
Reputation: 607

Conditional filtering not working in shiny app

I am building a shiny app in R that will: i) use two radiobuttons to filter a data set, ii) plot the filtered data set, and iii) use brushpoints to identify outlier points for futher inspection.

Below is a short version of my data set as well as the shiny code. The filtering based on the first radiobutton appears to be working correctly. However, the wheels come off the bus with the filtering based on the second radiobuttion. I am trying to setup the code so that values >= the value of the second radiobutton are plotted, but this is not happening and I have not figured out what the problem is.

Here is where I think the problem is...but I am at a loss at this point.

plot_subset_df <- reactive({
    filter(sub_react$data, CODE == input$CODE & DAYS_DIFFERENCE <= input$DAYS_DIFFERENCE)})

While much of this code is written in dplyr and DT, I trying to move to base all solutions are welcome.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Example data set

1   0.81    0   BROA    16  8   1986    64.35
2   NA  NA  BROA    16  8   1986    64.35
1   0.67    7   BROA    4   9   1987    60.48
2   NA  NA  BROA    4   9   1987    60.48
1   0.67    14  BROA    29  9   1987    58.68
2   1   14  BROA    29  9   1987    58.68
1   0.96    20  BROA    21  8   1988    36.72
2   NA  NA  BROA    21  8   1988    36.72
1   0.96    0   BROA    15  9   1988    38.43
2   NA  NA  BROA    15  9   1988    38.43
1   0.76    10  BROA    24  10  1988    57.69
2   NA  NA  BROA    24  10  1988    57.69
1   0.76    3   BROA    9   11  1988    41.49
2   NA  NA  BROA    9   11  1988    41.49
1   1   14  DULB    18  8   1986    64.35
2   NA  NA  DULB    18  8   1986    64.35
1   0.5 30  DULB    20  7   1987    60.48
2   NA  NA  DULB    20  7   1987    60.48
1   0.7 10  DULB    8   10  1987    58.68
2   NA  NA  DULB    8   10  1987    58.68
1   2   3   DULB    24  10  1987    36.72
2   NA  NA  DULB    24  10  1987    36.72
1   3   0   DULB    9   11  1987    38.43
2   3.5 0   DULB    9   11  1987    38.43
1   1.5 7   DULB    25  11  1987    57.69
2   NA  NA  DULB    25  11  1987    57.69
1   0.6 20  DULB    11  12  1987    41.49
2   1.2 20  DULB    11  12  1987    41.49
1   3.3 25  DULB    27  12  1987    64.35
2   2.3 25  DULB    27  12  1987    64.35
1   4.2 40  DULB    13  2   1988    60.48
2   NA  NA  DULB    13  2   1988    60.48
1   1   50  DULB    29  2   1988    58.68
2   NA  NA  DULB    29  2   1988    58.68
", header = TRUE)

Current version of code


# Setup data set
sub$NUMBER = as.factor(sub$NUMBER)

# Shiny code
ui <- fluidPage(
    radioButtons("CODE", "SWMMP code",
                 choices = unique(sub$CODE)),
    radioButtons("DAYS_DIFFERENCE", "Days difference",
                 choices = c("0" = 0,
                             "3" = 3,
                             "7" = 7,
                             "10" = 10,
                             "14" = 14,
                             "20" = 20,
                             "25" = 25,
                             "30" = 30,
                             "All" = 100000))
    plotOutput("plot1", brush = "plot_brush"),

server <- function(input, output, session) {
  # Make data set reactive values
  sub_react = reactiveValues(data = sub)
  # Get data for plot
  plot_subset_df <- reactive({
    filter(sub_react$data, CODE == input$CODE & DAYS_DIFFERENCE <= input$DAYS_DIFFERENCE)
  # Make plot
  output$plot1 <- renderPlot({
    ggplot(plot_subset_df(), aes(x = DEPTH, y = INHA)) + 
      geom_point(aes(size = 5, color = NUMBER))+
      theme(legend.position = "top",
            legend.title = element_blank(),
            panel.background = element_blank(),
            panel.grid.major = element_blank(), 
            panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
            axis.line = element_line(colour = "black"))
  # Display rows of data highlighted in plot
  brushed_df <- reactive({
    brushedPoints(plot_subset_df(), input$plot_brush, xvar = "DEPTH", yvar = "INHA", 
                  allRows = FALSE)})
  # Render highlighted data in plot
  output$dt_of_brushed_points = renderDT(brushed_df(), selection = 'none', editable = TRUE)
  # Show actual data frame to check edits are correct
  output$actual_data_brushed <- renderPrint({brushed_df()})
  #output$actual_data_full <- renderPrint({sub_react$data})
  # Transfer edits from top table to bottom table
  proxy = dataTableProxy('dt_of_brushed_points')
  observeEvent(input$dt_of_brushed_points_cell_edit, {
    info = input$dt_of_brushed_points_cell_edit
    i = info$row
    j = info$col
    v = info$value
    row_to_change <-  brushed_df()[i, 1]
    sub_react$data[row_to_change, j] <- isolate(coerceValue(v, sub_react$data[row_to_change, j]))
    replaceData(proxy, sub_react$data, resetPaging = FALSE)})  

shinyApp(ui, server)

Upvotes: 0

Views: 528

Answers (2)

Ronak Shah
Ronak Shah

Reputation: 388817

The issue is input$DAYS_DIFFERENCE is of type character. For example, if you compare "7" with values 1:20 only 8 and 9 are shown greater than 7.

which(1:20 > "7")
#[1] 8 9

change input$DAYS_DIFFERENCE to numeric/integer before filtering the data.

plot_subset_df <- reactive({
    filter(sub_react$data, CODE == input$CODE & 
           DAYS_DIFFERENCE >= as.numeric(input$DAYS_DIFFERENCE))

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 6132

To me it seems like the problem could be the NAs in your DAYS_DIFFERENCE column. You may consider to use:

plot_subset_df <- reactive({
  filter(sub_react$data, CODE == input$CODE & DAYS_DIFFERENCE %in% 

Also, please notice in your question you mention >=, but in your code <=.

At last, notice that your axes changes all the time when applying another value for your DAYS_DIFFERENCE column, so sometimes the plot seems to change more than it really does when changing the input.

Upvotes: 1

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