Reputation: 4599
I can't seem to understand why my theme colours are not being picked up by Android Compose Text (compose 1.0.0-beta01 & beta02)
setContent {
MyTheme {
"hello world!",
// color =, // this works
color = MyTheme.colors.colorPrimary, // this doesn't work
style = MyTheme.typography.label, // this works
My theme is copied from here
Here is the code
private val LightColorPalette = MyColors(
colorPrimary = DodgerBlue,
colorOnPrimary = White,
isDark = false
private val DarkColorPalette = MyColors(
colorPrimary = DodgerBlue,
colorOnPrimary = White,
isDark = true
fun MyTheme(
darkTheme: Boolean = isSystemInDarkTheme(),
content: @Composable () -> Unit
) {
val customColours = if (darkTheme) DarkColorPalette else LightColorPalette
val typography = MyTypography(
h1 = TextStyle(
fontFamily = circularXxFontFamily,
fontWeight = FontWeight.W300,
fontSize = 24.sp,
color = customColours.colorOnSurface,
lineHeight = 30.sp,
label = TextStyle(
fontFamily = xxxxFontFamily,
fontWeight = FontWeight.W300,
fontSize = 12.sp,
color = customColours.colorOnSurface,
lineHeight = 15.sp,
ProvideMyTheme(customColours, typography) {
colors = mapBasicColors(customColours, darkTheme),
typography = Typography(),
shapes = Shapes(),
content = content
object MyTheme {
val colors: MyColors
get() = LocalMyColors.current
val typography: MyTypography
get() = LocalMyStyle.current
class MyColors(
colorPrimary: Color,
colorOnPrimary: Color,
isDark: Boolean
) {
var colorPrimary by mutableStateOf(colorPrimary)
private set
var colorOnPrimary by mutableStateOf(colorOnPrimary)
private set
var isDark by mutableStateOf(isDark)
private set
fun update(other: MyColors) {
colorPrimary = other.colorPrimary
colorOnPrimary = other.colorOnPrimary
isDark = other.isDark
fun ProvideMyTheme(
colors: MyColors,
typography: MyTypography,
content: @Composable () -> Unit
) {
val colorPalette = remember { colors }
val myTypography = remember { typography }
LocalMyColors provides colorPalette,
LocalMyStyle provides myTypography,
content = content)
private val LocalMyColors = staticCompositionLocalOf<MyColors> {
error("No ColorPalette provided")
private val LocalMyStyle = staticCompositionLocalOf<MyTypography> {
error("No Typography provided")
fun mapBasicColors(
colors: MyColors,
darkTheme: Boolean,
) = Colors(
primary = colors.colorPrimary,
primaryVariant = colors.colorPrimaryVariant,
secondary = colors.colorSecondary,
secondaryVariant = colors.colorSecondaryVariant,
background = colors.colorBackground,
surface = colors.colorSurface,
error = colors.colorError,
onPrimary = colors.colorOnPrimary,
onSecondary = colors.colorOnSecondary,
onBackground = colors.colorOnBackground,
onSurface = colors.colorOnSurface,
onError = colors.colorOnError,
isLight = !darkTheme
class MyTypography(
h1: TextStyle,
label: TextStyle,
) {
var h1 by mutableStateOf(h1)
private set
var label by mutableStateOf(label)
private set
The layout inspector clearly says the text is blue so why is it not drawn blue?
Upvotes: 4
Views: 1586
Reputation: 91
fun messageCard(name:String){
Text(text = "Bismillah $name", color = colorResource(id = R.color.purple_200))
use colors from the resource file
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 4599
Well it was indeed a very stupid mistake
My colours were defined badly
val DodgerBlue = Color(0x4681F7)
instead of (notice the alpha part)
val DodgerBlue = Color(0xff4681F7)
The interesting part is the Layout editor was able to show the correct colour... smells like a bug to me!
Upvotes: 3