I'm creating a chart and saving it as a PNG file. I'm trying to get CFCHART to format the Y Axis labels as "currency", but it's not applying the format.
Any idea what could be wrong? I'm on CF2018, version: 2018,0,10,320417
<cfchart format="png" chartWidth="#chartWidth#" chartHeight="400" font="arial" yAxisValues="#yAxisVals#" xAxis="#labelRotateStruct#" labelformat="currency" showlegend="true" name="myDataChart">
<cfloop list="#yearList#" index="x">
<cfchartseries type="bar" seriesLabel="#x#">
<cfloop collection="#dataStruct#" item="key">
<cfset temp = dataStruct[key] />
<cfchartdata item="#key#" value="#temp[x]#"/>
<cffile action="write" file="#application.linkMediaRoot#\reports\generated\charts\#chartFileName#" output="#myDataChart#">
The chart comes out looking like this, no formatting on Y Axis even though I'm using labelformat="currency":
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