Reputation: 105
Hello can someone help me extract the value of user parameter which is "testuser1"
I tried to use this JSON Path expression $ I was able to extract the entire response but unable to extract user parameter. Thanks in advance
{ "data": "{ "took" : 13, "timed_out" : false, "_shards" : { "total" : 5, "successful" : 5, "skipped" : 0, "failed" : 0 }, "hits" : { "total" : 1, "max_score" : 1.0, "hits" : [ { "_index" : "bushidodb_history_network_eval_ea9656ef-0a9b-474b-8026-2f83e2eb9df1_2021-april-10", "_type" : "network", "_id" : "6e2e58be-0ccf-3fb4-8239-1d4f2af322e21618059082000", "_score" : 1.0, "_source" : { "misMatches" : [ "protocol", "state", "command" ], "instance" : "e3032804-4b6d-3735-ac22-c827950395b4|||53|UDP", "protocol" : "UDP", "localAddress" : "", "localPort" : "12345", "foreignAddress" : "", "foreignPort" : "53", "command" : "ping ", "user" : "testuser1", "pid" : "10060", "state" : "OUTGOINGFQ", "rate" : 216.0, "originalLocalAddress" : "", "exe" : "/bin/ping", "md5" : "f9ad63ce8592af407a7be43b7d5de075", "dir" : "", "agentId" : "abcd-dcd123", "year" : "2021", "month" : "APRIL", "day" : "10", "hour" : "12", "time" : "1618059082000", "isMerged" : false, "timestamp" : "Apr 10, 2021 12:51:22 PM", "metricKey" : "6e2e58be-0ccf-3fb4-8239-1d4f2af322e2", "isCompliant" : false }, "sort" : [ 1618059082000 ] } ] }, "aggregations" : { "count_over_time" : { "buckets" : [ { "key_as_string" : "2021-04-10T08:00:00.000-0400", "key" : 1618056000000, "doc_count" : 1 } ] } }}", "success": true, "message": { "code": "S", "message": "Get Eval results Count Success" } }
Actual Response:
Upvotes: 0
Views: 1347
Reputation: 168207
What you posted doesn't look like a valid JSON to me.
If in reality you're getting what's in your image, to wit:
"data": "{ \"took\" : 13, \"timed_out\" : false, \"_shards\" : { \"total\" : 5, \"successful\" : 5, \"skipped\" : 0, \"failed\" : 0 }, \"hits\" : { \"total\" : 1, \"max_score\" : 1.0, \"hits\" : [ { \"_index\" : \"bushidodb_history_network_eval_ea9656ef-0a9b-474b-8026-2f83e2eb9df1_2021-april-10\", \"_type\" : \"network\", \"_id\" : \"6e2e58be-0ccf-3fb4-8239-1d4f2af322e21618059082000\", \"_score\" : 1.0, \"_source\" : { \"misMatches\" : [ \"protocol\", \"state\", \"command\" ], \"instance\" : \"e3032804-4b6d-3735-ac22-c827950395b4|||53|UDP\", \"protocol\" : \"UDP\", \"localAddress\" : \"\", \"localPort\" : \"12345\", \"foreignAddress\" : \"\", \"foreignPort\" : \"53\", \"command\" : \"\", \"user\" : \"testuser1\", \"pid\" : \"10060\", \"state\" : \"OUTGOINGFQ\", \"rate\" : 216.0, \"originalLocalAddress\" : \"\", \"exe\" : \"/bin/ping\", \"md5\" : \"f9ad63ce8592af407a7be43b7d5de075\", \"dir\" : \"\", \"agentId\" : \"abcd-dcd123\", \"year\" : \"2021\", \"month\" : \"APRIL\", \"day\" : \"10\", \"hour\" : \"12\", \"time\" : \"1618059082000\", \"isMerged\" : false, \"timestamp\" : \"Apr10, 202112: 51: 22PM\", \"metricKey\" : \"6e2e58be-0ccf-3fb4-8239-1d4f2af322e2\", \"isCompliant\" : false }, \"sort\" : [ 1618059082000 ] } ] }, \"aggregations\" : { \"count_over_time\" : { \"buckets\" : [ { \"key_as_string\" : \"2021-04-10T08: 00: 00.000-0400\", \"key\" : 1618056000000, \"doc_count\" : 1 } ] } }}",
"success": true,
"message": {
"code": "S",
"message": "Get Eval results Count Success"
the easiest way is just using 2 JSON Extractors:
Extract data
attribute value into a JMeter Variable from the response
Extract user
attribute value into a JMeter variable from ${data}
JMeter Variable:
If the response looks like exactly you posted you won't be able to use JSON Extractors and will have to treat it as normal text so your choice is limited to Regular Expression Extractor, example regular expression:
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 13
Add Regular Expression extractor with the corresponding request and extract it. Use the below expression. Expression: "user" : "(.*?)"
Regular Expression Extractor Sample
Upvotes: 0