
Reputation: 155

How to create a 3D image with series of 2D Image

I have a series of 2D tiff images of a sample; I want to create or reproduce a 3D image/volume((volume rendering) using the 2D image for 3D visualization.
I found that this link Reconstructing 3D image from 2D image has a similar problem but discusses CT reconstruction using a back projection algorithm. However, I already have a 2D view of the sample in image form.

I want to know how to reproduce a 3D image(volume rendering) from those 2D slices(Tiff image) using Python or Matlab.

Upvotes: 4

Views: 23733

Answers (2)

Alex Koksin
Alex Koksin

Reputation: 129

Another option is to apply open-source library MeshLib, which can be called both from C++ and python code.

Assuming we have bunch of slices like following: bunch of 2D slices

On Windows, the simplest way to install it in python 3.10 is

py -3.10 -m pip install --upgrade meshlib

And the code for constructing 3D object from a series of images will look like

import meshlib.mrmeshpy as mr
settings = mr.LoadingTiffSettings()

# load images from specified directory
settings.dir = "C:/slices"

# specifiy size of 3D image element
settings.voxelSize = mr.Vector3f(1, 1, 5)

#create voxel object from the series of images
volume = mr.loadTiffDir(settings)

#define ISO value to build surface

#convert voxel object to mesh
mesh=mr.gridToMesh(volume, iso)

#save mesh to .stl file
mr.saveMesh(mesh, mr.Path("C:/slices/mesh.stl"))

Finally, result looks like 3D image

Upvotes: 2

Ian Chu
Ian Chu

Reputation: 3143

I wanna check that this is what you're looking for before I go on a long explanation of something that could be irrelevant.

I have a series of 2d images of a tumor. I'm constructing a 3d shell from the image slices and creating a .ply file from that shell.

2D slices

enter image description here

3D Reconstruction

enter image description here

Is this the sort of thing that you're looking for?


I downloaded the dataset and ran it through the program.

enter image description here

I set the resolution of the image to 100x100 to reduce the number of points in the .ply file. You can increase it or decrease it as you like.

Program for creating the .ply file

import cv2
import math
import numpy as np
import os

# creates a point cloud file (.ply) from numpy array
def createPointCloud(filename, arr):
    # open file and write boilerplate header
    file = open(filename, 'w');
    file.write("format ascii 1.0\n");

    # count number of vertices
    num_verts = arr.shape[0];
    file.write("element vertex " + str(num_verts) + "\n");
    file.write("property float32 x\n");
    file.write("property float32 y\n");
    file.write("property float32 z\n");

    # write points
    point_count = 0;
    for point in arr:
        # progress check
        point_count += 1;
        if point_count % 1000 == 0:
            print("Point: " + str(point_count) + " of " + str(len(arr)));

        # create file string
        out_str = "";
        for axis in point:
            out_str += str(axis) + " ";
        out_str = out_str[:-1]; # dump the extra space
        out_str += "\n";

# extracts points from mask and adds to list
def addPoints(mask, points_list, depth):
    mask_points = np.where(mask == 255);
    for ind in range(len(mask_points[0])):
        # get point
        x = mask_points[1][ind];
        y = mask_points[0][ind];
        point = [x,y,depth];

def main():
    # tweakables
    slice_thickness = .2; # distance between slices
    xy_scale = 1; # rescale of xy distance

    # load images
    folder = "images/";
    files = os.listdir(folder);
    images = [];
    for file in files:
        if file[-4:] == ".tif":
            img = cv2.imread(folder + file, cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);
            img = cv2.resize(img, (100, 100)); # change here for more or less resolution

    # keep a blank mask
    blank_mask = np.zeros_like(images[0], np.uint8);

    # create masks
    masks = [];
    for image in images:
        # mask
        mask = cv2.inRange(image, 0, 100);

        # show
        cv2.imshow("Mask", mask);

    # go through and get points
    depth = 0;
    points = [];
    for index in range(1,len(masks)-1):
        # progress check
        print("Index: " + str(index) + " of " + str(len(masks)));

        # get three masks
        prev = masks[index - 1];
        curr = masks[index];
        after = masks[index + 1];

        # do a slice on previous
        prev_mask = np.zeros_like(curr);
        prev_mask[prev == 0] = curr[prev == 0];
        addPoints(prev_mask, points, depth);

        # # do a slice on after
        next_mask = np.zeros_like(curr);
        next_mask[after == 0] = curr[after == 0];
        addPoints(next_mask, points, depth);

        # get contour points (_, contours) in OpenCV 2.* or 4.*
        _, contours, _ = cv2.findContours(curr, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE);
        for con in contours:
            for point in con:
                p = point[0]; # contours have an extra layer of brackets
                points.append([p[0], p[1], depth]);

        # increment depth
        depth += slice_thickness;

    # rescale x,y points
    for ind in range(len(points)):
        # unpack
        x,y,z = points[ind];

        # scale
        x *= xy_scale;
        y *= xy_scale;
        points[ind] = [x,y,z];

    # convert points to numpy and dump duplicates
    points = np.array(points).astype(np.float32);
    points = np.unique(points.reshape(-1, points.shape[-1]), axis=0);

    # save to point cloud file
    createPointCloud("test.ply", points);

if __name__ == "__main__":

Upvotes: 7

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