Quick question, i'm trying to insert a variable into a string json body block like below, but when i perform a rest api call by passing the json body into the invoke-webrequest function, the variable is actually not getting inserted. In the alert software i'm using i just see the message as 'The following host $($scrapperHost) is not running!!'
$myHost = $Env:Computername
#variable prints the correct hostname
#string json body
$jsonBody = @'
"message": "The following host $($myHost) is not running!!"}
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There are several ways you can insert variables into strings or Here-Strings. See about Quoting Rules for related information.
For your specific example, variables are expanded in double-quotes so instead of using @'...'@
you can use @"..."@
$myHost = $env:COMPUTERNAME
$jsonBody = @"
"message": "The following host $myHost is not running!!"
Another way to do it is with format string or format operator -f
, notice in this case, because the string contains {
and }
you must escape them with a consecutive curly brace:
$jsonBody = @'
"message": "The following host {0} is not running!!"
'@ -f $myHost
Taking a step back, the correct way to do create your Json string would be to use ConvertTo-Json
$jsonBody = [pscustomobject]@{
message = "The following host $myHost is not running!!"
} | ConvertTo-Json
Upvotes: 3