Reputation: 175
I know that it is impossible to target dark mode in gmail ios. But I thought I'd ask if anyone ever solved this problem: I have a background image that is dark. The white text reverts to black during dark mode, and on gmail for ios, nothing I tried worked. I even tried putting a solid background color on top of the image but it didn't take. If anyone ever found a hack, workaround, idea that worked I'd love to hear it! Thanks!!!
Upvotes: 1
Views: 9872
Reputation: 5259
According to Litmus the Gmail iOS app applies a 'full invert', meaning that they don't even attempt to parse what you have but apply some sort of blanket filter to invert all colours.
However, there is a hack been developed which can work
Upvotes: 2
As per @Nathan's request...
One alternative you can try is to remove any dark flat colours from your image and instead set them in the inline CSS. So say you have an image, but where your text lies over the image the background is a flat colour. Taking that flat colour out of the image and instead making a transparent PNG and setting the dark colour on the wrapping cell, email clients will then analyse the background colour against the text and then the text will render lighter than the background colour.
Originally my client had a multi layered design where initially I had the charcoal and white blocks in one large bg image. In testing - Gmail was difficult, as we all know. So I took the charcoal out and made that block transparent, I then added the charcoal colour as a background colour on the entire block and then you get the result above, even with Gmail's crude dark mode optimisation.
Here is the adapted CSS background declaration:
style="background:#1A1A1A url('') no-repeat top center;
The #1A1A1A is the charcoal colour from the original background image. This now being a CSS property Gmail or any other email client can now use to analyse the content and optimise accordingly.
Here is how I adapted my background image:
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Litmus test of Gmail iOS app:
Here you can see Gmail taking what we've defined in HTML/CSS and making a better judgement call on how to proceed for dark mode optimisation.
Upvotes: 3