Reputation: 173
Ok so.. I've got this script below and it running with the -LogOnly
parameter should give a total count like:
DEBUG: ========================[ LogOnly ]===============================
DEBUG: aaqa.www user has fell out of scope, Report group would be removed.
DEBUG: 0 Users who would be added
DEBUG: 0 Groups that would be added
DEBUG: 1 Groups that would be removed
DEBUG: ====[END]=====
So if you see the 0 Users who would be added
is incorrect. I removed 2 users from a security group in AD (that's within scope) but they were not counted. I've had the $script:AddUserCount += ($DirectReports | Measure-Object).count
in a few different places when working on this so Im confused as to where to put it to make this work. It also doesnt correctly count up the users who are added when invoking the script without the LogOnly parameter, in that instance it counts all users matched by the Get-DirectReports function. If you run it a second time immediately w/o the LogOnly it will still return a full 1600 user count. I feel fixing one will fix both.
Here's the script:
Param (
# Dot Source required Function Libraries
#. "\\server\e$\scripts\Logging_Functions.ps1"
. "c:\users\documents\powershell\Functions\Logging_Functions.ps1"
# Error Action
$ErrorActionPreference = 'silentlycontinue'
# Debug preference
$global:DebugPreference = "continue"
# WhatIf Preference, uncomment to run script in a logging only function
#$WhatIfPreference = $true
# Script Version
$sScriptVersion = "1.0"
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
# Log File Info
$sLogPath = "C:\Users\Documents\powershell\Logs"
#$sLogPath = "\\server\e$\Logs"
$sLogName = "Set-LitmosGroups_$(get-date -f yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss).log"
$sLogOnlyPath = "C:\Users\Documents\powershell\Logs"
$sLogOnlyName = "\Set-LitmosGroups (Log Only)_$(get-date -f yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss).log"
$sLogFile = Join-Path -Path $sLogPath -ChildPath $sLogName
$sLogOnlyFile = Join-Path -Path $sLogOnlyPath -ChildPath $sLogOnlyName
$LogLine = $null
#$logonly = $null
# Variable Initializations
# Org Unit where the target groups reside (Litmos)
$OU = "ou=test_litmos, ou=test accounts, ou=domain, dc=net"
# Org unt containing the All Managers security group
$OU2 = "CN=All Managers,OU=Organizational,OU=Groups,OU=domain,DC=net"
# Get member of the 'ALL Managers' security group
$Managers = Get-ADGroupMember -identity $OU2 | Select-Object -expandproperty samaccountname
# Get AD groups with Report to in the name in $ou
$ReportsTo = Get-adgroup -searchbase $ou -filter "Name -like 'Report to *'" |
Select-Object -expandproperty name
$Samecount = 0
$AddGroupCount = 0
$Addusercount = 0
$LOAddUserCount = 0
$LOGroupCount = 0
$GroupsRemoved = 0
$LOGroupsRemoved = 0
Function Get-DirectReport {
#requires -Module ActiveDirectory
Mandatory = $false,
ValueFromPipeline = $true,
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true
[string] $SamAccountName,
[switch] $NoRecurse
$UserAccount = Get-ADUser $SamAccountName -Properties DirectReports, DisplayName
$UserAccount | select -ExpandProperty DirectReports | ForEach-Object {
$User = Get-ADUser $_ -Properties DirectReports, DisplayName, Title, EmployeeID
if ($null -ne $User.EmployeeID) {
if (-not $NoRecurse) {
Get-DirectReport $User.SamAccountName
SamAccountName = $User.SamAccountName
UserPrincipalName = $User.UserPrincipalName
DisplayName = $User.DisplayName
Manager = $UserAccount.DisplayName
END {}
Function New-bhReportToGroup {
$Log1 = "New group for " + $manager + " has been created."
$Log2 = "Group for " + $manager + " already exists."
#From on when you see the below line $script:<variable> that sets the scope for that variable to the entire script which means other functions can use the value
$script:ReportsTo = $ReportsTo -replace ("Report to ", "")
if ($manager -notin $ReportsTo) {
new-adgroup -name "Report to $manager" -groupscope global -path $ou
$LogLine = $Log1
Log-Write -LogPath $sLogFile -LineValue $LogLine
else {
$LogLine = $Log2
Log-Write -LogPath $sLogFile -LineValue $LogLine
Function New-bhReportToGroup_logonly {
$Log1 = "New group for " + $manager + " would have been created in $OU."
$Log2 = "Group for " + $manager + " already exists in $OU."
