Reputation: 11
So, I've got a uni project to do and we gotta do a drag and drop with some sort of rectangle in JavaFX. And so, it works, but when the drop is done, it does not end, it just stays like I didn't drop. Although, my code is pretty short, here it is, thank's for your help ^^.
That's the code of the destination
this.setOnDragOver(event ->
if(event.getGestureSource() != this && event.getDragboard().hasContent(DataFormat.PLAIN_TEXT))
this.setOnDragDropped(event ->
for(StepIG e : world)
// If the StepIG is the one we need to drag
if(event.getDragboard().getContent(DataFormat.PLAIN_TEXT).equals(e.getId()) && event.getTransferMode().equals(TransferMode.MOVE))
e.reSetPosition((int)event.getX(), (int)event.getY();
this.setOnDragDone(event -> System.out.println("smthing"));
and the code of the source :
this.setOnDragDetected(event ->
Dragboard dragboard = this.startDragAndDrop(TransferMode.MOVE);
ClipboardContent ccontent = new ClipboardContent();
PS : I forgot to mention that I isolated the problem to the function "setOnDragOver()"
Upvotes: 1
Views: 212
Reputation: 11
Okay so, after a few hours of research I found the answer, my jfx version couldn't handle DnD... I guess... So I had to add a VM argument : -Djdk.gtk.version=2, plus, if you want to add an image or whatever anything else, add this VM argument : -Dprism.forceGPU=true
Upvotes: 0