Reputation: 17601
I am working with the Amazon Mechanical Turk API and it will only allow me to use regular expressions to filter a field of data.
I would like to input an integer range to a function, such as 256-311 or 45-1233, and return a regex that would match only that range.
A regex matching 256-321 would be:
That part is fairly easy, but I am having trouble with the loop to create this regex.
I am trying to build a function defined like this:
function getRangeRegex( int fromInt, int toInt)
return regexString;
I looked all over the web and I am surprised that it doesn't look like anyone has solved this in the past. It is a difficult problem...
Thanks for your time.
Upvotes: 10
Views: 10217
Reputation: 864
As I have encountered the same issue as @EmilianoT already reported, I tried to fix it, but in the end I opted for porting the PHP port of RegexNumericRangeGenerator (ported by @EmilianoT), although not in a class. I am not quite happy with this JS port, as all toString()
and parseInt()
methods could be still optimised (they might be somewhere unnecessary), but it works for all cases.
I thing I changed are the parameters. I replaced parse($min, $max, $MatchWholeWord = FALSE, $MatchWholeLine = FALSE, $MatchLeadingZero = FALSE)
with parse(min, max, width = 0, prefix = '', suffix = '')
, which gives it more options (some might want to put the regex into slashes, others want to match the line [prefix = '^'; suffix = '$'
], etc). Also I wanted to be able to configure the width of the number (width = 3
→ 000
, 001
, 052
, 800
, 1000
, ...).
I replaced my previous answer, as it does not work all the time. If one wants to read it, they can see it in the answer history.
function parse(min, max, width = 0, prefix = '', suffix = '') {
if (! Number.isInteger(min) || ! Number.isInteger(max) || min > max || min < 0 || max < 0) {
return false
if (min == max) {
return parseIntoPattern(min, prefix, suffix)
let x = parseStartRange(min, max)
let s = []
x.forEach(o => {
s.push(parseEndRange(o[0], o[1]))
let n = reformatArray(s)
let h = parseIntoRegex(n, width)
return parseIntoPattern(h, prefix, suffix)
function parseIntoPattern(t, prefix = '', suffix = '') {
let r = Array.isArray(t) ? t.join('|') : t
return prefix + '(' + r + ')' + suffix
function parseIntoRegex(t, width = 0) {
if (! Array.isArray(t)) {
throw new Error('Argument needs to be an array!')
let r = []
for (let i = 0; i < t.length; i++) {
let e = t[i][0].split('')
let n = t[i][1].split('')
let s = ''
let o = 0
let h = ''
for (let a = 0; a < e.length; a++) {
if (e[a] === n[a]) {
h += e[a]
} else if (parseInt(e[a]) + 1 === parseInt(n[a])) {
h += '[' + e[a] + n[a] + ']'
} else {
if (s === e[a] + n[a]) {
s = e[a] + n[a]
if (a == e.length - 1) {
h += o > 0 ? '{' + (o + 1) + '}' : '[' + e[a] + '-' + n[a] + ']'
} else if (o === 0) {
h += '[' + e[a] + '-' + n[a] + ']'
if (e.length < width) {
h = '0'.repeat(width - e.length, '0') + h
return r
function reformatArray(t) {
let arrReturn = []
for (let i = 0; i < t.length; i++) {
let page = t[i].length / 2
for (let a = 0; a < page; a++) {
arrReturn.push(t[i].slice(2 * a))
return arrReturn
function parseStartRange(t, r) {
t = t.toString()
r = r.toString()
if (t.length === r.length) {
return [[t, r]]
let breakOut = 10 ** t.length - 1
return [[t, breakOut.toString()]].concat(parseStartRange(breakOut + 1, r))
function parseEndRange(t, r) {
if (t.length == 1) {
return [t, r]
if ('0'.repeat(t.length) === '0' + t.substr(1)) {
if ('0'.repeat(r.length) == '9' + r.substr(1)) {
