Reputation: 643
How is IO monad actually implemented?in sense of, what would be the actual implementation of the main
How would I call haskell function (IO) from another language and do I in that case need to maintain IO my self?
Does main
pulls IO actions (Lazily) as references and then call them?
Or it is interpreter job, when it found actions in its way it can call them?
Or maybe something else?
Is there good IO monad implementation in different language which can help to deeply understand what happening in main function?
Such hGetContents
confuses me a lot, and makes me unsure how IO is really implemented.
Ok, let's say I have very simple pure Haskell interpreter witch unfortunately has no IO support and for curiosity I want to add this IO actions to it (unsafeIO
tricks also). It is hard to get it from GHC, Hugs or others.
Upvotes: 16
Views: 6042
Reputation: 505
Note: my experience with Clean is minimal - consider yourself warned!
Based on System.IO, using a variation of an approach described by F. Warren Burton:
definition module System.Alt.IO
from Control.Applicative import class pure, class <*>, class Applicative
from Data.Functor import class Functor
from Control.Monad import class Monad
from StdOverloaded import class toString
from System._OI import OI
:: IO a = IO .(*OI -> a)
execIO :: !(IO a) !*World -> *World
evalIO :: !(IO a) !*World -> *(a, !*World)
withOI :: (*OI -> .a) -> IO .a
putStr :: String -> IO ()
putStrLn :: String -> IO ()
print :: a -> IO () | toString a
getChar :: IO Char
getLine :: IO String
readFileM :: !String -> IO String
writeFileM :: !String !String -> IO ()
instance Functor IO
instance pure IO
instance <*> IO
instance Monad IO
unsafePerformIO :: !(*OI -> .a) -> .a
unsafePerformIOTrue :: !(*OI -> a) -> Bool
implementation module System.Alt.IO
import StdFile
from StdFunc import o, id
import StdMisc
import StdString
import System._OI
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Data.Functor
from Text import class Text (trim), instance Text String
execIO :: !(IO a) !*World -> *World
execIO (IO g) world
# (u, world) = newOI world
#! x = g u
= world
evalIO :: !(IO a) !*World -> *(a, !*World)
evalIO (IO g) world
# (u, world) = newOI world
#! x = g u
= (x, world)
withWorld :: (*World -> *(.a, *World)) -> IO .a
withWorld f = IO g
g u
# (x, world) = f (getWorld u)
= from_world "withWorld" x world
instance Functor IO
fmap f x = x >>= (lift o f)
instance pure IO
pure x = IO (\u -> case partOI u of (_, _) = x)
instance <*> IO
(<*>) f g = liftA2 id f g
instance Monad IO where
bind ma a2mb = IO (run ma)
run (IO g) u
# (u1, u2) = partOI u
#! x = g u1
# (IO k) = a2mb x
= k u2
putStr :: String -> IO ()
putStr str = withWorld f
f world
# (out, world) = stdio world
# out = fwrites str out
# (_, world) = fclose out world
= ((), world)
putStrLn :: String -> IO ()
putStrLn str = putStr (str +++ "\n")
print :: a -> IO () | toString a
print x = putStrLn (toString x)
getChar :: IO Char
getChar = withWorld f
f world
# (input, world) = stdio world
# (ok, c, input) = freadc input
# (_, world) = fclose input world
= (c, world)
getLine :: IO String
getLine = withWorld f
f world
# (input, world) = stdio world
# (str, input) = freadline input
# (_, world) = fclose input world
= (trim str, world)
readFileM :: !String -> IO String
readFileM name = withWorld f
f world
# (ok, file, world) = fopen name FReadText world
# (str, file) = freads file 16777216
# (ok, world) = fclose file world
= (str, world)
writeFileM :: !String !String -> IO ()
writeFileM name txt = withWorld f
f world
# (ok, file, world) = fopen name FWriteText world
# file = fwrites txt file
# (ok, world) = fclose file world
= ((), world)
unsafePerformIO :: !(*OI -> .a) -> .a
unsafePerformIO f
#! x = f make_oi
= x
unsafePerformIOTrue :: !(*OI -> a) -> Bool
unsafePerformIOTrue f
#! x = f make_oi
= True
# (u, w) = newOI make_world
= from_world "make_oi" u w
from_world :: String a !*World -> a
from_world name x world
| world_to_true world = x
| otherwise = abort ("error in +++ name +++ "\n")
world_to_true :: !*World -> Bool
world_to_true world
= code inline {
pop_a 1
pushB TRUE
= code {
fillI 65536 0
definition module System._OI
from StdFunc import id
:: OI
partOI :: *OI -> *(*OI, *OI)
newOI :: *World -> *(*OI, *World)
getWorld :: *OI -> *World
implementation module System._OI
:: OI = OI
partOI :: !*OI -> *(*OI, *OI) // NOTE - this may need
partOI u // to be defined with
# u1 = OI // ABC instructions
# u2 = id OI
= (u1, u2)
newOI :: !*World -> *(*OI, *World) // ...or: Start :: *OI -> ()
newOI world
= (OI, world)
getWorld :: !*OI -> *World // only needed because I/O
getWorld OI // operations in Clean 3.0
= code inline { fillA 65536 0 } // rely on World values
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 9335
In fact "IO a" is just "() -> a" in an impure language (where functions can have side effect). Let's say you want to implement IO in SML :
structure Io : MONAD =
type 'a t = unit -> 'a
return x = fn () => x
fun (ma >>= g) () = let a = ma ()
in g a ()
executeIo ma = ma ()
Upvotes: 3
With Java 8 Lambdas, you can take the code from Rotsor's answer above, remove the Function class as Java 8 provides a FunctionalInterface with does the same thing and remove the anonymous class cruft to achieve cleaner looking code like so:
import java.util.function.Function;
import static*;
import static*;
* This is a type containing no data -- corresponds to () in Haskell.
