Reputation: 21
I have a loop to create a map with Folium, the input is a database "s", but it only reads the first line. Something is stopping the loop.
Maybe it's an Indentation problem.
The code works as follows, first we check if we have a downloaded photo in the directory, if it is correct, we use this photo for the Folium popup and add feature. If we don't have a photo, we scrape it, download the photo to the directory, use it for the popup and add a feature.
def create_geojson_features(s):
features = []
for _, row in s.iterrows():
if os.path.isfile('/Users/Alberto/Desktop/Oscar/UNIVERSIDAD/TFG/test_inicial/out/IMO_photos/' + row['IMO'].__str__() + '.jpg'):
image = '/Users/Alberto/Desktop/Oscar/UNIVERSIDAD/TFG/test_inicial/out/IMO_photos/' + row['IMO'].__str__() + '.jpg'
print("photo OK!")
feature = {
'type': 'Feature',
'geometry': {
'properties': {
'time': pd.to_datetime(row['date']).__str__(),
'popup': "<img src=" + image.__str__() + " width = '250' height='200'/>"+'<br>'+'<br>'+'Shipname: '+row['shipname'].__str__() +'<br>'+ 'MMSI: '+row['mmsi'].__str__() +'<br>' + 'Group: '+row['group'].__str__() +'<br>''Speed: '+row['speed'].__str__()+' knots',
'style': {'color' : ''},
'icon': 'circle',
'fillColor': row['fillColor'],
'fillOpacity': 0.8,
'radius': 5
return features
vessel_id = row['IMO']
data = {
"templates[]": [
"request[0][module]": "ships",
"request[0][action]": "list",
"request[0][id]": "0",
"request[0][data][0][name]": "imo",
"request[0][data][0][value]": vessel_id,
"request[0][sort]": "",
"request[0][limit]": "1",
"request[0][stamp]": "0",
"request[1][module]": "top_stat",
"request[1][action]": "list",
"request[1][id]": "0",
"request[1][data]": "",
"request[1][sort]": "",
"request[1][limit]": "",
"request[1][stamp]": "0",
"dictionary[]": ["countrys:0", "vessel_types:0", "positions:0"],
data ="", data=data).json()
image = data["data"]["request"][0]["ships"][0]["data"]["gallery"][0]["file"]
headers = {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/41.0.2228.0 Safari/537.3'}
local_file = open('/Users/Alberto/Desktop/Oscar/UNIVERSIDAD/TFG/test_inicial/out/IMO_photos/' + row['IMO'].__str__() + '.jpg','wb')
req = Request(url=image, headers=headers)
with urlopen(req) as response:
except IndexError:
image = 'null'
feature = {
'type': 'Feature',
'geometry': {
'properties': {
'time': pd.to_datetime(row['date']).__str__(),
'popup': "<img src=" + image.__str__() + " width = '250' height='200'/>"+'<br>'+'<br>'+'Shipname: '+row['shipname'].__str__() +'<br>'+ 'MMSI: '+row['mmsi'].__str__() +'<br>' + 'Group: '+row['group'].__str__() +'<br>''Speed: '+row['speed'].__str__()+' knots',
'style': {'color' : ''},
'icon': 'circle',
'fillColor': row['fillColor'],
'fillOpacity': 0.8,
'radius': 5
return features
Upvotes: 0
Views: 363
Reputation: 32596
it only reads the first line. Something is stopping the loop.
yes, the two returns, because your code is :
for _, row in s.iterrows():
if ...:
return features
return features
so in all cases you return in the first turn of the for
Very probably return features
must be after the for
for _, row in s.iterrows():
if ...:
return features
Upvotes: 2