Reputation: 31
I cloned the OpenCV Git repository: git clone
and did not change anything.
Then I followed the build opencv.js
documentation on OpenCV step by step
and successfully built the opencv.js
and tests
with the command
python ./platforms/js/ build_js --build_test
Then I opened with a live server the created test.html
and saw that all tests were successful: "581 assertions of 581 passed, 0 failed."
But when I insert the built opencv.js
between the <script> </script>
tags and use it, it still works except for cv.imread()
. I get the error message: `
"Uncaught TypeError: cv.imread is not a function".`
Here is the code block:
let canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
let ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
let matrix = cv.imread("canvas");
Then I used the official opencv.js and imread() worked. The problem is, however, that opencv.js is 7.7 mb in size, because it includes most of OpenCV's capabilities and I only need some core and image processing functions.
How can imread() be included in the build? I could not find a solution so far. I only found the build Whitelist: it is in the OpenCV repository and has the name and includes the following. Any idea how imread() can be included in the build? Because the OpenCV JavaScript documentation uses imread() in pretty much every example, there should be an easy way to include it.
# Classes and methods whitelist
core = {
'': [
'absdiff', 'add', 'addWeighted', 'bitwise_and', 'bitwise_not', 'bitwise_or', 'bitwise_xor', 'cartToPolar',
'compare', 'convertScaleAbs', 'copyMakeBorder', 'countNonZero', 'determinant', 'dft', 'divide', 'eigen',
'exp', 'flip', 'getOptimalDFTSize','gemm', 'hconcat', 'inRange', 'invert', 'kmeans', 'log', 'magnitude',
'max', 'mean', 'meanStdDev', 'merge', 'min', 'minMaxLoc', 'mixChannels', 'multiply', 'norm', 'normalize',
'perspectiveTransform', 'polarToCart', 'pow', 'randn', 'randu', 'reduce', 'repeat', 'rotate', 'setIdentity', 'setRNGSeed',
'solve', 'solvePoly', 'split', 'sqrt', 'subtract', 'trace', 'transform', 'transpose', 'vconcat',
'setLogLevel', 'getLogLevel',
'Algorithm': [],
imgproc = {'': ['Canny', 'GaussianBlur', 'Laplacian', 'HoughLines', 'HoughLinesP', 'HoughCircles', 'Scharr','Sobel', \
'calcBackProject','calcHist','circle','compareHist','connectedComponents','connectedComponentsWithStats', \
'contourArea', 'convexHull', 'convexityDefects', 'cornerHarris','cornerMinEigenVal','createCLAHE', \
'createLineSegmentDetector','cvtColor','demosaicing','dilate', 'distanceTransform','distanceTransformWithLabels', \
'drawContours','ellipse','ellipse2Poly','equalizeHist','erode', 'filter2D', 'findContours','fitEllipse', \
'fitLine', 'floodFill','getAffineTransform', 'getPerspectiveTransform', 'getRotationMatrix2D', 'getStructuringElement', \
'goodFeaturesToTrack','grabCut','initUndistortRectifyMap', 'integral','integral2', 'isContourConvex', 'line', \
'matchShapes', 'matchTemplate','medianBlur', 'minAreaRect', 'minEnclosingCircle', 'moments', 'morphologyEx', \
'pointPolygonTest', 'putText','pyrDown','pyrUp','rectangle','remap', 'resize','sepFilter2D','threshold', \
'undistort','warpAffine','warpPerspective','warpPolar','watershed', \
'fillPoly', 'fillConvexPoly', 'polylines',
'CLAHE': ['apply', 'collectGarbage', 'getClipLimit', 'getTilesGridSize', 'setClipLimit', 'setTilesGridSize'],
'segmentation_IntelligentScissorsMB': [
objdetect = {'': ['groupRectangles'],
'HOGDescriptor': ['load', 'HOGDescriptor', 'getDefaultPeopleDetector', 'getDaimlerPeopleDetector', 'setSVMDetector', 'detectMultiScale'],
'CascadeClassifier': ['load', 'detectMultiScale2', 'CascadeClassifier', 'detectMultiScale3', 'empty', 'detectMultiScale'],
'QRCodeDetector': ['QRCodeDetector', 'decode', 'decodeCurved', 'detect', 'detectAndDecode', 'detectMulti', 'setEpsX', 'setEpsY']}
video = {'': ['CamShift', 'calcOpticalFlowFarneback', 'calcOpticalFlowPyrLK', 'createBackgroundSubtractorMOG2', \
'findTransformECC', 'meanShift'],
'BackgroundSubtractorMOG2': ['BackgroundSubtractorMOG2', 'apply'],
'BackgroundSubtractor': ['apply', 'getBackgroundImage']}
dnn = {'dnn_Net': ['setInput', 'forward'],
