Reputation: 69
I have been playing with some Fortran routines and I would like to ask for guidance as to understand why some of them take more time than others.
The problem all routines solve is the following. Given a set of points find those that are too close. For that, the components of the points are compared and, if all of them are lower than a threshold, the two points are considered to be too close.
The first routine is the following:
subroutine routine1(npoints, ndis, points, r, is_close)
implicit none
integer, parameter :: dp = kind(0d0)
integer, intent(in) :: npoints, ndis
real(dp), dimension(npoints, ndis), intent(in) :: points
real(dp), intent(in) :: r
logical :: clos
logical, dimension(npoints) :: is_close
integer :: i, i_check
is_close = .FALSE.
do i=1,npoints
clos = .FALSE.
i_check = i
do while (.not. clos .and. i_check < npoints)
i_check = i_check + 1
clos = all(abs(points(i,:) - points(i_check,:)) < r)
is_close(i) = clos
end subroutine
In the second routine there is just one "small" change. I break the clos = all(abs(points(i,:) - points(i_check,:)) < r)
into two lines. First, the difference is calculated and later the all
is evaluated:
subroutine routine2(npoints, ndis, points, r, is_close)
implicit none
integer, parameter :: dp = kind(0d0)
integer, intent(in) :: npoints, ndis
real(dp), dimension(npoints, ndis), intent(in) :: points
real(dp), intent(in) :: r
logical :: clos
logical, dimension(npoints) :: is_close
integer :: i, i_check
real(dp), dimension(ndis) :: diff
is_close = .FALSE.
do i=1,npoints
clos = .FALSE.
i_check = i
do while (.not. clos .and. i_check < npoints)
i_check = i_check + 1
diff = abs(points(i,:) - points(i_check,:))
clos = all(diff < r)
is_close(i) = clos
end subroutine
The last routine starts from routine1
but since in Fortran one should run from outer to inner loops I first transpose the points so I can execute the loop from the outer index:
subroutine routine3(npoints, ndis, points, r, is_close)
implicit none
integer, parameter :: dp = kind(0d0)
integer, intent(in) :: npoints, ndis
real(dp), dimension(npoints, ndis), intent(in) :: points
real(dp), intent(in) :: r
logical :: clos
logical, dimension(npoints) :: is_close
real(dp), dimension(ndis,npoints) :: points_T
integer :: i, i_check
is_close = .FALSE.
points_T = transpose(points)
do i=1,npoints
clos = .FALSE.
i_check = i
do while (.not. clos .and. i_check < npoints)
i_check = i_check + 1
clos = all( abs(points_T(:,i) - points_T(:,i_check))< r)
is_close(i) = clos
end subroutine
With this, I would expect routines 1 and 2 to perform basically the same and 3 slightly better. But when the performance is measured the results I get are the following (the full code to reproduce this calculation is available at the end of the question):
npoints routine1/s routine2/s routine3/s
10 1.2979999999999999E-006 3.1230000000000000E-006 6.3010000000000003E-006
100 2.7813000000000000E-005 1.9997000000000000E-004 3.8600999999999999E-005
1000 2.5518790000000000E-003 1.4855343999999999E-002 1.1216130000000000E-003
10000 8.0283021999999996E-002 0.64925195400000002 5.5415089000000001E-002
100000 7.8920265199999999 79.243228029999997 16.829428664999998
My questions are:
takes so much longer than routine1
being basically the same?routine3
being so slow?Full code to reproduce this calculations, compiled with gfortran and -O3 flag:
program test
implicit none
integer, parameter :: dp = kind(0.d0)
integer, parameter :: ndis = 21
integer :: ipoint, npoints
real(dp), parameter :: r = 1e-5
real(dp), dimension(:, :), allocatable :: points
logical, dimension(:), allocatable :: is_close
real(dp) :: t1, t2, t3
integer(8) :: ini, fin, count_rate
do ipoint = 1,5
npoints = 10**ipoint
allocate(points(npoints, ndis), is_close(npoints))
! Generate data
call RANDOM_NUMBER(points)
! routine 1
call SYSTEM_CLOCK(ini,count_rate=count_rate)
call routine1(npoints, ndis, points, r, is_close)
call SYSTEM_CLOCK(fin)
t1 = fin - ini
! routine 2
call SYSTEM_CLOCK(ini,count_rate=count_rate)
call routine2(npoints, ndis, points, r, is_close)
call SYSTEM_CLOCK(fin)
t2 = fin - ini
! routine 3
call SYSTEM_CLOCK(ini,count_rate=count_rate)
call routine3(npoints, ndis, points, r, is_close)
call SYSTEM_CLOCK(fin)
t3 = fin - ini
deallocate(points, is_close)
print *, npoints, dble(t1/count_rate), dble(t2/count_rate), dble(t3/count_rate)
end do
end program
subroutine routine1(npoints, ndis, points, r, is_close)
implicit none
integer, parameter :: dp = kind(0d0)
integer, intent(in) :: npoints, ndis
real(dp), dimension(npoints, ndis), intent(in) :: points
real(dp), intent(in) :: r
logical :: clos
logical, dimension(npoints) :: is_close
integer :: i, i_check
is_close = .FALSE.
do i=1,npoints
clos = .FALSE.
i_check = i
do while (.not. clos .and. i_check < npoints)
i_check = i_check + 1
clos = all(abs(points(i,:) - points(i_check,:)) < r)
is_close(i) = clos
end subroutine
subroutine routine2(npoints, ndis, points, r, is_close)
implicit none
integer, parameter :: dp = kind(0d0)
integer, intent(in) :: npoints, ndis
real(dp), dimension(npoints, ndis), intent(in) :: points
real(dp), intent(in) :: r
logical :: clos
logical, dimension(npoints) :: is_close
integer :: i, i_check
real(dp), dimension(ndis) :: diff
is_close = .FALSE.
do i=1,npoints
clos = .FALSE.
i_check = i
do while (.not. clos .and. i_check < npoints)
i_check = i_check + 1
diff = abs(points(i,:) - points(i_check,:))
clos = all(diff < r)
is_close(i) = clos
end subroutine
subroutine routine3(npoints, ndis, points, r, is_close)
implicit none
integer, parameter :: dp = kind(0d0)
integer, intent(in) :: npoints, ndis
real(dp), dimension(npoints, ndis), intent(in) :: points
real(dp), intent(in) :: r
logical :: clos
logical, dimension(npoints) :: is_close
real(dp), dimension(ndis,npoints) :: points_T
integer :: i, i_check
is_close = .FALSE.
points_T = transpose(points)
do i=1,npoints
clos = .FALSE.
i_check = i
do while (.not. clos .and. i_check < npoints)
i_check = i_check + 1
clos = all( abs(points_T(:,i) - points_T(:,i_check))< r)
is_close(i) = clos
end subroutine
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Views: 134
Reputation: 549
Upvotes: 3