Reputation: 91
I don't know what I could be doing wrong to get this error:
I've tried different promises, await, async combinations and nothing.
I've tried Promise.resolve())
and also .then(function()
Nothing stopped that error, what can I change to fix it?
export class AppController {
constructor(private httpSoap: HttpClient,
@InjectModel('product') private readonly productModel: Model<any>,
private xmlUtils: XmlUtils) { }
async handleMessagePrinted(data: Record<any, any>) {
let result = data;
insertproduct(data: any) {
async createproduct(job: any): Promise<any> {
return new Promise((async (resolve, reject) => {
// if (this.soapService.productCreate) {
const payload = job;
const xmlPayload = this.xmlUtils.parseJSONtoXML(payload);
this.insertproduct(stringify(xmlPayload)); //gravar na mongo
console.log("xmlPayload "+xmlPayload);
const headerRequest = {
'Content-Type': ContentTypeEnum.XML,
SOAPAction: SoapActionEnum.CREATE_SERVICE_product
const soap: ResponseInterface = await this.request("localhost:8080", xmlPayload, headerRequest, SoapType.product);
if (soap.error) {
if (soap.status) {
if (soap.status.firewall.code === '000-000' || soap.status.firewall.code === '000-001') {
resolve(`product ${soap.body.Number} created successfully`);
} else if (soap.status.firewall.code === '000-998' && soap.status.fireWall.code === '623') {
reject({ error: soap.status.fireWall.description });
} else if (soap.status.firewall.code === '000-500' && soap.status.fireWall.code === 'BWENGINE-100029') {
const payloadSearch: productSearchDocument = new productSearchDocument();
payloadSearch.IsOperational = undefined;
payloadSearch.IsHistory = undefined;
payloadSearch.Qualification = `id='${}'`;
const search = await this.searchproduct(payloadSearch);
if (search.status) {
if (search.status.firewall.code === '000-000' || search.status.firewall.code === '000-001') {
resolve(`product ${soap.body.Number} created successfully`);
} else {
reject({ error: search.status.firewall.description, fireWallError: soap.status.fireWall.description });
} else {
reject({ error: soap.status.firewall.description, fireWallError: soap.status.fireWall.description });
public async searchproduct(data: any): Promise<any> {
return new Promise((async (resolve, reject) => {
// if (this.soapService.productSearch) {
const payload = data;
const xmlPayload = this.xmlUtils.parseJSONtoXML(payload);
const headerRequest = {
'Content-Type': ContentTypeEnum.XML,
SOAPAction: SoapActionEnum.SEARCH_SERVICE_product
const soap: ResponseInterface = await this.request("localhost:8080", xmlPayload, headerRequest, SoapType.product);
if (soap.error) {
if (soap.status) {
if (soap.status.firewall.code === '000-000' || soap.status.firewall.code === '000-001') {
} else {
reject({ error: soap.status.fireWall.description });
} else {
reject({ error: soap });
public request(uri: string, data: any, headers: IHeaders, type: SoapType): Promise<any> {
return new Promise(((resolve) => {
this.httpSoap.request(uri, data, (async (err, res) => {
if (err) {
resolve({ error: err });
} else {
try {
console.log("fireWall response: "+data);
const bodyJson = await this.xmlUtils.formatXmlToJson(res.body);
const status: StatusInterface = await this.xmlUtils.formatStatusXML(bodyJson);
let body;
if (type === SoapType.product) {
body = await this.xmlUtils.formatproductServiceBodyXml(bodyJson);
this.insertproduct(stringify(bodyJson)); //gravar na mongo
} else if (type === SoapType.UNAVAILABILITY) {
body = await this.xmlUtils.formatImpactServiceBodyToXML(bodyJson);
} else if (type === SoapType.TASK) {
body = await this.xmlUtils.formatTaskServiceBodyXML(bodyJson);
} else {
body = '';
const response: ResponseInterface = {
} catch (e) {
}), headers);
public simpleRequest(connection, payload): Promise<any> {
return new Promise<any>((resolve, reject) => {
const headers = {
this.httpSoap.request("localhost:8080", payload, (async (err, res) => {
if (err) {
resolve({ error: err });
} else {
try {
if (res.statusCode === 500) {
// const bodyJson = await this.xmlUtils.formatXmlToJson(res.body);
} else {
const bodyJson = await this.xmlUtils.formatXmlToJson(res.body);
} catch (e) {
}), headers);
My goal is to be able to save to mongo and also be able to make the http call to the SOAP api
Upvotes: 0
Views: 182
Reputation: 787
This warning is shown when you don't add a rejection handler to a Promise, and it's rejected. It can be rejected when an error is occurred inside a promise, or reject() is called.
reject called:
const aa = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
reject(new Error('whoops'));
aa.then(v => {
// Running this script gives unhandled rejection warning
an error is occurred:
const aa = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const a = {};
// "cannot read property 'unexistingProperty' of undefined" error is thrown here
const b = a.b.unexistingProperty;
// alternatively, when an is thrown with throw
// throw new Error('oops')
aa.then(v => {
// Running this script also gives unhandled rejection warning
You can add a rejection handler via then (the second argument to then() is rejection handler) or catch. For async/await you can add a try/catch block to catch error.
In node.js you can also add rejection handler to all unhandled rejected promises with process.on('unhandledRejection') like this:
process.on('unhandledRejection', error => {
You can also see where the error is thrown with unhandledRejection event handler shown above, or you can run node.js with --trace-warnings like this.
node --trace-warnings index.js
Upvotes: 1