Reputation: 189
I have a table called 'JobVendor' which has column called 'shortName'. This is part of Unique key constraint with Index on it.
jobVendorBuilder.HasIndex(e => new { e.JobFk, e.ShortName }, "UQ_JobVendor_Job_shortName")
I am trying to alter shortName length from 32 to 16 character using EF core fluent API.
jobVendorBuilder.Property(e => e.ShortName)
Add-Migration creates below code
name: "ShortName",
table: "JobVendor",
type: "varchar(16)",
unicode: false,
maxLength: 16,
nullable: false,
oldClrType: typeof(string),
oldType: "varchar(32)",
oldUnicode: false,
oldMaxLength: 32);
But when tried to update Database, it throws below error...
An explicit DROP INDEX is not allowed on index 'JobVendor.UQ_JobVendor_Job_shortName'. It is being used for UNIQUE KEY constraint enforcement.
The SQL query that executed in the background...
DROP INDEX [UQ_JobVendor_Job_shortName] ON [JobVendor];
DECLARE @var0 sysname;
SELECT @var0 = [d].[name]
FROM [sys].[default_constraints] [d]
INNER JOIN [sys].[columns] [c] ON [d].[parent_column_id] = [c].[column_id] AND [d].[parent_object_id]
= [c].[object_id]
WHERE ([d].[parent_object_id] = OBJECT_ID(N'[JobVendor]') AND [c].[name] = N'ShortName');
IF @var0 IS NOT NULL EXEC(N'ALTER TABLE [JobVendor] DROP CONSTRAINT [' + @var0 + '];');
ALTER TABLE [JobVendor] ALTER COLUMN [ShortName] varchar(16) NOT NULL;
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX [UQ_JobVendor_Job_shortName] ON [JobVendor] ([Job_FK], [ShortName]);
I am not sure why it is trying to drop index while altering column...
I have gone through couple of stack overflow questions and they suggested to drop index first and add later so I tried removing the Unique constraint and added migration. It added drop Index to migration explicitly
name: "UQ_JobVendor_Job_shortName",
table: "JobVendor");
name: "ShortName",
table: "JobVendor",
type: "varchar(16)",
unicode: false,
maxLength: 16,
nullable: false,
oldClrType: typeof(string),
oldType: "varchar(32)",
oldUnicode: false,
oldMaxLength: 32);
But trying to Update-Database still throws same error, as in this case too it is trying to drop index, which it is not able to do so...
Failed executing DbCommand (344ms) [Parameters=[], CommandType='Text',
Internal SQL statement executed
DROP INDEX [UQ_JobVendor_Job_shortName] ON [JobVendor];
Do I need to remove the column and add back to resolve this ? or any other better solution?
Upvotes: 0
Views: 1414
Reputation: 1169
name: "UQ_JobVendor_Job_shortName",
table: "JobVendor");
name: "ShortName",
table: "JobVendor",
type: "varchar(16)",
unicode: false,
maxLength: 16,
nullable: false,
oldClrType: typeof(string),
oldType: "varchar(32)",
oldUnicode: false,
oldMaxLength: 32);
Upvotes: 1