Reputation: 231
this question mainly comes due to my lack of understanding of the ROS and inability to find exactly the topic.
For turtlesim, the topic is turtle1/cmd_vel to publish command velocity messages to
For turtlebot3, what is the topic to publish cmd_vel messages to?
I have done something like this for turtlesim
command_topic_velocity = '/turtle1/cmd_vel'
publisher_velocity = rospy.Publisher(command_topic_velocity, Twist, queue_size=10)
what would command_topic_velocity
be for Turtlebot3 on ROS melodic?
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Views: 5952
Reputation: 29
you shoud use cmd_vel
pub = rospy.Publisher('cmd_vel', Twist, queue_size=10)
and you can use rostopic nameoftopic show
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