Reputation: 21
I am designing a web application where users can have trade bots running. So they will sign in, pay for membership then they will create a bot, enter the credentials and start the bot. The user can stop / start the trade bot.
I am trying to do this using kubernetes, so I will have everything running on kubernetes. I will create a namespace named bots and all bots for all clients will be running inside this bot namespace.
Stack is : python (django framework ) + mysql + aws + kubernetes
question: Is there a way to programmatically create a pod using python ? I want to integrate with the application code. So when user clicks on create new bot it will start a new pod running with all the parameters for the specific user.
Basically each pod will be a tenant. But a tenant can have multiple pods / bots. So how do that ? Is there any kubernetes python lib that does it ? I did some online search but didn't find anything. Thanks
Upvotes: 1
Views: 9031
Reputation: 51
As noted by Harsh Manvar, you can user the official Kubernetes Python client. Here is a short function which allows to do it.
from kubernetes import client, config, utils
from kubernetes.client.api import core_v1_api
c = Configuration().get_default_copy()
except AttributeError:
c = Configuration()
c.assert_hostname = False
self.core_v1 = core_v1_api.CoreV1Api()
def open_pod(self, cmd: list,
pod_name: str,
namespace: str='bots',
image: str=f'{repository}:{tag}',
restartPolicy: str='Never',
serviceAccountName: str='bots-service-account'):
This method launches a pod in kubernetes cluster according to command
api_response = None
api_response = self.core_v1.read_namespaced_pod(name=pod_name,
except ApiException as e:
if e.status != 404:
print("Unknown error: %s" % e)
if not api_response:
print(f'From {os.path.basename(__file__)}: Pod {pod_name} does not exist. Creating it...')
# Create pod manifest
pod_manifest = {
'apiVersion': 'v1',
'kind': 'Pod',
'metadata': {
'labels': {
'bot': current-bot
'name': pod_name
'spec': {
'containers': [{
'image': image,
'pod-running-timeout': '5m0s',
'name': f'container',
'args': cmd,
'env': [
{'name': 'env_variable', 'value': env_value},
# 'imagePullSecrets': client.V1LocalObjectReference(name='regcred'), # together with a service-account, allows to access private repository docker image
'restartPolicy': restartPolicy,
'serviceAccountName': bots-service-account
print(f'POD MANIFEST:\n{pod_manifest}')
api_response = self.core_v1.create_namespaced_pod(body=pod_manifest, namespace=namespace)
while True:
api_response = self.core_v1.read_namespaced_pod(name=pod_name,
if api_response.status.phase != 'Pending':
print(f'From {os.path.basename(__file__)}: Pod {pod_name} in {namespace} created.')
return pod_name
For further investigation, refer to the examples in the official github repo:
Upvotes: 4
Reputation: 30160
you can use the official Python Kubernetes client to create and manage the POD across the cluster programmatically.
You can keep one YAML file and replace the values into as per requirement like Deployment Name, Ports and apply the files to the cluster it will create the POD with base image.
Upvotes: 1