
Reputation: 41

Solving "Error in if (obs <= ei) 2 * pv else 2 * (1 - pv) : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed" for ape package Moran's I function in R


I have encountered an error message

Error in if (obs <= ei) 2 * pv else 2 * (1 - pv) : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed

stopping me to get the value from Moran's I function from ape package. Here is what I did:


nrstp <- data.frame(
     X = c(300226.9, 300224.6, 300226.4, 300226.1, 300224.0, 300226.4, 300225.7, 300226.4, 300226.1, 300226.4, 300226.3, 300226.3, 300227.1),
     Y = c(5057949, 5057952, 5057950, 5057950, 5057956, 5057950, 5057950, 5057950, 5057950, 5057950, 5057950, 5057950, 5057949),
     V3 = c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))

nrstp = data.frame(nrstp)
dist = as.matrix(dist(cbind(nrstp$X, nrstp$Y)))
invdist = 1/dist
invdist[is.infinite(invdist)] <- 0
moranI = Moran.I(nrstp$V3, invdist)

The intention of this code is to calculate Moran's I from a series of point to check spatial autocorrelation. So far, this seems to be the only function working for Moran's I in R. After a few testing (I have thousands groups of points), this error seems only happen to the input vector having only one value (I tried other numbers than 0, it still raise this error).

Could someone help me improve this code? Or are their better suggestion to calculate Moran's I or test spatial autocorrelation from linestring (those point groups are origin point of one linestring and the closest points from other linestring within 10 meter buffer of such origin point)?

Thank you ahead for any help!

Upvotes: 4

Views: 1835

Answers (2)


Reputation: 581

The problem is that your x are all the same value. If you look in the code from Abdur Rohman the calculation of the function is

m <- mean(x)
    y <- x - m
    cv <- sum(weight * y %o% y)
    v <- sum(y^2)
    obs <- (n/s) * (cv/v)

if all x are the same than the mean of m <- mean(x) is obviously the same value as all x and y, v, obs are 0. For obs you divide cv/v which is NaN

So at least one value of x should be different

Upvotes: 2

Abdur Rohman
Abdur Rohman

Reputation: 2944

The control flow choice if(condition) do something requires that the value of condition is not NA.

In your case, obs <= ei results in NA. That's why the the error message missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed is generated.

To understand how obs <= ei results in NA, you can check the details inside Moran.I function:

function (x, weight, scaled = FALSE, na.rm = FALSE, alternative = "two.sided") 
    if (dim(weight)[1] != dim(weight)[2]) 
        stop("'weight' must be a square matrix")
    n <- length(x)
    if (dim(weight)[1] != n) 
        stop("'weight' must have as many rows as observations in 'x'")
    ei <- -1/(n - 1)
    nas <-
    if (any(nas)) {
        if (na.rm) {
            x <- x[!nas]
            n <- length(x)
            weight <- weight[!nas, !nas]
        else {
            warning("'x' has missing values: maybe you wanted to set na.rm = TRUE?")
            return(list(observed = NA, expected = ei, sd = NA, 
                p.value = NA))
    ROWSUM <- rowSums(weight)
    ROWSUM[ROWSUM == 0] <- 1
    weight <- weight/ROWSUM
    s <- sum(weight)
    m <- mean(x)
    y <- x - m
    cv <- sum(weight * y %o% y)
    v <- sum(y^2)
    obs <- (n/s) * (cv/v)
    if (scaled) {
        i.max <- (n/s) * (sd(rowSums(weight) * y)/sqrt(v/(n - 
        obs <- obs/i.max
    S1 <- 0.5 * sum((weight + t(weight))^2)
    S2 <- sum((apply(weight, 1, sum) + apply(weight, 2, sum))^2)
    s.sq <- s^2
    k <- (sum(y^4)/n)/(v/n)^2
    sdi <- sqrt((n * ((n^2 - 3 * n + 3) * S1 - n * S2 + 3 * s.sq) - 
        k * (n * (n - 1) * S1 - 2 * n * S2 + 6 * s.sq))/((n - 
        1) * (n - 2) * (n - 3) * s.sq) - 1/((n - 1)^2))
    alternative <- match.arg(alternative, c("two.sided", 
        "less", "greater"))
    pv <- pnorm(obs, mean = ei, sd = sdi)
    if (alternative == "two.sided") 
        pv <- if (obs <= ei) 
            2 * pv
        else 2 * (1 - pv)
    if (alternative == "greater") 
        pv <- 1 - pv
    list(observed = obs, expected = ei, sd = sdi, p.value = pv)
<bytecode: 0x000001cd5e0715d0>
<environment: namespace:ape>

By assigning x = nrstp$V3 and weight = invdist, you will get mean(x) = 0. This results in y=0, cv = 0, v=0, and finally obs = NaN. Consequently,

obs <= ei
[1] NA

To overcome the problem, you need to ensure that each of obs and ei is not NA. In your case, if mean(x) is not zero, obs <= ei will not be NA. However, because I know nothing about this particular topic, I'm not sure whether non-zero mean(x) is always the right solution.

Upvotes: 2

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