return [t, r]
if (parseInt(t.toString().substr(0, 1)) < parseInt(r.toString().substr(0, 1))) {
let e = parseInt(r.toString().substr(0, 1) + '0'.repeat(r.length - 1)) - 1
return [t, strBreakPoint(e)].concat(parseEndRange(strBreakPoint(e + 1), r))
if ('9'.repeat(r.length) === '9' + r.toString().substr(1) && parseInt(t.toString().substr(0, 1)) < parseInt(r.toString().substr(0, 1))) {
let e = parseInt(parseInt(parseInt(t.toString().substr(0, 1)) + 1) + '0'.repeat(r.length - 1)) - 1
return parseEndRange(t, strBreakPoint(e)).concat(strBreakPoint(e + 1), r)
if (parseInt(t.toString().substr(0, 1)) < parseInt(r.toString().substr(0, 1))) {
let e = parseInt(parseInt(parseInt(t.toString().substr(0, 1)) + 1) + '0'.repeat(r.length - 1)) - 1
return parseEndRange(t, strBreakPoint(e)).concat(parseEndRange(strBreakPoint(e + 1), r))
let a = parseInt(t.toString().substr(0, 1))
let o = parseEndRange(t.toString().substr(1), r.toString().substr(1))
let h = []
for (let u = 0; u < o.length; u++) {
h.push(a + o[u])
return h
function strBreakPoint(t) {
return t.toString().padStart((parseInt(t) + 1).toString().length, '0')
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 121
PHP Port of RegexNumericRangeGenerator
class RegexRangeNumberGenerator {
static function parse($min, $max, $MatchWholeWord = FALSE, $MatchWholeLine = FALSE, $MatchLeadingZero = FALSE) {
if (!is_int($min) || !is_int($max) || $min > $max || $min < 0 || $max < 0) {
return FALSE;
if ($min == $max) {
return self::parseIntoPattern($min, $MatchWholeWord, $MatchWholeLine, $MatchLeadingZero);
$s = [];
$x = self::parseStartRange($min, $max);
foreach ($x as $o) {
$s[] = self::parseEndRange($o[0], $o[1]);
$n = self::reformatArray($s);
$h = self::parseIntoRegex($n);
return self::parseIntoPattern($h, $MatchWholeWord, $MatchWholeLine, $MatchLeadingZero);
static private function parseIntoPattern($t, $MatchWholeWord = FALSE, $MatchWholeLine = FALSE, $MatchLeadingZero = FALSE) {
$r = ((is_array($t)) ? implode("|", $t) : $t);
return (($MatchWholeLine && $MatchLeadingZero) ? "^0*(" . $r . ")$" : (($MatchLeadingZero) ? "0*(" . $r . ")" : (($MatchWholeLine) ? "^(" . $r . ")$" : (($MatchWholeWord) ? "\\b(" . $r . ")\\b" : "(" . $r . ")"))));
static private function parseIntoRegex($t) {
if (!is_array($t)) {
throw new Exception("Argument needs to be an array!");
$r = [];
for ($i = 0; $i < count($t); $i++) {
$e = str_split($t[$i][0]);
$n = str_split($t[$i][1]);
$s = "";
$o = 0;
$h = "";
for ($a = 0; $a < count($e); $a++) {
if ($e[$a] === $n[$a]) {
$h .= $e[$a];
} else {
if ((intval($e[$a]) + 1) === intval($n[$a])) {
$h .= "[" . $e[$a] . $n[$a] . "]";
} else {
if ($s === ($e[$a] . $n[$a])) {
$s = $e[$a] . $n[$a];
if ($a == (count($e) - 1)) {
$h .= (($o > 0) ? "{" . ($o + 1) . "}" : "[" . $e[$a] . "-" . $n[$a] . "]");
} else {
if ($o === 0) {
$h .= "[" . $e[$a] . "-" . $n[$a] . "]";
$r[] = $h;
return $r;
static private function reformatArray($t) {
$arrReturn = [];
for ($i = 0; $i < count($t); $i++) {
$page = count($t[$i]) / 2;
for ($a = 0; $a < $page; $a++) {
$arrReturn[] = array_slice($t[$i], (2 * $a), 2);
return $arrReturn;
static private function parseStartRange($t, $r) {
if (strlen($t) === strlen($r)) {
return [[$t, $r]];
$break = pow(10, strlen($t)) - 1;
return array_merge([[$t, $break]], self::parseStartRange($break + 1, $r));
static private function parseEndRange($t, $r) {
if (strlen($t) == 1) {
return [$t, $r];
if (str_repeat("0", strlen($t)) === "0" . substr($t, 1)) {
if (str_repeat("0", strlen($r)) == "9" . substr($r, 1)) {
