John Barrat
John Barrat

Reputation: 840

Generating application arguments for Run section in scripted constant based on state of checkboxes and radio buttons on Finished page of Inno Setup

I want to modify the parameters of a FileName in the [Run] section according to the state of some radio and check buttons. In my code section I have added:

function GetParameterString:String;
  I: Integer;
  s1, s2: String;
  for I := 0 to WizardForm.RunList.Items.Count - 1 do
    if (wizardform.runlist.items.checked[i] = true) then begin
      if (wizardform.runlist.items.itemcaption[i] = 'View Whats''s New in ' + {#MyAppVersion}) then       
        s1 := GetShellFolderByCSIDL(CSIDL_APPDATA, True) + '\Positron Studio\What''s New.pdf';
      if (wizardform.runlist.items.itemcaption[i] = 'Positron Studio Dark' then
        s2 := '-d'
      else if (wizardform.runlist.Items.itemcaption[i] = 'Positron Studio Light' then
        s2 := '-l'
  Result := s1 + s2

and I am calling it from the [Run] section like this:

FileName:"{app}\{#MyAppExename}"; parameters: Code: GetParameterString; \
    Flags: postinstall nowait

It fails on the wizardform.runlist.items.checked[i] = true with:

Unknown Identifier Checked

How do I get the Checked value of a checkbox or radiobutton?

Upvotes: 1

Views: 91

Answers (2)

Martin Prikryl
Martin Prikryl

Reputation: 202642

Your immediate problem is that there's indeed no wizardform.runlist.items.checked (nor wizardform.runlist.items.itemcaption).

You want WizardForm.RunList.Checked (and WizardForm.RunList.ItemCaption).

See the TNewCheckListBox documentation.

Your next problem will be the invalid syntax of the reference to your scripted constant in the Parameters parameter (as Andrew has already shown in his answer). It should be:

Parameters: {code:GetParameterString}; 

Your next problem will be "Invalid prototype":
"Identifier Expected" or "Invalid Prototype" when implementing a scripted constant in Inno Setup

It should be:

function GetParameterString(Param: string): string;

Depending on how you application handles the argument, you also might need to quote the path to the .pdf, as there are spaces in it.

It also bit strange, how you add the -d and -l to the path. Did you really intend to pass something like this to the application?

C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Positron Studio\What's New.pdf-d

It also bit unclear to me, how are you combining multiple "run list" entries states into arguments of one particular entry. But I assume you know what you are doing.

Upvotes: 1

Andrew Truckle
Andrew Truckle

Reputation: 19197

Lookup Pascal Scripting: Scripted Constants where it states:

The Pascal script can contain several functions which are called when Setup wants to know the value of a scripted {code:...} constant. The called function must have 1 String parameter named Param, and must return a String or a Boolean value depending on where the constant is used.

So try:

FileName: "{app}\{#MyAppExename}"; Parameters: {code:GetParameterString}; Flags: postinstall nowait

The above has not been tested. It may not fix the underlaying issue with what you are actually doing in the GetParameterString method.

Upvotes: 1

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