Reputation: 8182
Given an opened solution in Visual Studio, how do I quickly check which target frameworks the various projects in the solution have? Is there a solution-wide view somewhere that shows which target framework each project targets, or an aggregate view of how many projects target each framework version?
I'm aware I can check each project individually (either on properties window or on the csproj
file itself), however in a solution with 100+ projects this is not feasible.
Additionally, I know I could probably do some sort of regex search inside csproj
files in the root folder, but I was wondering if there was something built-in in Visual Studio to provide this data.
Upvotes: 15
Views: 2029
Reputation: 8293
You can use the dotnet list package
command to output this data.
By default it will output something like
Project 'MyProject' has the following package references
Top-level Package Requested Resolved
> Microsoft.NETFramework.ReferenceAssemblies (A) [1.0.3, ) 1.0.3
> Newtonsoft.Json 12.0.3 12.0.3
> Polly
and you can also output and parse json as required with dotnet list package --format json
Which outputs
"version": 1,
"parameters": "",
"problems": [
"level": "warning",
"text": "(A) : Auto-referenced package."
"projects": [
"path": "C:/MyProject.csproj",
"frameworks": [
"framework": "net462",
"topLevelPackages": [
"id": "Microsoft.NETFramework.ReferenceAssemblies",
"requestedVersion": "[1.0.3, )",
"resolvedVersion": "1.0.3",
"autoReferenced": "true"
"id": "Newtonsoft.Json",
"requestedVersion": "12.0.3",
"resolvedVersion": "12.0.3"
"id": "Polly",
"requestedVersion": "7.2.2",
"resolvedVersion": "7.2.2"
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 5519
Not built-in, and not sure if robust. But it works for me and is available at a right-click. Suggest improvements if you have.
Save this powershell script in a file like 'Get_TargetFrameworks.ps1':
param (
$indentColumn = 30
Get-ChildItem $solutionFolder -Include *.csproj -Recurse -Force | ForEach-Object {
[xml]$projectXml = (Get-Content ($_))
$namespace=New-Object System.Xml.XmlNamespaceManager($projectXml.NameTable)
$namespace.AddNamespace("nsp", $projectXml.DocumentElement.NamespaceURI)
$dotnetVersionNode = $projectXml.SelectSingleNode("//nsp:TargetFrameworkVersion", $namespace)
if ($dotnetVersionNode -eq $null) {
$dotnetVersionNode = $projectXml.SelectSingleNode("//nsp:TargetFramework", $namespace)
$indent = $_.Name.Replace(".csproj", "") + " "
$spacesNeeded = [Math]::Max(0, $indentColumn - $indent.Length)
$spaces = ' ' * $spacesNeeded
$output = "{0}{1}{2}" -f $indent, $spaces, $dotnetVersionNode.InnerXml
Write-Host $output
Add to Explorer right-click menu:
Swap <File path> with actual, save as 'Get_TargetFrameworks.reg' file, and run to install in registry:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
@="Get Target Frameworks"
@="PowerShell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File \"<File path>""
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 310997
You could get MSBuild to print this out for you.
Add a Directory.Build.targets
file at the top level of your code that prints out the TargetFramework
This does the trick for me:
<Target Name="LogTargetFramework" AfterTargets="CoreCompile">
Text="Project $(MSBuildProjectName): $(TargetFramework)"/>
Adding that to, for example, the MetadataExtractor solution and rebuilding it produces:
1>Project MetadataExtractor: net35
1>Project MetadataExtractor: net45
1>Project MetadataExtractor: netstandard2.0
1>Project MetadataExtractor: netstandard1.3
3>Project MetadataExtractor.PowerShell: net40
2>Project MetadataExtractor.Samples: net48
5>Project MetadataExtractor.Tools.JpegSegmentExtractor: net6.0
4>Project MetadataExtractor.Benchmarks: net461
7>Project MetadataExtractor.Tests: net472
6>Project MetadataExtractor.Tools.FileProcessor: net6.0
7>Project MetadataExtractor.Tests: net6.0
Using MSBuild to get this data means you'll get correct results. Parsing XML is no substitute for actually running the build, as property values can be overridden in any number of ways.
Upvotes: 4
Reputation: 11375
I couldn't find anything so decided to write a script instead:
# Set root folder to current script location
$rootFolder = $PSScriptRoot
$solutionName = '[YOUR_SOLUTION_PATH]'
# Define the path to the solution file
$solutionFile = Join-Path $rootFolder $solutionName
# Read the contents of the solution file
$solutionText = Get-Content $solutionFile
# Use a regular expression to extract the names of the project files
$projectFiles = [regex]::Matches($solutionText, 'Project\("{([A-Za-z0-9-]+)}"\) = "([^"]+)", "([^"]+.csproj)"') | ForEach-Object { $_.Groups[3].Value } | Sort-Object
# Define project collection
$projects = @()
# Iterate over each project file
foreach ($projectFile in $projectFiles) {
# Read the contents of the project file
$projectText = Get-Content (Join-Path $rootFolder $projectFile)
# Determine whether it is a SDK style project
$isSdkProject = [regex]::IsMatch($projectText, '<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">')
# Use a regular expression to extract the target framework
$targetFramework = [regex]::Match($projectText, '<TargetFramework>(.+)</TargetFramework>')
# Get the target framework
$foundFramework = if ($targetFramework.Success) { $($targetFramework.Groups[1].Value) } else { 'None' }
# Add to projects collection
$projects += [pscustomobject]@{ Project=$projectFile; SdkFormat=$isSdkProject; TargetFramework=$foundFramework; }
# Output projects as table
$projects | Format-Table
# Display summary
Write-Host $projects.Count "projects found"
It lists all projects, their target framework, and whether they are SDK style.
Upvotes: 2