return [$t, $r];
if ((int) substr($t, 0, 1) < (int) substr($r, 0, 1)) {
$e = intval(substr($r, 0, 1) . str_repeat("0", strlen($r) - 1)) - 1;
return array_merge([$t, self::strBreakPoint($e)], self::parseEndRange(self::strBreakPoint($e + 1), $r));
if (str_repeat("9", strlen($r)) === "9" . substr($r, 1) && (int) substr($t, 0, 1) < (int) substr($r, 0, 1)) {
$e = intval(intval((int) substr($t, 0, 1) + 1) . "" . str_repeat("0", strlen($r) - 1)) - 1;
return array_merge(self::parseEndRange($t, self::strBreakPoint($e)), [self::strBreakPoint($e + 1), $r]);
if ((int) substr($t, 0, 1) < (int) substr($r, 0, 1)) {
$e = intval(intval((int) substr($t, 0, 1) + 1) . "" . str_repeat("0", strlen($r) - 1)) - 1;
return array_merge(self::parseEndRange($t, self::strBreakPoint($e)), self::parseEndRange(self::strBreakPoint($e + 1), $r));
$a = (int) substr($t, 0, 1);
$o = self::parseEndRange(substr($t, 1), substr($r, 1));
$h = [];
for ($u = 0; $u < count($o); $u++) {
$h[] = ($a . $o[$u]);
return $h;
static private function strBreakPoint($t) {
return str_pad($t, strlen(($t + 1)), "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
Test Results
2-8 ^([2-8])$
5-35 ^([5-9]|[12][0-9]|3[0-5])$
5-100 ^([5-9]|[1-8][0-9]|9[0-9]|100)$
12-1234 ^(1[2-9]|[2-9][0-9]|[1-8][0-9]{2}|9[0-8][0-9]|99[0-9]|1[01][0-9]{2}|12[0-2][0-9]|123[0-4])$
123-123 ^(123)$
256-321 ^(25[6-9]|2[6-9][0-9]|3[01][0-9]|32[01])$
256-257 ^(25[67])$
180-195 ^(18[0-9]|19[0-5])$
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 121
Be careful, the excelent @Bart Kiers's code (and JS version of Travis J) in some cases it fails. For example:
12-1234 /^(?:1[2-9]|[2-9][0-9]|[1-9][0-9][0-9]|1[0-2][0-3][0-4])$/
does not match "1229", "1115", "1[0-2][0-2][5-9]"
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 98
I've converted Bart Kiers's answer into C++. The function takes two integers as an input and generates the regular expression for the number range.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
std::string regex_range(int from, int to);
int main(int argc, char **argv)
std::string regex = regex_range(1,100);
std::cout << regex << std::endl;
return 0;
std::string regex_range(int from, int to) //Credit: Bart Kiers 2011
if(from < 0 || to < 0)
std::cout << "Negative values not supported. Exiting." << std::endl;
return 0;
if(from > to)
std::cout << "Invalid range, from > to. Exiting." << std::endl;
return 0;
std::vector<int> ranges;
int increment = 1;
int next = from;
bool higher = true;
next += increment;
if(next + increment > to)
if(next <= to)
increment /= 10;
higher = false;
else if(next % (increment*10) == 0)
increment = higher ? increment*10 : increment/10;
if(!higher && (increment < 10))
ranges.push_back(to + 1);
std::string regex("^(?:");
for(int i = 0; i < ranges.size() - 1; i++)
int current_from =;
std::string str_from = std::to_string(current_from);
int current_to = + 1) - 1;
std::string str_to = std::to_string(current_to);
for(int j = 0; j < str_from.length(); j++)
if( ==
std::string str_from_at_j(&;
std::string str_from_at_j(&;
std::string str_to_at_j(&;
regex = regex.substr(0, regex.length() - 1);
return regex;
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 20163
This answer is duplicated from this question. I've also made it into a blog post
To be clear: When a simple if statement will suffice
if(num < -2055 || num > 2055) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("num (" + num + ") must be between -2055 and 2055");
using regular expressions for validating numeric ranges is not recommended.
