
Reputation: 5291

Grails many to many relationship migration

Hello I have two domain classes as following

class Users {

    String password
    String firstName
    String lastName
    String emailAddress
    String username
    Company company
    static hasMany = [projects:Projects];

Another class

class Projects {
    String projectName
    String description
    Users projectLead
    Date dateCreated
    Date lastUpdated
    static belongsTo = Users

These classes obviously has one to many relationship but now I want to change it to many to many relationship by adding "ProjectMembership" class but the problem I have is that my application has already gone into production and there are people who are already using the app. In such a case they already have one user->many projects in the the db. In such a case how can I migrate this existing data and change my prod app to have m2m relationship which will looks like following.

class Users {

    String password
    String firstName
    String lastName
    String emailAddress
    String username
    Company company
    static hasMany = [projectMemberships:ProjectMemberships];

Another class

class Projects {
    String projectName
    String description
    Users projectLead
    Date dateCreated
    Date lastUpdated
    static hasMany = [projectMemberships:ProjectMemberships];


class ProjectMemberships{
    Users u
    Projects p

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Views: 694

Answers (1)

Burt Beckwith
Burt Beckwith

Reputation: 75671

This is best done with a migration tool like Liquibase, and the plugin is probably your best be in Grails since it uses Liquibase and is tightly integrated with GORM. But this one's easy enough to do by hand.

I wouldn't use hasMany since you can easily manage everything from the ProjectMemberships class, so your Users and Projects classes would be

class Users {
   String password
   String firstName
   String lastName
   String emailAddress
   String username
   Company company


class Projects {
   String projectName
   String description
   Date dateCreated
   Date lastUpdated

I'd go with a ProjectMemberships class that uses a composite key, which requires that it implement Serializable and have a good hashCode and equals:

import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.HashCodeBuilder

class ProjectMemberships implements Serializable {
   Users u
   Projects p

   boolean equals(other) {
      if (!(other instanceof ProjectMemberships)) {
         return false

      other.u?.id == u?.id && other.p?.id == p?.id

   int hashCode() {
      def builder = new HashCodeBuilder()
      if (u) builder.append(
      if (p) builder.append(

   static ProjectMemberships get(long userId, long projectId) {
      find 'from ProjectMemberships where and',
         [userId: userId, projectId: projectId]

   static ProjectMemberships create(Users u, Projects p, boolean flush = false) {
      new ProjectMemberships(u: u, p: p).save(flush: flush, insert: true)

   static boolean remove(Users u, Projects p, boolean flush = false) {
      ProjectMemberships instance = ProjectMemberships.findByUsersAndProjects(u, p)
      if (!instance) {
         return false

      instance.delete(flush: flush)

   static void removeAll(Users u) {
      executeUpdate 'DELETE FROM ProjectMemberships WHERE u=:u', [u: u]

   static void removeAll(Projects p) {
      executeUpdate 'DELETE FROM ProjectMemberships WHERE p=:p', [p: p]

   static mapping = {
      id composite: ['p', 'u']
      version false

Use ProjectMemberships.create() to add a relationship between a user and a project, and ProjectMemberships.remove() to remove it.

Run grails schema-export to see the updated DDL (it'll be in target/ddl.sql). Run the create table statement for the project_memberships table, e.g.

create table project_memberships (
   p_id bigint not null,
   u_id bigint not null,
   primary key (p_id, u_id)

Then populate it with this SQL (depending on your database you might need a slightly different syntax):

insert into project_memberships(p_id, u_id) select id, project_lead_id from projects

and finally drop the project_lead_id column from the projects table.

Of course do a database backup before making any changes.

You can get a user's projects with

def projects = ProjectMemberships.findAllByUsers(user)*.p

and similarly a project's users with

def users = ProjectMemberships.findAllByProjects(project)*.u

Upvotes: 2

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