Reputation: 6093
I'm running xgboost for machine learning, and after successful completion of my machine learning using XGBClassifier
, I want to make plots of the results.
A minimal working example of my input data in JSON format:
Following advice from
my script:
import mlflow
import sys
import json
import mlflow.sklearn
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split, KFold, cross_val_score
import xgboost
import shap
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score, precision_score, plot_roc_curve
def ref_to_json_file(data, filename):
f = open(filename,"w+")
def xgbclassifier_wrapper( json_file, dependent_var, output_stem):
pandasDF = pd.read_json(json_file)
bool_cols = ["Deceased", "sex"]#, 'Hospitalized', 'Respiratory_Support', 'sex']
for col in bool_cols:
pandasDF[col] = pandasDF[col]=='True'
Y = pandasDF[dependent_var]
X = pandasDF.drop([dependent_var], axis=1)
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, Y, test_size=0.2)
# With autolog() enabled, all model parameters, a model score, and the fitted model are automatically logged.
with mlflow.start_run():
# Set the model parameters.
n_estimators = 200
colsample_bytree = 0.3
learning_rate = 0.05
max_depth = 6# default 6; max. depth of a tree. Increasing this value will make the model more complex and more likely to overfit. 0 is only accepted in lossguided growing policy when tree_method is set as hist or gpu_hist and it indicates no limit on depth. Beware that XGBoost aggressively consumes memory when training a deep tree.
#min_child_rate = 0
gamma = 0 # default = 0; Minimum loss reduction required to make a further partition on a leaf node of the tree. The larger gamma is, the more conservative the algorithm will be.
# Create and train model.
xg_clf = xgboost.XGBClassifier( n_estimators=n_estimators, colsample_bytree=colsample_bytree, learning_rate=learning_rate, max_depth=max_depth), y_train)
# Use the model to make predictions on the test dataset.
predictions = xg_clf.predict(X_test)
accuracy = accuracy_score(y_test, predictions)
pre_score = precision_score(y_test, predictions)
feature_importances = pd.DataFrame(xg_clf.feature_importances_, index=X.columns, columns=['importance'])
feature_importances.to_json("data/" + output_stem + '.feature_importances.json')
kfold = KFold(n_splits=10)
results = cross_val_score(xg_clf, X, Y, cv=kfold)
accuracy = results.mean() * 100
roc = plot_roc_curve(xg_clf, X_test, y_test, name = dependent_var)
return accuracy
json_file = 'debug.json'#"/home/con/covid_study2065/data/"
if not os.path.isfile(json_file):
sys.exit("json file doesn't exist.")
deceased = xgbclassifier_wrapper(json_file, "Deceased", 'debug')
explainer = shap.TreeExplainer(deceased.xg_clf, model_output = "raw", feature_perturbation="interventional", data = deceased.X)
explainer = shap.TreeExplainer(deceased.xg_clf, model_output = "probability", feature_perturbation="interventional", data = deceased.X)
gives an error:
Exception ignored in: 'array_dealloc'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/shap/explainers/", line 1353, in __init__
SystemError: <class 'DeprecationWarning'> returned a result with an error set
Found a NULL input array in _cext_dense_tree_update_weights!
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 97, in <module>
explainer = shap.TreeExplainer(deceased.xg_clf, model_output = "probability", feature_perturbation="interventional", data = deceased.X)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/shap/explainers/", line 147, in __init__
self.model = TreeEnsemble(model,, self.data_missing, model_output)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/shap/explainers/", line 827, in __init__
self.trees = xgb_loader.get_trees(data=data, data_missing=data_missing)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/shap/explainers/", line 1522, in get_trees
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/shap/explainers/", line 1353, in __init__
SystemError: <built-in function dense_tree_update_weights> returned NULL without setting an error
When I look at deceased.xg_clf
, which is input to shap.TreeExplainer
XGBClassifier(base_score=0.5, booster='gbtree', colsample_bylevel=1,
colsample_bynode=1, colsample_bytree=0.3, gamma=0, gpu_id=-1,
importance_type='gain', interaction_constraints='',
learning_rate=0.05, max_delta_step=0, max_depth=6,
min_child_weight=1, missing=nan, monotone_constraints='()',
n_estimators=200, n_jobs=1, num_parallel_tree=1, random_state=0,
reg_alpha=0, reg_lambda=1, scale_pos_weight=1, subsample=1,
tree_method='exact', validate_parameters=1, verbosity=None)
Adjusting the input to XGBClassifer
to the same parameters that the tutorial used, viz.
xgboost.XGBClassifier(base_score=0.5, booster='gbtree', colsample_bylevel=1.0,
gamma=0.0, max_delta_step=0.0, min_child_weight=1.0,
missing=None, n_jobs=-1, objective='binary:logistic', random_state=42, reg_alpha=0.0,
reg_lambda=1.0, scale_pos_weight=1.0, tree_method='auto')
also gives the same error as my parameters.