In addition, since regular expressions analyze strings, numbers must first be translated to a string before they can be tested (an exception is when the number happens to already be a string, such as when getting user input from the console).
(To ensure the string is a number to begin with, you could use org.apache.commons.lang3.math.NumberUtils#isNumber(s)
Despite this, figuring out how to validate number ranges with regular expressions is interesting and instructive.
Rule: A number must be exactly 15
The simplest range there is. A regex to match this is
Word boundaries are necessary to avoid matching the 15
inside of 8215242
The rule: The number must be between 15
and 16
. Three possible regexes:
The rule: The number must be between -12
and 12
Here is a regex for 0
through 12
, positive-only:
\b( //The beginning of a word (or number), followed by either
\d // Any digit 0 through 9
| //Or
1[0-2] // A 1 followed by any digit between 0 and 2.
)\b //The end of a word
Making this work for both negative and positive is as simple as adding an optional dash at the start:
(This assumes no inappropriate characters precede the dash.)
To forbid negative numbers, a negative lookbehind is necessary:
Leaving the lookbehind out would cause the 11
in -11
to match. (The first example in this post should have this added.)
versus [0-9]
In order to be compatible with all regex flavors, all \d
-s should be changed to [0-9]
. For example, .NET considers non ASCII numbers, such as those in different languages, as legal values for \d
. Except for in the last example, for brevity, it's left as \d
(With thanks to TimPietzcker at stackoverflow)
Rule: Must be between 0
and 400
A possible regex:
Free spaced:
(?<!-) //Something not preceded by a dash
\b( //Word-start, followed by either
[1-3]? // No digit, or the digit 1, 2, or 3
\d{1,2} // Followed by one or two digits (between 0 and 9)
| //Or
400 // The number 400
)\b //Word-end
Another possibility that should never be used:
Rule: Must be between -2055
and 2055
This is from a question on stackoverflow.
-? //Optional dash
\b( //Followed by word boundary, followed by either of the following
20( // "20", followed by either
5[0-5] // A "5" followed by a digit 0-5
| // or
[0-4][0-9] // A digit 0-4, followed by any digit
| //OR
1?[0-9]{1,3} // An optional "1", followed by one through three digits (0-9)
)\b //Followed by a word boundary.
Here is a visual representation of this regex:
And here you can try it out yourself: Debuggex demonstration
(With thanks to PlasmaPower on stackoverflow for the debugging assistance.)
Depending on what you are capturing, it is likely that all sub-groups should be made into non-capture groups. For example, this:
Instead of this:
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.apache.commons.lang.math.NumberUtils;
<P>Confirm a user-input number is a valid number by reading a string an testing it is numeric before converting it to an it--this loops until a valid number is provided.</P>
<P>{@code java UserInputNumInRangeWRegex}</P>
public class UserInputNumInRangeWRegex {
public static final void main(String[] ignored) {
int num = -1;
boolean isNum = false;
int iRangeMax = 2055;
//"": Dummy string, to reuse matcher
Matcher mtchrNumNegThrPos = Pattern.compile("-?\\b(20(5[0-5]|[0-4][0-9])|1?[0-9]{1,3})\\b").matcher("");
do {
System.out.print("Enter a number between -" + iRangeMax + " and " + iRangeMax + ": ");
String strInput = (new Scanner(;
if(!NumberUtils.isNumber(strInput)) {
System.out.println("Not a number. Try again.");
} else if(!mtchrNumNegThrPos.reset(strInput).matches()) {
System.out.println("Not in range. Try again.");
} else {
//Safe to convert
num = Integer.parseInt(strInput);
isNum = true;
} while(!isNum);
System.out.println("Number: " + num);
[C:\java_code\]java UserInputNumInRangeWRegex
Enter a number between -2055 and 2055: tuhet
Not a number. Try again.
Enter a number between -2055 and 2055: 283837483
Not in range. Try again.