class Unit {
// -- Unit$
public final static Unit VALUE = new Unit();
private Unit() {
/** This type represents an action, yielding type R */
interface IO<R> {
/** Warning! May have arbitrary side-effects! */
R unsafePerformIO();
* This, internally impure, provides pure interface for action sequencing (aka
* Monad)
interface IOMonad {
// -- IOMonad$
static <T> IO<T> pure(final T value) {
return () -> value;
static <T> IO<T> join(final IO<IO<T>> action) {
return () -> action.unsafePerformIO().unsafePerformIO();
static <A, B> IO<B> fmap(final Function<A, B> func, final IO<A> action) {
return () -> func.apply(action.unsafePerformIO());
static <A, B> IO<B> bind(IO<A> action, Function<A, IO<B>> func) {
return join(fmap(func, action));
* This, internally impure, provides pure interface for interaction with stdin
* and stdout
interface ConsoleIO {
// -- ConsoleIO$
static IO<Unit> putStrLn(final String line) {
return () -> {
return Unit.VALUE;
final static Function<String, IO<Unit>> putStrLn = arg -> putStrLn(arg);
final static BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
static IO<String> getLine = () -> {
try {
return in.readLine();
catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
/** The program composed out of IO actions in a purely functional manner. */
interface Main {
// -- Main$
/** A variant of bind, which discards the bound value. */
static IO<Unit> bind_(final IO<Unit> a, final IO<Unit> b) {
return bind(a, arg -> b);
* The greeting action -- asks the user for his name and then prints
* greeting
final static IO<Unit> greet = bind_(putStrLn("Enter your name:"),
bind(getLine, arg -> putStrLn("Hello, " + arg + "!")));
/** A simple echo action -- reads a line, prints it back */
final static IO<Unit> echo = bind(getLine, putStrLn);
* A function taking some action and producing the same action run repeatedly
* forever (modulo stack overflow :D)
static IO<Unit> loop(final IO<Unit> action) {
return bind(action, arg -> loop(action));
/** The action corresponding to the whole program */
final static IO<Unit> main = bind_(greet, bind_(putStrLn("Entering the echo loop."), loop(echo)));
/** The runtime system, doing impure stuff to actually run our program. */
public interface RTS {
// -- RTS$
public static void main(String[] args) {
Note that I also changed class-declared static methods to interface-declared static methods. Why? No particular reason, just that you can in Java 8.
Upvotes: 11
Reputation: 11962
in GHC 7.10.The IO
type is essentially a state monad at type State# RealWorld
(defined in GHC.Types
{- |
A value of type @'IO' a@ is a computation which, when performed,
does some I\/O before returning a value of type @a@.
There is really only one way to \"perform\" an I\/O action: bind it to
@Main.main@ in your program. When your program is run, the I\/O will
be performed. It isn't possible to perform I\/O from an arbitrary
function, unless that function is itself in the 'IO' monad and called
at some point, directly or indirectly, from @Main.main@.
'IO' is a monad, so 'IO' actions can be combined using either the do-notation
or the '>>' and '>>=' operations from the 'Monad' class.
newtype IO a = IO (State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, a #))
The IO
monad is strict, because bindIO
is defined by case
matching (defined in GHC.Base
instance Monad IO where
{-# INLINE return #-}
{-# INLINE (>>) #-}
{-# INLINE (>>=) #-}
m >> k = m >>= \ _ -> k
return = returnIO
(>>=) = bindIO
fail s = failIO s
returnIO :: a -> IO a
returnIO x = IO $ \ s -> (# s, x #)
bindIO :: IO a -> (a -> IO b) -> IO b
bindIO (IO m) k = IO $ \ s -> case m s of (# new_s, a #) -> unIO (k a) new_s
This implementation is discussed in a blog post by Edward Yang.
