
Reputation: 232

Swift get stripe charge id when payment has succeeded

I am using stripe api to make a payment.

I am trying to receive the charge ID from the pay() function but do not see the charge id in any of the Param Variables. Is this something I have to do server side? I would assume the charge id would be in the payment intent params but it is not. Do I have to fetch the charge id some other way?

charge id example:

"id": "ch_1IXpNqHiSsWQPbMQ3dNTp73m"

I create a payment intent server side and process the payment like so:

  func pay() {
    guard let paymentIntentClientSecret = paymentIntentClientSecret else {
    // Collect card details
    let cardParams = cardTextField.cardParams
    let paymentMethodParams = STPPaymentMethodParams(card: cardParams, billingDetails: nil, metadata: nil)
    let paymentIntentParams = STPPaymentIntentParams(clientSecret: paymentIntentClientSecret)
    paymentIntentParams.paymentMethodParams = paymentMethodParams
    // Submit the payment
    let paymentHandler = STPPaymentHandler.shared()
    paymentHandler.confirmPayment(withParams: paymentIntentParams, authenticationContext: self) { (status, paymentIntent, error) in
      switch (status) {
      case .failed:
          self.displayAlert(title: "Payment failed", message: error?.localizedDescription ?? "")
      case .canceled:
          self.displayAlert(title: "Payment canceled", message: error?.localizedDescription ?? "")
      case .succeeded:
          self.displayAlert(title: "Payment succeeded", message: paymentIntent?.description ?? "")
      @unknown default:

Param output:






Optional(<Stripe.STPPaymentIntent: 0x600003d443c0; stripeId = pi_xxx; amount = 555; canceledAt = nil; captureMethod = Optional("automatic"); clientSecret = ; confirmationMethod = Optional("automatic"); created = 2021-03-22 15:08:09 +0000; currency = usd; description = nil; lastPaymentError = nil; livemode = false; nextAction = nil; paymentMethodId = Optional("pm_1IXpMTKn7R1M6tqnP8vs3i7n"); paymentMethod = Optional(<Stripe.STPPaymentMethod: 0x600003d445a0; stripeId = pm_1IXpMTKn7R1M6tqnP8vs3i7n; alipay = nil; auBECSDebit = nil; bacsDebit = nil; bancontact = nil; billingDetails = Optional(<Stripe.STPPaymentMethodBillingDetails: 0x600002106d00; name = ; phone = ; email = ; address = Optional(<Stripe.STPPaymentMethodAddress: 0x600002c02b80; line1 = ; line2 = ; city = ; state = ; postalCode = ; country = >)>); card = Optional(<Stripe.STPPaymentMethodCard: 0x600003015320; brand = Visa; checks = <Stripe.STPPaymentMethodCardChecks: 0x600000dc4090; addressLine1Check: ; addressPostalCodeCheck: ; cvcCheck: >; country = US; expMonth = 4; expYear = 2024; funding = credit; last4 = 4242; fingerprint = ; networks = <Stripe.STPPaymentMethodCardNetworks: 0x600000dc4060; available: ["visa"]; preferred: >; threeDSecureUsage = <Stripe.STPPaymentMethodThreeDSecureUsage: 0x6000002a0200; supported: YES>; wallet = >); cardPresent = nil; created = Optional(2021-03-22 15:08:10 +0000); customerId = ; ideal = nil; eps = nil; fpx = nil; giropay = nil; netBanking = nil; oxxo = nil; grabPay = nil; payPal = nil; przelewy24 = nil; sepaDebit = nil; sofort = nil; upi = nil; afterpay_clearpay = nil; liveMode = NO; type = card>); paymentMethodTypes = Optional(["card"]); receiptEmail = nil; setupFutureUsage = nil; shipping = nil; sourceId = nil; status = Optional("succeeded")>)


<Stripe.STPPaymentIntentParams: 0x600003544000; stripeId = Optional("pi_1IXpMTKn7R1M6tqn8WIzEoyE"); clientSecret = ; receiptEmail = nil; returnURL = nil; savePaymentMethod = nil; setupFutureUsage = nil; shipping = nil; useStripeSDK = nil; sourceId = nil; sourceParams = nil; paymentMethodId = nil; paymentMethodParams = Optional(<Stripe.STPPaymentMethodParams: 0x60000377ee80>); mandateData = nil; paymentMethodOptions = @nil; additionalAPIParameters = [:]> card params: <Stripe.STPPaymentMethodCardParams: 0x600002163ca0; last4 = 4242; expMonth = 4; expYear = 24; cvc = ; token = >

Upvotes: 2

Views: 2593

Answers (1)


Reputation: 3311

A PaymentIntent has all its Charges under the charges list [0] but that is only returned server-side, it is not currently retrievable via a Publishable key.

You would fetch the PaymentIntent server-side which will return you the entire charges list, with the most recent Charge being the first element in that list.


Upvotes: 2

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