Reputation: 3
I'm attempting to make an urban dictionary command, I am substituting swear words with the word '[NSFW]' though it only works when I place the swear in the last part of the list.
My Code:
nsfwdefine = ["swear1", "swear2","swear3"]
// there are headers I just didn't add them because it has my apikey.
async with ClientSession() as session:
async with session.get(url, headers=headers, params=querystring) as response:
r = await response.json()
embed = discord.Embed(title=f"All result for {term}", description=None,color=0xff0000)
embed.set_author(, url="",
definition = r['list'][0]['definition']
embed.add_field(name=term, value=definition, inline=False)
txt = str(definition)
for y in nsfwdefine:
x = re.sub(y, '[NSFW]', txt)
embed2=discord.Embed(title=f"All results for {term}", description=x)
embed2.add_field(name="Info",value=":warning: If your message contains the word [NSFW] then you need to rerun the defintion in a NSFW Channel.")
(await ctx.send(embed = embed2))
I'm not entirely sure what's going on, does anyone know the solution to this?
Upvotes: 0
Views: 35
Reputation: 3126
I'm not sure why you're using re.sub()
though you can achieve this using the string replace()
swears = ["swear1", "swear2", "swear3"]
sentence = "hello swear1 this is swear2 a sample swear3 sentence!"
for word in swears:
sentence = sentence.replace(word, "[NSFW]")
hello [NSFW] this is [NSFW] a sample [NSFW] sentance!
Upvotes: 1