Jackson Lim
Jackson Lim

Reputation: 99

How to connect to KaaIOT MQTT broker

I want to connect my KaaIOT cloud and subscribe a topic to show result from terminal. I do not know where to get the topic name to subscribe with. I had read the KaaIOT documentation but still cannot have a clear idea on it. Could someone help me with a sample code for me to reference?

KaaIOT Information

appVersion.name: c184ijqrqa51q5haskp0-v1

appVersion.registeredDate: 2021-03-16T05:59:54.185Z

createdDate: 2021-03-16T05:59:54.186Z

endpointId: fc2c5833-77c5-445a-89a0-9b0e7498c048

model: Raspberry Pi (

metadataUpdatedDate: 2021-03-17T09:13:01.809Z

Sample Code

import itertools
import json
import queue
import random
import string
import sys
import time

import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt

KPC_HOST = "mqtt.cloud.kaaiot.com"  # Kaa Cloud plain MQTT host
KPC_PORT = 1883                     # Kaa Cloud plain MQTT port

APPLICATION_VERSION = ""  # Paste your application version
ENDPOINT_TOKEN = ""       # Paste your endpoint token

class MetadataClient:

    def __init__(self, client):
        self.client = client
        self.metadata_by_request_id = {}
        self.global_request_id = itertools.count()
        get_metadata_subscribe_topic = f'kp1/{APPLICATION_VERSION}/epmx/{ENDPOINT_TOKEN}/get/#'
        self.client.message_callback_add(get_metadata_subscribe_topic, self.handle_metadata)

    def handle_metadata(self, client, userdata, message):
        request_id = int(message.topic.split('/')[-2])
        if message.topic.split('/')[-1] == 'status' and request_id in self.metadata_by_request_id:
            print(f'<--- Received metadata response on topic {message.topic}')
            metadata_queue = self.metadata_by_request_id[request_id]
            print(f'<--- Received bad metadata response on topic {message.topic}:\n{str(message.payload.decode("utf-8"))}')

    def get_metadata(self):
        request_id = next(self.global_request_id)
        get_metadata_publish_topic = f'kp1/{APPLICATION_VERSION}/epmx/{ENDPOINT_TOKEN}/get/{request_id}'

        metadata_queue = queue.Queue()
        self.metadata_by_request_id[request_id] = metadata_queue

        print(f'---> Requesting metadata by topic {get_metadata_publish_topic}')
        self.client.publish(topic=get_metadata_publish_topic, payload=json.dumps({}))
            metadata = metadata_queue.get(True, 5)
            del self.metadata_by_request_id[request_id]
            return str(metadata.decode("utf-8"))
        except queue.Empty:
            print('Timed out waiting for metadata response from server')

    def patch_metadata_unconfirmed(self, metadata):
        partial_metadata_udpate_publish_topic = f'kp1/{APPLICATION_VERSION}/epmx/{ENDPOINT_TOKEN}/update/keys'

        print(f'---> Reporting metadata on topic {partial_metadata_udpate_publish_topic}\nwith payload {metadata}')
        self.client.publish(topic=partial_metadata_udpate_publish_topic, payload=metadata)

def main():
    # Initiate server connection
    print(f'Connecting to Kaa server at {KPC_HOST}:{KPC_PORT} using application version {APPLICATION_VERSION} and endpoint token {ENDPOINT_TOKEN}')

    client_id = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits) for _ in range(6))
    client = mqtt.Client(client_id=client_id)
    client.connect(KPC_HOST, KPC_PORT, 60)

    metadata_client = MetadataClient(client)

    # Fetch current endpoint metadata attributes
    retrieved_metadata = metadata_client.get_metadata()
    print(f'Retrieved metadata from server: {retrieved_metadata}')

    # Do a partial endpoint metadata update
    metadata_to_report = json.dumps({"model": "BFG 9000", "mac": "00-14-22-01-23-45"})


if __name__ == '__main__':

Upvotes: 0

Views: 318

Answers (1)

Vishwajit Rahatal
Vishwajit Rahatal

Reputation: 174

I have established a communication with EMQX broker by using MQTT protocol. But I don't know about KaaIoT much but this might help you. As I went through your code, I didn't see the part where you have subscribed to the topic(correct me if I am wrong). You can refer this. I have implemented the sub pub model and below is the subscriber code which runs fine for EMQX broker. You can try it for KaaIoT.

import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt
import time
import logging
def on_connect(client, userdata, flags, rc):
    logging.info("Connected flags"+str(flags)+"result code " + str(rc)+ "client1_id")
def on_message(client, userdata, message):
    print("Received message: " ,str(message.payload.decode("utf-8")))
def on_disconnect(client, userdata, rc):
    if rc != 0:
        print("Unexpected MQTT disconnection. Will auto-reconnect")
client = mqtt.Client('''Your client id string''')
client.connect("mqtt.cloud.kaaiot.com", 1883, 60) 
client.subscribe('''Your topic name (mentioned where data is published)''',qos=1)
client.on_connect = on_connect
client.on_disconnect = on_disconnect

Upvotes: 1

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