$script:ReportsTo = $ReportsTo -replace ("Report to ", "")
if ($manager -notin $ReportsTo) {
$LogLine = $Log1
Log-Write -LogPath $sLogOnlyFile -LineValue $LogLine
else {
$LogLine = $Log2
Log-Write -LogPath $sLogOnlyFile -LineValue $LogLine
Function Get-bhDReports {
$directreports = Get-Directreport $manager -norecurse | Select-Object samAccountName
if ($null -ne $directreports) {
$LogLine = "Gathering direct reports for $manager"
Log-Write -LogPath $sLogFile -LineValue $LogLine
else {
$LogLine = "$manager has no reports."
Log-Write -LogPath $sLogFile -LineValue $LogLine
Function Set-bhRTGmembers {
# Get manager's 'report to <manager>' group again to update members
$managerReportToGroup = Get-ADGroup -SearchBase $OU -Filter "Name -like 'Report to $Manager'"
$Directreports = Get-Directreport $manager -norecurse | Select-Object -expand samAccountName
if ($managerReportToGroup) {
Add-ADGroupMember -identity $managerReportToGroup.Name -members $DirectReports
Add-ADGroupMember -identity $ -members $Manager
#$LogLine = "Report to " + $Manager + " updated."
Log-Write -LogPath $sLogFile -LineValue $LogLine
else {
$LogLine = "Could not find group for " + $Manager
Log-Write -LogPath $sLogFile -LineValue $LogLine
Function Set-bhRTGmembers_logonly {
$DirectReports = Get-Directreport $manager -norecurse | Select-Object -expand samAccountName
# Get manager's 'report to <manager>' group again to update members
$managerReportToGroup = Get-ADGroup -SearchBase $OU -Filter "Name -like 'Report to $Manager'"
if ($managerReportToGroup) {
$LogLine = "Report to $Manager would be updated with $DirectReports"
Log-Write -LogPath $sLogOnlyFile -LineValue $LogLine
else {
$LogLine = "Group for $Manager not found, would be updated with $DirectReports"
Log-Write -LogPath $sLogOnlyFile -LineValue $LogLine
Function Remove-bhOOSGroups {
$report = $report -replace ("Report to ", "")
if ($Report -notin $managers) {
Remove-ADGroup -Identity "Report to $Report" -confirm:$false
$LogLine = $report + " user has fell out of scope, Report group removed."
Log-Write -LogPath $sLogFile -LineValue $LogLine
else {
Function Remove-bhOOSGroups_logonly {
$report = $report -replace ("Report to ", "")
if ($Report -notin $managers) {
$LogLine = $report + " user has fell out of scope, Report group would be removed."
Log-Write -LogPath $sLogOnlyFile -LineValue $LogLine
else {
#----------------------------------------------[ Execution ]------------------------------------------------
Foreach ($Manager in $Managers) {
if (-not $LogOnly) {
$Directreports = Get-Directreport $manager -norecurse | Select-Object -expand samAccountName
$script:AddUserCount += ($DirectReports | Measure-Object).count
$time = (Get-Date).ToString('T')
Log-Write -LogPath $sLogFile -LineValue "Direct reports are: $Directreports"
Log-Write -LogPath $sLogFile -LineValue "========================[$Time ]==============================="
} else {
$script:LOAddUserCount += ($DirectReports | Measure-Object).count
Log-Write -LogPath $sLogOnlyFile -LineValue "========================[ LogOnly ]==============================="
Foreach ($Report in $ReportsTo) {
If (-not $LogOnly){
} else {
if (-not $LogOnly) {
Log-Write -Logpath $sLogPath -Linevalue "$AddUserCount Total users matched"
Log-Write -LogPath $sLogPath -Linevalue "$AddGroupCount New groups added"
Log-Write -LogPath $sLogPath -Linevalue "$GroupsRemoved groups removed"
Log-Write -LogPath $sLogPath -Linevalue "====[END]====="
} else {
Log-Write -Logpath $sLogOnlyPath -Linevalue "$LOAdduserCount Users who would be added"
Log-Write -Logpath $sLogOnlyPath -Linevalue "$LOGroupCount Groups that would be added"
Log-Write -LogPath $sLogOnlyPath -Linevalue "$LOGroupsRemoved Groups that would be removed"
Log-Write -LogPath $sLogOnlyPath -Linevalue "====[END]====="
Upvotes: 0
Views: 74
Reputation: 255
"$AddUserCount Total users matched"
is not the variable that is being output. It's this one: "$LOAdduserCount Users who would be added"
Also, $script:LOAddUserCount += ($DirectReports | Measure-Object).count
shouldn't be in the $script:
context. It should be $LOAddUserCount += $DirectReports.Count
, notice that I've also simplified the count.
Upvotes: 1