Reputation: 803
I have the following form:
<div class='panel' id='panel-advanced-search'>
<%= form_tag contacts_path, method: :get do %>
<div class='advanced_search'>
<%= label_tag "Contact Type" %>
<%= select_tag(:contact_type, options_for_select(Contact::TYPES, selected: params[:contact_type]), prompt: 'Any', class: 'customSelect') %>
<%= label_tag "Prospect Strength" %>
<%= select_tag(:prospect_strength, options_for_select(Contact::PROSPECT_STRENGTHS, selected: params[:prospect_strength]), prompt: 'Any', class: 'customSelect') %>
<%= label_tag "Customer" %>
<%= collection_select(:customer_account_id, :customer_account_id, Customer.order(:name), :id, :name, { prompt: '' }, class: 'customSelect select2') %>
<%= label_tag "Supplier" %>
<%= collection_select(:supplier_account_id, :supplier_account_id, Supplier.order(:name), :id, :name, { prompt: '' }, class: 'customSelect select2') %>
<%= label_tag "Company Name" %>
<%= text_field_tag :company_name %>
<%= label_tag "Name" %>
<%= text_field_tag :name %>
<%= label_tag "Job Title" %>
<%= text_field_tag :title %>
<%= label_tag "Postcode" %>
<%= text_field_tag :postcode %>
<%= label_tag :created_at, 'Created From' %>
<div class="date-picker">
<%= text_field_tag :created_at, nil, class: 'date-picker-select' %>
<span class="date-picker-btn">
<span class="icon-calendar" aria-hidden="true"></span>
<%= label_tag :updated_at, 'Created To' %>
<div class="date-picker">
<%= text_field_tag :updated_at, nil, class: 'date-picker-select' %>
<span class="date-picker-btn">
<span class="icon-calendar" aria-hidden="true"></span>
<%= label_tag "Tags" %>
<%= collection_select(:tag_list, :tag_list, @tags.order(:name), :name, :name, {}, { class: 'select2', multiple: true }) %>
<%= label_tag "Assignee" %>
<%= collection_select(:assigned_to, :assigned_to, User.all, :id, :name, { prompt: 'Any' }, class: 'customSelect select2') %>
<%= label_tag "Obsolete?" %>
<%= select_tag(:obsolete, options_for_select(['Obsolete', 'All'], selected: params[:obsolete]), prompt: 'Not obsolete?', class: 'customSelect') %>
<%= label_tag "Send Results To" %>
<%= select_tag(:subsequent_action, options_for_select([
['Report', 'report'],
['CSV Export', 'csv_export'],
['New Event', 'new_event']
]), prompt: 'None', class: 'customSelect') %>
<div class="advanced_search_btns">
<%= submit_tag submit_text %>
<%= link_to secondary_btn, contacts_path, class: 'btn-medium' %>
<% end %>
and the following method in the model
def self.advanced_search
contact_type LIKE :search OR
prospect_strength LIKE :search OR
customer_account_id LIKE :search OR
supplier_account_id LIKE :search OR
company_name LIKE :search OR
name LIKE :search OR
title LIKE :search OR
postcode LIKE :search OR
created_at LIKE :search OR
updated_at LIKE :search OR
tag_list LIKE :search OR
assigned_to LIKE :search OR
obsolete LIKE :search
', search: "%#{search}%"
How do I go about using this method so the user can use this search form with multiple params? I already have the following in the index method for a basic search so I need to have both search forms
def index
@per_page = params[:per_page] || 20
@tags = ActsAsTaggableOn::Tag.all
if params[:search].present?
@contacts =[:qs], params[:search]).order(sort_column + ' ' + sort_direction).paginate(page: params[:page], per_page: @per_page)
@contacts = Contact.all.order(sort_column + ' ' + sort_direction).paginate(page: params[:page], per_page: @per_page)
Edit Updated the form above to the complete form, ideally, I would like the forms functionality to be entirely in the model.
Edit #2
This is the basic search:
name: {
column_names: ''
customers: {
joins_table: :customer,
column_names: '',
filters: { contact_type: 'customer' }
suppliers: {
joins_table: :supplier,
column_names: '',
filters: { contact_type: 'supplier' }
tags: {
tagged_with: true
def, query)
field = QUICK_SEARCH_FIELDS[field]
contact = all
contact = contact.joins(field[:joins_table]) if field[:joins_table]
contact = contact.where(field[:filters]) if field[:filters]
contact = contact.where("#{field[:column_names]} LIKE ?", "%#{query}%") if field[:column_names]
contact = contact.tagged_with(query) if field[:tagged_with]
<div class='panel' id='panel-search'>
<%= form_tag contacts_path, method: :get do %>
<div class='l-inline-row-block'>
<div class='l-inline-col width_120px'>
<%= select_tag(:qs, options_for_select(Contact::QUICK_SEARCH_FIELDS.keys(), selected: params[:qs]), class: 'customSelect') %>
<div class='l-inline-col'>
<%= search_field_tag :search, params[:search] %>
<div class='l-inline-col' style='width: 100px;'>
<%= submit_tag submit_text %>
<% end %>
Upvotes: 0
Views: 137
Reputation: 1828
you may need to make view adjustments and you cannot just use the search
term/query for all fields:
1.make sure the fields inside the form in your view are all the same names of the columns in the Contact model that need to be searched 2.add a hidden field inside each form so you can determine which search this is (there is another option but this one is less work) 3.change the collection_select where user can only select one field to select_tag in order to not mess up query building
every field that is filled will pass a value- you can build a hash including column/form-field entered and their value e.g { contact_type: "value1", prospect_strength: "value2" }
after that, you would need to build a query using that hash and query the DB
this would look like so:
add this in the advanced search form
<%= hidden_field_tag :search_type, :advanced %>
and in your normal search add this
<%= hidden_field_tag :search_type, :normal %>
def self.advanced_search(values_by_column_name) # values_by_column_name is a hash passed from the controller
tag_list = values_by_column_name.delete("tag_list")
sql_query = { |column| "#{column} LIKE :#{column}" }
sql_query = sql_query.join(" OR ")
values_by_column_name = values_by_column_name.transform_values { |value| "%#{value}%" }.symbolize_keys
relation = Contact.where(sql_query, values_by_column_name)
relation = relation.tagged_with(tag_list) if tag_list
{tag_list: []},
def index
@per_page = params[:per_page] || 20
@tags = ActsAsTaggableOn::Tag.all
if advanced_search?
@contacts = Contact.advanced_search(advanced_search_params)
elsif normal_search?
@contacts =[:qs], params[:search])
@contacts = Contact.all
@contacts = @contacts.order(sort_column + ' ' + sort_direction).paginate(page: params[:page], per_page: @per_page)
def advanced_search?
params[:search_type] == "advanced" && advanced_search_params.any?
def normal_search?
params[:search_type] == "normal" && params[:search].present?
def advanced_search_params
@_advanced_search_params ||= params.permit(ADVANCED_SEARCH_FIELDS).select { |_, v| v.present? }.to_h
Upvotes: 1