 91.286, 84, 83.143, 81.429, 81.286, 82.571,
82.857, 80.429, 77.857, 75.429, 75.143, 73.286, 74.571, 74.429,
77, 86.286, 94.857, 96.286, 112.143, 125.286, 137.714, 150.571,
155, 159.286, 177.714, 175.429, 181.286, 191.143, 181.429, 181.714,
186.857, 176.857, 174, 158.714, 137.143, 137.429, 131.571, 116.571,
103.571, 90.857, 81.571, 74.571, 67.143, 54.286, 46.571, 44,
42.571, 38.286, 37, 34.429, 32.857, 30, 27, 50779.714, 56225.286,
44278.714, 45877.857, 47517.571, 54886.857, 53798.714, 41703.429,
34562.286, 46345.429, 42748.571, 37479, 29665, 28040.714, 26415.857,
29700, 28627.286, 26928.429, 26814, 24773, 22764.143, 22051.571,
16954.286, 15219.571, 14114.571, 12616, 11874.143, 11393.143,
11292, 11069.571, 10708.714, 10678.143, 10497.714, 10555.571,
10725, 10590.286, 11400.714, 11464.571, 11619.571, 11902.143,
10061.857, 12137.714, 12106.429, 11766.143, 12201.143, 12847.714,
13207.143, 15696.857, 13885.286, 14280.714, 14310.143, 13927,
14401.286, 15009.429, 12961.571, 12393.429, 11985.714, 11933.286,
13572.714, 13333.286, 13202.714, 13256, 13780.714, 13920.429,
15253.429, 15070.286, 12243.429, 15389.857, 17777.143, 18269.857,
18231.571, 18068, 17882.286, 20907.571, 18093.286, 15252.286,
18318.143, 18315.571, 18917.714, 19338.429, 19521.143, 19757,
23133.286, 20423.429, 20495.143, 20244.857, 20255.429, 17110.571,
20420.714, 20438, 20552.143, 20564.714, 20735.286, 20657.429,
20560.857, 20434, 19940.143, 20008.714, 20002.286, 19366.429,
19262.429, 22270.429, 15850.143, 12969.286, 10271.857, 18361.714,
17048.571, 16244.571, 18427.143, 18974, 19465.143, 19474.857,
19754, 17078.286, 19794.571, 18497.571, 18808.571, 18728.714,
18802.714, 17188.857, 18340, 18294.857, 18484.286, 18384.714,
18432.143, 18322.429, 18488.714, 18470.857, 17062.143, 18342.143,
18043.571, 17790.143, 17786.286, 17617.714, 17584.286, 18783.714,
17439.143, 17673.429, 16980.714, 18735.143, 19837, 18584.857,
19227.286, 19486.429, 20792.571, 22399.286, 21780.143, 22322.857,
22465, 23116.714, 24210.286, 23845.286, 24647.143, 24631, 23450.286,
25279.571, 25612.143, 25757, 25226.714, 20842.429, 19674.571,
20525.286, 19775, 17391.143, 19574.857, 18560.571, 18557.286,
18185.714, 17893.857, 17653.286, 17493.714, 14296.429, 18005.857,
20428.714, 22131.714, 20787.714, 20700, 21965.857, 21809.143,
18382, 16884.286, 15740.429, 17245.571, 16895.143, 14755.571,
15246.571, 13380, 14490.429, 14149.429, 13948.571, 13610.571,
13204, 11294.429, 12238.143, 11733.143, 12460, 11127.143, 11095.857,
10853.429, 10403.571, 10139.143, 9854, 8584.571, 9430.571, 9142.286,
8862, 8399, 7955.571, 7721.571, 7414.714, 7153, 7221.857, 26971.286,
27864.429, 28658.714, 29754.857, 30715.286, 31865.714, 32252.714,
32683.571, 33662, 34006.714, 34503.143, 34946, 34580.286, 34775,
35072.571, 34658.429, 34846.857, 34589.571, 34066.286, 33711.286,
32905.571, 32273.429, 30992.857, 29788.857, 28763.857, 27492.857,
26285.857, 25187.143, 24251.286, 23697, 22962.286, 22136.286,
21531.714, 20779.857, 20528.571, 20143.286, 19499, 18362.714,
17474, 16704.857, 16540.571, 16404.857, 16168.571, 16168.857,
16856.429, 17032.857, 16557.857, 16044, 15639, 15473.857, 15256.286,
14733.429, 14705.714, 15225.143, 14382.286, 13501.571, 13174.714,
12873.857, 13201.571, 13978.429, 14431.714, 14634.571, 15392.857,
