Reputation: 7129
I have a simple lazy binary tree implementation:
CoInductive LTree (A : Set) : Set :=
| LLeaf : LTree A
| LBin : A -> (LTree A) -> (LTree A) -> LTree A.
And following properties:
(* Having some infinite branch *)
CoInductive SomeInfinite {A} : LTree A -> Prop :=
SomeInfinite_LBin :
forall (a : A) (l r : LTree A), (SomeInfinite l \/ SomeInfinite r) ->
SomeInfinite (LBin _ a l r).
(* Having only finite branches (i.e. being finite) *)
Inductive AllFinite {A} : LTree A -> Prop :=
| AllFinite_LLeaf : AllFinite (LLeaf A)
| AllFinite_LBin :
forall (a : A) (l r : LTree A), (AllFinite l /\ AllFinite r) ->
AllFinite (LBin _ a l r).
I would like to prove a theorem that states that a finite tree does not have any infinite branches:
Theorem allfinite_noinfinite : forall {A} (t : LTree A), AllFinite t -> not (SomeInfinite t).
...but I got lost after first few tactics. The hypothesis itself seems pretty trivial, but I cannot even start with it. What would proving of such a theorem look like?
Upvotes: 1
Views: 107
Reputation: 1217
The proof is actually not difficult (but you stumbled upon some annoying quirks): to start, the main idea of the proof is that you have an inductive witness that t
is finite, so you can do an induction on that witness concluding with a contradiction when t
is just a leaf and reusing the inductive hypothesis when it is a binary node.
Now the annoying problem is that Coq does not derive the right induction principle for AllFinite
because of /\
: compare
Inductive AllFinite {A} : LTree A -> Prop :=
| AllFinite_LLeaf : AllFinite (LLeaf A)
| AllFinite_LBin :
forall (a : A) (l r : LTree A), AllFinite l /\ AllFinite r ->
AllFinite (LBin _ a l r).
Check AllFinite_ind.
(* AllFinite_ind *)
(* : forall (A : Set) (P : LTree A -> Prop), *)
(* P (LLeaf A) -> *)
(* (forall (a : A) (l r : LTree A), *)
(* AllFinite l /\ AllFinite r -> P (LBin A a l r)) -> *)
(* forall l : LTree A, AllFinite l -> P l *)
Inductive AllFinite' {A} : LTree A -> Prop :=
| AllFinite'_LLeaf : AllFinite' (LLeaf A)
| AllFinite'_LBin :
forall (a : A) (l r : LTree A), AllFinite' l -> AllFinite' r ->
AllFinite' (LBin _ a l r).
Check AllFinite'_ind.
(* AllFinite'_ind *)
(* : forall (A : Set) (P : LTree A -> Prop), *)
(* P (LLeaf A) -> *)
(* (forall (a : A) (l r : LTree A), *)
(* AllFinite' l -> P l -> AllFinite' r -> P r -> P (LBin A a l r)) -> *)
(* forall l : LTree A, AllFinite' l -> P l *)
In the inductive case, the first version does not give you the expected inductive hypothesis. So either you can change your AllFinite
to AllFInite'
, or you need to reprove the induction principle by hand.
Upvotes: 2