
Reputation: 11

Xamarin.iOS capture photo in 72 dpi

photoOutput = new AVCapturePhotoOutput();
if (CaptureSession.CanAddOutput(photoOutput))
        photoOutput.IsHighResolutionCaptureEnabled = true;

TakePhoto button:

void TakePhoto()
        AVCapturePhotoSettings settings = GetCurrentPhotoSettings();
        photoOutput.CapturePhoto(settings, this);

AVCapturePhotoSettings GetCurrentPhotoSettings()
        AVCapturePhotoSettings photoSettings = AVCapturePhotoSettings.Create();

        var previewPixelType = photoSettings.AvailablePreviewPhotoPixelFormatTypes.First();

        var keys = new[]
                new NSString(CVPixelBuffer.PixelFormatTypeKey),
                new NSString(CVPixelBuffer.WidthKey),
                new NSString(CVPixelBuffer.HeightKey),

        var objects = new NSObject[]
                new NSNumber(160),
                new NSNumber(160)

        var dictionary = new NSDictionary<NSString, NSObject>(keys, objects);
        photoSettings.PreviewPhotoFormat = dictionary;

        photoSettings.IsHighResolutionPhotoEnabled = true;
        return photoSettings;
void DidFinishProcessingPhoto(AVCapturePhotoOutput captureOutput,CMSampleBuffer photoSampleBuffer,CMSampleBuffer previewPhotoSampleBuffer,AVCaptureResolvedPhotoSettings resolvedSettings, AVCaptureBracketedStillImageSettings bracketSettings,NSError error)
            if (photoSampleBuffer == null)
                    Console.WriteLine($"Error occurred while capturing photo: {error}");

            NSData imageData = AVCapturePhotoOutput.GetJpegPhotoDataRepresentation(photoSampleBuffer, previewPhotoSampleBuffer);
            UIImage imageInfo = new UIImage(imageData);
            (Element as CameraView).SetPhotoResult(imageInfo.AsJPEG().ToArray());

As a result of executing this code, I get an array of bytes of the image that I save using the function:

void SaveImageTest(string filename, byte[] arr)
            UIImage img = new UIImage(NSData.FromArray(arr));
            var jpeg = img.AsJPEG();
            NSError error;
            jpeg.Save(filename, false, out error);

Uploading an image to the server, I get 96 DPI in image details. image details

I would like to create 72 DPI images.,

I did not find an intelligible solution, maybe swift is not able to create such images and you probably know Xamarin libraries for image transformation

Upvotes: 1

Views: 220

Answers (1)

Lucas Zhang
Lucas Zhang

Reputation: 18861

We could resize the image with the following code

   sourceImage:the iamge that you download
   newSize the size you want ( for example 72*72)
public UIImage ScalingImageToSize(UIImage sourceImage,CGSize newSize)

   UIGraphics.BeginImageContextWithOptions(newSize, false, UIScreen.MainScreen.Scale);
   sourceImage.Draw(new CGRect(0, 0, newSize.Width, newSize.Height));

   UIImage newImage = UIGraphics.GetImageFromCurrentImageContext();


   return newImage;


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