15709.571, 16304.571, 16893.714, 16170.714, 15502, 16666.429,
17292.143, 17539.571, 17377.714, 16727.286, 16559.714, 16361.857,
15838.143, 14969.429, 14440.143, 13905, 13590, 13134.571, 12775.857,
12350.286, 12219.429, 12181.429, 12194, 12425.857, 12469.429,
12459.429, 12371.143, 12317, 12226.429, 12093.143, 11806.143,
11705.571, 11798.429, 11902.143, 11958, 11964.286, 12101.571,
12068, 12279.571, 12233.857, 12245.857, 12163, 12073.714, 20339.571,
20375.429, 21129.286, 20890.429, 20450.571, 20450.571, 20450.571,
20074.429, 17407.429, 19043, 18700.571, 18537, 18537, 18537,
16520.857, 18400.714, 15376, 14907.714, 14019.857, 14019.857,
14019.857, 12250.286, 12117.286, 11389.286, 10825.857, 10211.143,
10211.143, 10211.143, 9367.286, 8800, 8672.714, 8363.857, 8062.714,
8062.714, 8062.714, 7734.429, 6554.857, 6618, 6307.714, 6561.143,
6561.143, 6561.143, 7079.429, 8554.857, 8741.286, 9337.857, 9523,
9523, 9523, 9623.571, 9670.143, 9857, 9932.857, 8245, 8245, 8245,
8594.857, 9085.571, 9704.143, 10473.429, 10473.429, 10473.429,
10473.429, 11347.286, 12720.286, 10332.286, 13805.571, 17442.143,
17442.143, 17442.143, 21848.286, 22096.571, 27649.286, 26723.286,
28829.143, 28829.143, 28829.143, 32095.571, 33360.286, 33747,
34958.286, 35342.286, 35342.286, 35342.286, 36704.429, 37010.714,
36826.286, 35475.143, 34794.143, 34794.143, 34794.143, 32774.714,
31721.714, 30480.429, 29774.857, 28410.143, 28410.143, 28410.143,
23754.286, 21945.429, 20019.429, 18289.857, 16292.143, 16292.143,
16292.143, 13885.857, 22754.429, 22347.857, 22418.143, 22573.286,
22416.714, 22853.857, 22470.857, 22818, 22871.286, 22556.143,
23892.286, 24462.857, 24733.857, 25362, 25364.571, 25308.714,
24829.429, 23317.857, 22311.857, 21318.286, 20416.857, 19566.857,
18321.714, 18124, 17355.571, 16576.571, 16000.857, 15071.857,
14638, 14945.571, 14656.429, 14284.143, 14507.143, 14462.571,
15206.571, 15541.714, 15383, 15439.714, 16313.286, 17085, 17938.571,
18105.571, 18906, 19789.286, 21027.286, 23093.857, 24061.857,
24875.429, 27381.571, 29258.714, 31881.857, 33894.286, 34410.857,
35017, 36094, 35581, 36715.714, 39050.571, 40600.857, 43012.429,
45963.143, 49258.143, 52495.857, 54990.571, 56106.571, 57866.143,
57403, 59507.857, 59828.571, 59809.857, 58003, 55797.429, 53669.714,
53100.714, 51342.571, 48675.429, 46338.857, 45101, 43359, 42120.429,
40573.714, 38350.286, 37239.429, 36016.714, 33821.571, 31923.429,
29977.286, 28667.857, 27071.286, 25606.714, 24332.286, 23821.429,
23355.571, 22476.429, 21322.571, 19902.429, 19182.857, 18427.714,
17780.571, 17142.714, 16265.857, 15238.571, 14666.286, 13950.857,
13249, 12625.857, 35721.1428, 38597.5428, 40037.2572, 42225.7716,
43869.8856, 46015.0284, 46602.9144, 48622.9716, 49383.6, 51783.2,
53799.6572, 56796, 59100.8, 60304.7428, 62707.2, 64033.2572,
65546.9144, 67076.4572, 68091.8856, 68753.6572, 69353.6572, 70009.6,
70672.8, 71233.8284, 66688.6284, 67262.9716, 65909.3716, 65532.0572,
64746.4, 65458.9144, 66555.3144, 72879.3144, 74252.4, 77641.3144,
79969.7144, 81933.0284, 84010.4572, 85141.2, 85618.1716, 85997.3716,
86092.9144, 86472.0572, 86389.7716, 85551.0284, 86927.0284, 87409.7716,
88116.1144, 86699.0856, 86705.9428, 87017.7716, 86334.9716, 85364.7428,
82740.9716, 73923.6, 75936.6856, 74116.0572, 72719.7716, 72813.4856,