I have literally no idea what's causing this error, and this message isn't helpful: I never did anything like array_alloc
, which I thought was a C-level thing to do.
this error also occurs when doing a parameter grid_search.
I'm running Python 3.8.0 on Ubuntu 18.04 on a VM, using shap 0.38.1
The error also occurs on Python 3.8.5. The error also occurs with Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS (Focal Fossa) 64-bit, linux kernel 5.8.044-generic x86_64.
Updating to shap version 0.39.0 did not help.
I tried updating to Python 3.8.8, but that made the situation even worse, because one of the dependencies of shap
isn't compatible with that version:
Collecting slicer==0.0.7 (from shap)
Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement slicer==0.0.7 (from shap) (from versions: )
No matching distribution found for slicer==0.0.7 (from shap)
I've opened an issue on their GitHub page:
also, my versions of xgboost, numpy, and scipy are all up-to-date:
Requirement already up-to-date: xgboost in /usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages (1.3.3)
Requirement already satisfied, skipping upgrade: numpy in /usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages (from xgboost) (1.19.5)
Requirement already satisfied, skipping upgrade: scipy in /usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages (from xgboost) (1.6.1)
How can I run the shap
or... is there some competitor to shap
that I could use?
Upvotes: 1
Views: 3214
Reputation: 471
In my case I had features with the data type 'bool' in my pandas DataFrame for training the XGBClassifier
After removing or converting these features to 'integer' this was solved.
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 6093
The solution was that there was an error in the commands to TreeExplainer. The problem is that the error message was "Less than Awesome". The solution:
import mlflow
import sys, os
import json
import mlflow.sklearn
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split, KFold, cross_val_score
import xgboost
import shap
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score, precision_score, plot_roc_curve
def ref_to_json_file(data, filename):
f = open(filename,"w+")
class xgb_result:
def __init__(self, xgb_result, X_test):
self.xgb_result = xgb_result
self.X_test = X_test
def xgbclassifier_wrapper( json_file, dependent_var, output_stem):
pandasDF = pd.read_json(json_file)
bool_cols = ["Deceased", "sex"]#, 'Hospitalized', 'Respiratory_Support', 'sex']
for col in bool_cols:
pandasDF[col] = pandasDF[col]=='True'
Y = pandasDF[dependent_var]
X = pandasDF.drop([dependent_var], axis=1)
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, Y, test_size=0.2)
# With autolog() enabled, all model parameters, a model score, and the fitted model are automatically logged.
with mlflow.start_run():
# Set the model parameters.
n_estimators = 200
colsample_bytree = 0.3
learning_rate = 0.05
max_depth = 6# default 6; max. depth of a tree. Increasing this value will make the model more complex and more likely to overfit. 0 is only accepted in lossguided growing policy when tree_method is set as hist or gpu_hist and it indicates no limit on depth. Beware that XGBoost aggressively consumes memory when training a deep tree.
#min_child_rate = 0
gamma = 0 # default = 0; Minimum loss reduction required to make a further partition on a leaf node of the tree. The larger gamma is, the more conservative the algorithm will be.
# Create and train model.
xg_clf = xgboost.XGBClassifier( n_estimators=n_estimators, colsample_bytree=colsample_bytree, learning_rate=learning_rate, max_depth=max_depth), y_train)
# Use the model to make predictions on the test dataset.
predictions = xg_clf.predict(X_test)
accuracy = accuracy_score(y_test, predictions)
pre_score = precision_score(y_test, predictions)
feature_importances = pd.DataFrame(xg_clf.feature_importances_, index=X.columns, columns=['importance'])
feature_importances.to_json("data/" + output_stem + '.feature_importances.json')
kfold = KFold(n_splits=10)
results = cross_val_score(xg_clf, X, Y, cv=kfold)
accuracy = results.mean() * 100
roc = plot_roc_curve(xg_clf, X_test, y_test, name = dependent_var)
return_object = xgb_result(xg_clf, X_test)
return return_object
json_file = 'debug.json'#"/home/con/covid_study2065/data/"
if not os.path.isfile(json_file):
sys.exit("json file doesn't exist.")
deceased = xgbclassifier_wrapper(json_file, "Deceased", 'debug')
shap_values = shap.TreeExplainer(deceased.xgb_result).shap_values(deceased.X_test)
shap_interaction_values = shap.TreeExplainer(deceased.xgb_result).shap_interaction_values(deceased.X_test)
#explainer = shap.TreeExplainer(deceased, model_output = "raw", feature_perturbation="interventional", data = deceased.X)
#explainer = shap.TreeExplainer(deceased.xg_clf, model_output = "probability", feature_perturbation="interventional", data = deceased.X)
Upvotes: 0