Upvotes: 6
Reputation: 13793
Here is an example of how one could implement the IO monad in Java:
import static*;
import static*;
* This is a type containing no data -- corresponds to () in Haskell.
class Unit {
public final static Unit VALUE = new Unit();
* This type represents a function from A to R
interface Function<A,R> {
public R apply(A argument);
* This type represents an action, yielding type R
interface IO<R> {
* Warning! May have arbitrary side-effects!
R unsafePerformIO();
* This class, internally impure, provides pure interface for action sequencing (aka Monad)
class IOMonad {
static <T> IO<T> pure(final T value) {
return new IO<T>() {
public T unsafePerformIO() {
return value;
static <T> IO<T> join(final IO<IO<T>> action) {
return new IO<T>(){
public T unsafePerformIO() {
return action.unsafePerformIO().unsafePerformIO();
static <A,B> IO<B> fmap(final Function<A,B> func, final IO<A> action) {
return new IO<B>(){
public B unsafePerformIO() {
return func.apply(action.unsafePerformIO());
static <A,B> IO<B> bind(IO<A> action, Function<A, IO<B>> func) {
return join(fmap(func, action));
* This class, internally impure, provides pure interface for interaction with stdin and stdout
class ConsoleIO {
static IO<Unit> putStrLn(final String line) {
return new IO<Unit>() {
public Unit unsafePerformIO() {
return Unit.VALUE;
// Java does not have first-class functions, thus this:
final static Function<String, IO<Unit>> putStrLn = new Function<String, IO<Unit>>() {
public IO<Unit> apply(String argument) {
return putStrLn(argument);
final static BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
static IO<String> getLine = new IO<String>() {
public String unsafePerformIO() {
try {
return in.readLine();
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
* The program composed out of IO actions in a purely functional manner.
class Main {
* A variant of bind, which discards the bound value.
static IO<Unit> bind_(final IO<Unit> a, final IO<Unit> b) {
return bind(a, new Function<Unit, IO<Unit>>(){
public IO<Unit> apply(Unit argument) {
return b;
* The greeting action -- asks the user for his name and then prints a greeting
final static IO<Unit> greet =
bind_(putStrLn("Enter your name:"),
bind(getLine, new Function<String, IO<Unit>>(){
public IO<Unit> apply(String argument) {
return putStrLn("Hello, " + argument + "!");
* A simple echo action -- reads a line, prints it back
final static IO<Unit> echo = bind(getLine, putStrLn);
* A function taking some action and producing the same action run repeatedly forever (modulo stack overflow :D)
static IO<Unit> loop(final IO<Unit> action) {
return bind(action, new Function<Unit, IO<Unit>>(){
public IO<Unit> apply(Unit argument) {
return loop(action);
* The action corresponding to the whole program
final static IO<Unit> main = bind_(greet, bind_(putStrLn("Entering the echo loop."),loop(echo)));
* The runtime system, doing impure stuff to actually run our program.
public class RTS {
public static void main(String[] args) {
This is a runtime system implementing interface to the console I/O together with a small purely functional program which greets the user and then runs an echo loop.
One can't implement the unsafe part in Haskell because Haskell is purely functional language. It is always implemented with lower-level facilities.
Upvotes: 28
Reputation: 202705
If you want to understand the implementation of the IO monad, it's very well described in an award-winning paper by Phil Wadler and Simon Peyton Jones, who were the ones who figured out how to use monads to do input/output in a pure language. The paper is Imperative Functional Programming and is on both authors' web sites.
Upvotes: 9
Reputation: 153237
I will leave the question of implementing IO to other people who know a bit more. (Though I will point out, as I'm sure they will as well, that the real question isn't "How is IO implemented in Haskell?" but rather "How is IO implemented in GHC?" or "How is IO implemented in Hugs?", etc. I imagine the implementations vary enormously.) However, this question:
how to call haskell function (IO) from another language and do I in that case need to maintain IO my self? answered in depth in the FFI specification.
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 93162
The IO
monad is basically implemented as a state transformer (similar to State
), with a special token RealWorld
. Each IO operation depends on this token and passes it when it finishes. unsafeInterleaveIO
introduces a second token, so that a new IO operation can start, while the other one is still doing its work.
Usually, you don't have to care about the implementation. If you want to call IO-functions from other languages, GHC cares about removing the IO wrapper. Consider this small snippet:
printInt :: Int -> IO ()
printInt int = do putStr "The argument is: "
print int
foreign export ccall printInt :: Int -> IO ()
This generates a symbol to call printInt
from C. The function becomes:
extern void printInt(HsInt a1);
Where HsInt
is just a (depending on your platform) typedef
d int
. So you see, the monad IO
has been removed completely.
Upvotes: 6