72999.4856, 75328.3428, 78506.3428, 82702.8, 85723.8284, 86273.3716,
88253.1428, 89504.6284, 91951.6, 99934.4572, 97745.4284, 98015.4284,
99739.6, 99323.1428, 97949.0856, 95562.6284, 92629.0856, 89131.3716,
87081.2572, 83003.6572, 80189.1428, 77486.7428, 75091.3144, 72195.6,
70445.5428, 67798.1716, 68283.3144, 66546.9144, 64826.8572, 63430.5716,
62063.7716, 60461.0856, 59365.1428, 58407.6572, 56569.9428, 54798,
52201.8856, 50341.6, 48165.8284, 46890.6856, 44341.4284, 43251.3144,
41721.8856, 40702.7428, 38757.2, 37574.6856, 36166.5144, 34118.2856
), .Dim = c(106L, 7L), .Dimnames = list(NULL, c("China", "France",
"Germany", "Italy", "Spain", "United Kingdom", "US")), index = structure(c(18568,
18569, 18570, 18571, 18572, 18573, 18574, 18575, 18576, 18577,
18578, 18579, 18580, 18581, 18582, 18583, 18584, 18585, 18586,
18587, 18588, 18589, 18590, 18591, 18592, 18593, 18594, 18595,
18596, 18597, 18598, 18599, 18600, 18601, 18602, 18603, 18604,
18605, 18606, 18607, 18608, 18609, 18610, 18611, 18612, 18613,
18614, 18615, 18616, 18617, 18618, 18619, 18620, 18621, 18622,
18623, 18624, 18625, 18626, 18627, 18628, 18629, 18630, 18631,
18632, 18633, 18634, 18635, 18636, 18637, 18638, 18639, 18640,
18641, 18642, 18643, 18644, 18645, 18646, 18647, 18648, 18649,
18650, 18651, 18652, 18653, 18654, 18655, 18656, 18657, 18658,
18659, 18660, 18661, 18662, 18663, 18664, 18665, 18666, 18667,
18668, 18669, 18670, 18671, 18672, 18673), class = c("IDate",
"Date")), class = "zoo")
Ant this is my code (data=n) :
ggplot(aes(x = Index, y = Value, group = Series, colour = Series, linetype = Series),
data = fortify(n, melt = TRUE)) + geom_line(linetype = "solid" , size= 1) + xlab("") + ylab("")+
scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::label_number(accuracy =1,breaks = seq(from = 0,to= 80000, by=20000)), expand = c(0,0),
sec.axis = sec_axis(~ . * 2.5, labels = scales::label_number(accuracy =1),breaks= seq(from = 0,to = 250000, by=50000)))+
scale_x_date(date_label="%b/%y",date_breaks ="2 months")+
As you can see in the plot the limits for the primary y-axis goes from 25 000 to 75 000 , instead of going from 0 to 80 000 with 20 000 (increment of sequence). The same thing happen with the secondary y-axis, the limits for the secondary-y axis goes from 40 000 to 240 000 with 40 000(increment of sequence) instead of going from 0 to 250 000 with 50 000(increment of sequence).
Is there another way to specify the breaks and limits so that it is display in my plot? Thank you in advance.
Upvotes: 0
Views: 1382
Reputation: 5898
You could specify the y-axis limits with coord_cartesian
and modify your breaks in the primary y-axis.
df <- n %>% fortify(melt = TRUE) %>% as_tibble()
df %>%
ggplot(aes(x = Index, y = Value, group = Series, colour = Series, linetype = Series)) +
geom_line(linetype = "solid" , size= 1) +
xlab("") + ylab("") +
scale_y_continuous( breaks = seq(from = 0,to = 100000, by = 20000), ## Modified breaks instructions
labels = scales::label_number(accuracy = 1),
sec.axis = sec_axis(~ . * 2.5,
labels = scales::label_number(accuracy = 1),
breaks= seq(from = 0,to = 250000, by = 50000))) +
scale_x_date(date_label="%b/%y",date_breaks ="2 months") +
coord_cartesian(ylim = c(0,100000)) + ## Here is what you need to add
Upvotes: 2