Reputation: 1324
A new Delphi 10.4.2 macOS project attempts to record microphone audio but gets this error message in a pop up window:
"Unauthorized to record audio."
How does a Delphi app get authorization to record audio?
I started with blank project so...
Project | Options | Application | Version Info | Key NSMicrophoneUsageDescription is set to the default string of "The reason for accessing the microphone"
The exception is being raised here in FMX.Media.AVFoundation:
if TOSVersion.Check(10, 14) and (TAVCaptureDevice.OCClass.authorizationStatusForMediaType(AVMediaTypeAudio) <> AVAuthorizationStatusAuthorized) then
raise ECaptureDeviceException.Create(SAudioCaptureUnauthorized);
Upvotes: 2
Views: 166
Reputation: 1324
Adding the call to RequestPermission worked.
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
fMic := TCaptureDeviceManager.Current.DefaultAudioCaptureDevice;
Upvotes: 4