Reputation: 5977
I'm very new to scala and the quest of adapting scala specific patterns is on going. The goal is to separate messages proccessing and message generation. There is base covariant parametrized type representing a message handling. The specific realization may be combained by regular mixin or by mixing underlying protocols.
The requirments are:
Extend as simaple as possible
Be type-safe to prevent stupid mistakes
I've come with the clean sample code (contains both definition and using):
trait Protocol
trait Handler [+proto <: Protocol] {
def handle : PartialFunction[Protocol,Unit]
/* can not name the actual protocol type since handler for a subtype also fully supports handling supertype
besides any message extends other subtype ot the supertype since the scala use matching with case classes
and these algebraic type realization is seemed excluded from strait scala type system
using scenario
trait SumMsg extends Protocol
case class Sum(op : Int) extends SumMsg
case class Sub(op : Int) extends SumMsg
trait ProdMsg extends Protocol
case class Mul(op : Int) extends ProdMsg
case class Diff(op : Int) extends ProdMsg {
require (0 != op, "Division by zero is not permited")
/* stackable traites */
trait NullHandler {
def handle : PartialFunction[Protocol,Unit] = { case _ => {} }
trait SumHandler extends Handler [SumMsg] with NullHandler{
var store : Int
abstract override def handle : PartialFunction[Protocol,Unit] = ({
case Sum(op) => { += op}
case Sub(op) => { -= op}
}: PartialFunction[Protocol,Unit]) orElse super.handle
trait MulHandler extends Handler [ProdMsg] with NullHandler{
var store : Int
abstract override def handle : PartialFunction[Protocol,Unit] = ({
case Mul(op) => { *= op}
case Diff(op) => { /= op}
}: PartialFunction[Protocol,Unit]) orElse super.handle
/* concrete classes */
class SumAccum (var store: Int) extends SumHandler
class MulAccum (var store: Int) extends MulHandler
class ArithmAccum (var store: Int) extends SumHandler with MulHandler
/* producers */
class ProduceSums (val accum : Handler [SumMsg]) {
var state : Boolean = true
def touch() = if (this.state)
this.state = false
} else {
this.state = true
class ProduceProds (val accum : Handler [ProdMsg]) {
var state : Boolean = true
def touch() = if (this.state)
this.state = false
} else {
this.state = true
/* tying together via cake pattern */
trait ProtocolComp {
type Proto <: Protocol
trait ProducerComp { this: ProtocolComp =>
type ProducerT <: {def touch()}
def getProducer(accum : Handler[Proto]) : ProducerT
trait HandlerComp { this: ProtocolComp =>
type HandlerT <: Handler[Proto]
def getHandler(store:Int) : HandlerT
trait AppComp extends ProtocolComp with ProducerComp with HandlerComp {
val initStore = 1
def test() {
val handler = getHandler(initStore)
val producer = getProducer(handler)
/* different examples of compositions */
/* correct usage */
object One extends AppComp{
override type Proto = SumMsg
override type ProducerT = ProduceSums
override type HandlerT = SumAccum
override def getProducer(accum : Handler[Proto]) = new ProduceSums(accum)
override def getHandler(store : Int) = new SumAccum(store)
object Two extends AppComp{
override type Proto = SumMsg
override type ProducerT = ProduceSums
override type HandlerT = ArithmAccum
override def getProducer(accum : Handler[Proto]) = new ProduceSums(accum)
override def getHandler(store : Int) = new ArithmAccum(store)
object Three extends AppComp{
override type Proto = SumMsg with ProdMsg
override type ProducerT = ProduceSums
override type HandlerT = ArithmAccum
override def getProducer(accum : Handler[Proto]) = new ProduceSums(accum)
override def getHandler(store : Int) = new ArithmAccum(store)
/* incorrect usage
static type checking protects from some kind of logic errors
object Four extends AppComp{
override type Proto = SumMsg
override type ProducerT = ProduceProds
override type HandlerT = SumAccum
override def getProducer(accum : Handler[Proto]) = new ProduceProds(accum)
override def getHandler(store : Int) = new SumAccum(store)
Last example is not well typed and gives an error as expected:
mixed.scala:140: error: type mismatch;
found : Handler[Four.Proto]
required: Handler[ProdMsg]
override def getProducer(accum : Handler[Proto]) = new ProduceProds(accum)
I've build a flexible system with simple combining and extending, yet as typesafe as possible for using scala's case classes instead of alegraic types
I've almost achieve my goal, but met a big scala misfunction: type erasure of underlying jvm. The constructions I've used is illegal for scala since I want parametrized trait be extendiable with "with" clause.
Compiler complaining about
mixed.scala:53: error: illegal inheritance;
class ArithmAccum inherits different type instances of trait Handler:
Handler[ProdMsg] and Handler[SumMsg]
class ArithmAccum (var store: Int) extends SumHandler with MulHandler
What options do I have? I can't use the pattern I've designed and need to find an equal replacement by usability. May anoyone suggest alternative source code solution? Is there a scala plugin (they seemed to exist for compiler) or another method to change backends for scala parametrized types from java generics to c++ like code generation?
Upvotes: 4
Views: 401
Reputation: 3034
Your problem is not the type erasure of the JVM but Scala's use of linearization for resolving inheritance.
Remove the type parameter [+proto <: Protocol] from Handler. It isn't used by the handle method, anyway. Then your illegal inheritance error will go away.
Upvotes: 2