Reputation: 23
I'm trying to make a bash script that goes in the .gitmodules file, gets the path and branch of each submodule then goes where the submodule is located and git checkout to the right branch. BUT the git commands doesn't work well when I run the script but work well when I enter them manully in the terminal.
Keep getting stuff like :
-> fatal not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
(I then added git init in the while loop)
-> fatal : you are on a branch yet to be born
Can you tell me what i'm missing here plz ?
sed -n '/path/p' .gitmodules > tampon01.txt #selectionne uniquement les ligne contenant path
sed -n '/branch/p' .gitmodules > tampon02.txt #selectionne uniquement les ligne contenant path
cut -d = -f 2- tampon01.txt > pathlist.txt #selectionne uniquement les champs de caractères après le "=") pour les path
cut -d = -f 2- tampon02.txt > branchlist.txt #selectionne uniquement les champs de caractères après le "=") pour les branch
let "i=1"
Pnb_lignes=$(sed -n '$=' pathlist.txt)
Bnb_lignes=$(sed -n '$=' branchlist.txt)
echo $Pnb_lignes "path trouvées"
echo $Bnb_lignes "branch trouvées"
#while [ $i < $nb_lignes ]
#if [$Pnb_lignes -le $Bnb_lignes] #test pour trouver le minimum entre le nb de lignes trouvée dans chaque fichier
if [ 5 -le 2 ] #test pour trouver le minimum entre le nb de lignes trouvée dans chaque fichier
let "nb_lignes = Pnb_lignes"
let "nb_lignes = Bnb_lignes"
echo $nb_lignes "actions a realiser"
while (($i < $nb_lignes))
#pa= $(sed -n "$i"p tampon02.txt) #retourne la ligne i
pa= sed -n "$i"p pathlist.txt
br= sed -n "$i"p branchlist.txt
#echo $pa "xxxx"
cd $pa
git init
git checkout $br
cd /mnt/c/_D/Devel/taoSet
echo ".............................."
let "i = $i +2"
echo $i "actions realisees"
#rm -v tampon01.txt tampon02.txt branchlist.txt pathlist.txt
Upvotes: 1
Views: 119
Reputation: 401
In bash, there cannot be any spaces around the =
sign in an assignment statement.
In a terminal, it may be re-using the values from previously assigned variables.
While in a bash script, since old / global variables are not accessible by default, it may assign null values or fail for incorrectly written commands and proceed ahead.
This is a plausible reason that you get different behaviours in both approaches.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 33327
The command substitution seems to be missing, leading to the $pa
and $br
variables to be undefined in these lines:
pa= sed -n "$i"p pathlist.txt
br= sed -n "$i"p branchlist.txt
It should be
pa=$(sed -n "$i"p pathlist.txt)
br=$(sed -n "$i"p branchlist.txt)
Other things could be broken as well, haven't checked thoroughly.
Upvotes: 0