Reputation: 1609
Below is the simplified code that has a Map with key and value as case class. Key and value object are successfully serialized with circe. But facing challenge to serialize Map[CaseClassKey, CaseClassValue] with circe.
//////case classes and common vals starts here//////
case class Person(personId : Int, phoneNumber : Int)
case class Item(name : String)
case class Basket(items : List[Item], bills : Map[Int, Int])
def createBasketInstance() : Basket = {
val milk = Item("milk")
val coffee = Item("coffee")
val bills = Map(1 -> 20, 2 -> 75)
Basket( List(milk, coffee), bills )
val basket = createBasketInstance()
val person = Person(1, 987654)
//////case classes and common vals ends here//////
import io.circe._
import io.circe.generic.semiauto._
import io.circe.syntax._
import io.circe.parser._
//Serializing Person instance that is used as Key in Map
implicit val personCodec :Codec[Person] = deriveCodec[Person]
val jsonString = person.asJson.spaces2
println("-" * 50)
//Serializing Basket instance that is used as Value in Map
implicit val itemCodec :Codec[Item] = deriveCodec[Item]
implicit val basketCodec :Codec[Basket] = deriveCodec[Basket]
val jsonString = basket.asJson.spaces2
println("-" * 50)
//Serializing Map[Person, Basket]
//TODO : not able to make it work
implicit val itemCodec :Codec[Item] = deriveCodec[Item]
implicit val basketCodec :Codec[Basket] = deriveCodec[Basket]
val map = Map(person -> basket)
//TODO : How to make below lines work
//val jsonString = map.asJson.spaces2
scalafiddle link :
Note : Looking to just serialize and deserialize data (Map[Person, Basket]) correctly. How json looks is not really important in this particular case.
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Views: 660
Reputation: 553
Strictly speaking, you are trying to create an invalid json. Json map structure isn't an arbitrary map, it's an object structure where keys are property names.
See also Can we make object as key in map when using JSON?
I suggest a slight change to your model to get the job done. Instead of Map use array of objects, each having two properties: key and value
Something like this:
case class Entry(key: Person, value: Basket)
So you can replace Map[Person, Basket] with Seq[Entry], and convert it back to Map if needed.
Upvotes: 3