Luna Klatzer
Luna Klatzer

Reputation: 13

Integer inside for loop increases at every line by 2 with statements that do not have any relation to it

I am currently experiencing bizarre results in my C program, where inside a for-loop, the variable hex_index increases at every line by 2. It's not time-related or anything. Still, it just increases by every line even though the statements have no relation to it.


#include <stdio.h>
#include "types.h"

main ()
  char *hex = "68747541";
  char output[4];
  hex_to_ascii(hex, output);
  printf("%s", output);
  return 0;


#include <stddef.h>

/// Returns the length of the passed string based on checking the content 
/// with NULL or @\0 which end a string
int get_str_len(char *string)
  int len = 0;
  for (int i = 0; 1; i++)
    if (string[i] == '\0' || string[i] == NULL) return len;

/// Returns the length of the passed hex string
int get_hex_len(char *hex)
  return get_str_len(hex);


#include "types.h"
#include "length.h"

/// Removes inside a string all control chars and overwrites the passed string
void remove_control_chars(char* string)
  int len = get_str_len(string);
  char new_string[len];
  int string_index = 0;

  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < len; i++, string_index++)
    if (string[i] < 127 && string[i] > 31)
      new_string[i] = string[string_index];
    else string_index++;

  len = get_str_len(new_string);
  for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
    string[i] = new_string[i];
  string[i] = '\0';

/// Converts an hex number to an int
/// If an invalid character is inside the string it will return -1 (Control chars will be automatically removed)
/// @param str The string that should be converted
int hex_to_int(char *str)
  int str_len = get_str_len(str);
  int sum = 0;
  int multiplier = 1;

  // Calculating the multiplier for the biggest number (num at index 0)
  for (int i = 1; i < str_len; i++) multiplier *= 16;

  // Adding the multiplied value to the sum and then diving by the base (16)
  for (int i = 0; i < str_len; i++, multiplier /= 16)
    char byte = str[i];
    if (byte >= '0' && byte <= '9') sum += (byte - '0') * multiplier;
    else if (byte >= 'A' && byte <='F') sum += (byte - 'A' + 10) * multiplier;
    else if (byte >= 'a' && byte <='f') sum += (byte - 'a' + 10) * multiplier;
    // Avoiding control characters
    else if (byte < 31) return sum;
    else return -1;
  return sum;

bool valid_hex_char(char byte)
  return byte >= '0' && byte <= '9' || byte >= 'A' && byte <= 'F' || byte >= 'a' && byte <= 'f';

/// Converts an hex number to an dual ascii character and returns it
/// @param hex The string that should be converted
char dual_hex_to_ascii(char *hex)
  int value = hex_to_int(hex);
  return (char) value;

/// Converts an hex number to an ascii string
/// @param hex The string that should be converted
/// @param output The initialised string which will be overwritten
void hex_to_ascii(char *hex, char *output)
  char storage[2];
  int len = get_hex_len(hex);
  int i = 0;
  for (int hex_index = 0; hex_index < len; hex_index += 2)
    if (valid_hex_char(hex[hex_index]))
      storage[0] = hex[hex_index];
      if (valid_hex_char(hex[hex_index+1]))
        storage[1] = hex[hex_index+1];
        storage[1] = '\0';

      output[i] = dual_hex_to_ascii(storage);

Video to the issue (Watch hex_index, which will randomly increase)

Upvotes: 0

Views: 46

Answers (1)

Luna Klatzer
Luna Klatzer

Reputation: 13

I found the issue that caused this. The debugger had watches left that at every line re-evaluated the values calling the increment at every line. So the code is fine but I made a mistake inside the debugger session.

Upvotes: 1

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