Reputation: 3
Hi I've tried to parse my JSON but I couldn't get my data from it, (I used SwiftyJSON) how can I parse this ugly JSON?
//Mark: parser functions:
private func parseProvincesResult(provincesJSON: JSON, completion: @escaping(_ :ProvincesV2) -> Void) {
let errorCode: Int = provincesJSON["ErrorCode"].intValue
let errorDescriptions: String = provincesJSON["ErrorString"].stringValue
let newMacKey: String = provincesJSON["NewMacKey"].stringValue
let newPinKey: String = provincesJSON["NewPinKey"].stringValue
let version: Int = provincesJSON["Ver"].intValue
var provinceList: [ProvinceListResult] = []
for i in provincesJSON["ProvinceListResult"].arrayValue {
let id: Int = i["Id"].intValue
let name: String = i["Name"].stringValue
let proList = ProvinceListResult(id: id, name: name)
let model = ProvincesV2(errorCode: errorCode, errorDescriptions: errorDescriptions, newMacKey: newMacKey, newPinKey: newPinKey, version: version, provinceList: provinceList)
and my JSON is:
"ErrorString":"عملیات با موفقیت انجام شد.",
"ProvinceListResult":[{"Id":1,"Name":"آذربايجان شرقي"},
{"Id":2,"Name":"آذربايجان غربي"},
{"Id":9,"Name":"چهارمحال و بختياري"},
{"Id":10,"Name":"خراسان جنوبي"},{"Id":11,"Name":"خراسان رضوي"},{"Id":12,"Name":"خراسان شمالي"},{"Id":13,"Name":"خوزستان"},{"Id":14,"Name":"زنجان"},{"Id":15,"Name":"سمنان"},{"Id":16,"Name":"سيستان و بلوچستان"},{"Id":17,"Name":"فارس"},{"Id":18,"Name":"قزوين"},{"Id":19,"Name":"قم"},{"Id":20,"Name":"کردستان"},{"Id":21,"Name":"کرمان"},{"Id":22,"Name":"کرمانشاه"},{"Id":23,"Name":"کهکيلويه و بويراحمد"},{"Id":24,"Name":"گلستان"},{"Id":25,"Name":"گيلان"},{"Id":26,"Name":"لرستان"},{"Id":27,"Name":"مازندران"},{"Id":28,"Name":"مرکزي"},{"Id":29,"Name":"هرمزگان"},{"Id":30,"Name":"همدان"},{"Id":31,"Name":"يزد"},{"Id":44,"Name":"کیش"}]}
how can I parse It? tnx
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Views: 49
Reputation: 432
create two models for parse JSON
first for the province:
public struct ProvinceModel {
var id: Int?
var name: String?
init(json: JSON) { = json["Id"].int = json["Name"].string
with a constructor, you can parse JSON and set data to variables.
and second model:
public struct MyJSONModel {
var errorString: String?
var newMacKey: String?
var newPinKey: String?
var Ver: Int?
var Provinces: [ProvinceModel]?
init(json: JSON) {
// simple parse
self.errorString = json["ErrorCode"].string
self.newMacKey = json["NewMacKey"].string
self.newPinKey = json["NewPinKey"].string
self.Ver = json["Ver"].int
// array
self.Provinces = [] // empty array
if let jsonArray = json["ProvinceListResult"].array {
for json in jsonArray {
let ProvinceObject = ProvinceModel.init(json: json)
for parse province items in the array, you must create a loop and create an object then set in variables
I prefer to use a constructor for parse JSON instead of a custom function.
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Reputation: 52625
Using Codable, you could do this:
import Foundation
// MARK: - Welcome
struct Welcome: Codable {
let errorCode, errorString, newMACKey, newPinKey: String
let ver: Int
let provinceListResult: [ProvinceListResult]
enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case errorCode = "ErrorCode"
case errorString = "ErrorString"
case newMACKey = "NewMacKey"
case newPinKey = "NewPinKey"
case ver = "Ver"
case provinceListResult = "ProvinceListResult"
// MARK: - ProvinceListResult
struct ProvinceListResult: Codable {
let id: Int
let name: String
enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case id = "Id"
case name = "Name"
(generated by
And getting a value out might look like:
let welcome = try? JSONDecoder().decode(Welcome.self, from: jsonData)
If your original data is in String
form, it can be converted to Data
by doing this: .utf8)!
Upvotes: 1