Enter a number between -2055 and 2055: -200000
Not in range. Try again.
Enter a number between -2055 and 2055: -300
Number: -300
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 82357
For anyone else who, like me, was looking for the javascript version of the great @Bart Kiers's production above
//Credit: Bart Kiers 2011
function regex_range(from, to){
if(from < 0 || to < 0) {
//throw new Exception("Negative values not supported");
return null;
if(from > to) {
//throw new Exception("Invalid range, from > to");
return null;
var ranges = [];
var increment = 1;
var next = from;
var higher = true;
next += increment;
if(next + increment > to) {
if(next <= to) {
increment /= 10;
higher = false;
if(next % (increment*10) == 0) {
increment = higher ? increment*10 : increment/10;
if(!higher && increment < 10) {
ranges.push(to + 1);
var regex = '/^(?:';
for(var i = 0; i < ranges.length - 1; i++) {
var str_from = ranges[i];
str_from = str_from.toString();
var str_to = ranges[i + 1] - 1;
str_to = str_to.toString();
for(var j = 0; j < str_from.length; j++) {
if(str_from[j] == str_to[j]) {
regex += str_from[j];
else {
regex += "[" + str_from[j] + "-" + str_to[j] + "]";
regex += "|";
return regex.substr(0, regex.length - 1 ) + ')$/';
Upvotes: 6
Reputation: 170308
Here's a quick hack:
function regex_range($from, $to) {
if($from < 0 || $to < 0) {
throw new Exception("Negative values not supported");
if($from > $to) {
throw new Exception("Invalid range $from..$to, from > to");
$ranges = array($from);
$increment = 1;
$next = $from;
$higher = true;
while(true) {
$next += $increment;
if($next + $increment > $to) {
if($next <= $to) {
$ranges[] = $next;
$increment /= 10;
$higher = false;
else if($next % ($increment*10) === 0) {
$ranges[] = $next;
$increment = $higher ? $increment*10 : $increment/10;
if(!$higher && $increment < 10) {
$ranges[] = $to + 1;
$regex = '/^(?:';
for($i = 0; $i < sizeof($ranges) - 1; $i++) {
$str_from = (string)($ranges[$i]);
$str_to = (string)($ranges[$i + 1] - 1);
for($j = 0; $j < strlen($str_from); $j++) {
if($str_from[$j] == $str_to[$j]) {
$regex .= $str_from[$j];
else {
$regex .= "[" . $str_from[$j] . "-" . $str_to[$j] . "]";
$regex .= "|";
return substr($regex, 0, strlen($regex)-1) . ')$/';
function test($from, $to) {
try {
printf("%-10s %s\n", $from . '-' . $to, regex_range($from, $to));
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo $e->getMessage() . "\n";
test(2, 8);
test(5, 35);
test(5, 100);
test(12, 1234);
test(123, 123);
test(256, 321);
test(256, 257);
test(180, 195);
which produces:
2-8 /^(?:[2-7]|8)$/
5-35 /^(?:[5-9]|[1-2][0-9]|3[0-5])$/
5-100 /^(?:[5-9]|[1-9][0-9]|100)$/
12-1234 /^(?:1[2-9]|[2-9][0-9]|[1-9][0-9][0-9]|1[0-2][0-3][0-4])$/
123-123 /^(?:123)$/
256-321 /^(?:25[6-9]|2[6-9][0-9]|3[0-2][0-1])$/
256-257 /^(?:256|257)$/
180-195 /^(?:18[0-9]|19[0-5])$/
Invalid range 2..1, from > to
Negative values not supported
Not properly tested, use at your own risk!
And yes, the generated regex could be written more compact in many cases, but I leave that as an exercise for the reader :)
Upvotes: 21
Reputation: 2277
That actually has been done already.
Have a look at this site. It contains a link to a python script that generates these regex's for you automagically.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 2446
Is there a reason it has to be regex? can not do some thing like this:
if ($number >= 256 && $number <= 321){
// do something
There is an easy but ugly way to do it using range:
function getRangeRegex($from, $to)
$range = implode('|', range($from, $to));
// returns: 256|257|...|321
return $range;
Upvotes: 2