'': ['readNetFromCaffe', 'readNetFromTensorflow', 'readNetFromTorch', 'readNetFromDarknet',
'readNetFromONNX', 'readNet', 'blobFromImage']}
features2d = {'Feature2D': ['detect', 'compute', 'detectAndCompute', 'descriptorSize', 'descriptorType', 'defaultNorm', 'empty', 'getDefaultName'],
'BRISK': ['create', 'getDefaultName'],
'ORB': ['create', 'setMaxFeatures', 'setScaleFactor', 'setNLevels', 'setEdgeThreshold', 'setFirstLevel', 'setWTA_K', 'setScoreType', 'setPatchSize', 'getFastThreshold', 'getDefaultName'],
'MSER': ['create', 'detectRegions', 'setDelta', 'getDelta', 'setMinArea', 'getMinArea', 'setMaxArea', 'getMaxArea', 'setPass2Only', 'getPass2Only', 'getDefaultName'],
'FastFeatureDetector': ['create', 'setThreshold', 'getThreshold', 'setNonmaxSuppression', 'getNonmaxSuppression', 'setType', 'getType', 'getDefaultName'],
'AgastFeatureDetector': ['create', 'setThreshold', 'getThreshold', 'setNonmaxSuppression', 'getNonmaxSuppression', 'setType', 'getType', 'getDefaultName'],
'GFTTDetector': ['create', 'setMaxFeatures', 'getMaxFeatures', 'setQualityLevel', 'getQualityLevel', 'setMinDistance', 'getMinDistance', 'setBlockSize', 'getBlockSize', 'setHarrisDetector', 'getHarrisDetector', 'setK', 'getK', 'getDefaultName'],
# 'SimpleBlobDetector': ['create'],
'KAZE': ['create', 'setExtended', 'getExtended', 'setUpright', 'getUpright', 'setThreshold', 'getThreshold', 'setNOctaves', 'getNOctaves', 'setNOctaveLayers', 'getNOctaveLayers', 'setDiffusivity', 'getDiffusivity', 'getDefaultName'],
'AKAZE': ['create', 'setDescriptorType', 'getDescriptorType', 'setDescriptorSize', 'getDescriptorSize', 'setDescriptorChannels', 'getDescriptorChannels', 'setThreshold', 'getThreshold', 'setNOctaves', 'getNOctaves', 'setNOctaveLayers', 'getNOctaveLayers', 'setDiffusivity', 'getDiffusivity', 'getDefaultName'],
'DescriptorMatcher': ['add', 'clear', 'empty', 'isMaskSupported', 'train', 'match', 'knnMatch', 'radiusMatch', 'clone', 'create'],
'BFMatcher': ['isMaskSupported', 'create'],
'': ['drawKeypoints', 'drawMatches', 'drawMatchesKnn']}
photo = {'': ['createAlignMTB', 'createCalibrateDebevec', 'createCalibrateRobertson', \
'createMergeDebevec', 'createMergeMertens', 'createMergeRobertson', \
'createTonemapDrago', 'createTonemapMantiuk', 'createTonemapReinhard', 'inpaint'],
'CalibrateCRF': ['process'],
'AlignMTB' : ['calculateShift', 'shiftMat', 'computeBitmaps', 'getMaxBits', 'setMaxBits', \
'getExcludeRange', 'setExcludeRange', 'getCut', 'setCut'],
'CalibrateDebevec' : ['getLambda', 'setLambda', 'getSamples', 'setSamples', 'getRandom', 'setRandom'],
'CalibrateRobertson' : ['getMaxIter', 'setMaxIter', 'getThreshold', 'setThreshold', 'getRadiance'],
'MergeExposures' : ['process'],
'MergeDebevec' : ['process'],
'MergeMertens' : ['process', 'getContrastWeight', 'setContrastWeight', 'getSaturationWeight', \
'setSaturationWeight', 'getExposureWeight', 'setExposureWeight'],
'MergeRobertson' : ['process'],
'Tonemap' : ['process' , 'getGamma', 'setGamma'],
'TonemapDrago' : ['getSaturation', 'setSaturation', 'getBias', 'setBias', \
'getSigmaColor', 'setSigmaColor', 'getSigmaSpace','setSigmaSpace'],
'TonemapMantiuk' : ['getScale', 'setScale', 'getSaturation', 'setSaturation'],
'TonemapReinhard' : ['getIntensity', 'setIntensity', 'getLightAdaptation', 'setLightAdaptation', \
'getColorAdaptation', 'setColorAdaptation']
aruco = {'': ['detectMarkers', 'drawDetectedMarkers', 'drawAxis', 'estimatePoseSingleMarkers', 'estimatePoseBoard', 'estimatePoseCharucoBoard', 'interpolateCornersCharuco', 'drawDetectedCornersCharuco'],
'aruco_Dictionary': ['get', 'drawMarker'],
'aruco_Board': ['create'],
'aruco_GridBoard': ['create', 'draw'],
'aruco_CharucoBoard': ['create', 'draw'],
'aruco_DetectorParameters': ['create']
calib3d = {'': ['findHomography', 'calibrateCameraExtended', 'drawFrameAxes', 'estimateAffine2D', \
'getDefaultNewCameraMatrix', 'initUndistortRectifyMap', 'Rodrigues', \
'solvePnP', 'solvePnPRansac', 'solvePnPRefineLM']}
white_list = makeWhiteList([core, imgproc, objdetect, video, dnn, features2d, photo, aruco, calib3d])
Upvotes: 3
Views: 2919
Reputation: 21
The reason why cv.imread() can not be used from your self-build opencv.js
is because it return cv.ready
, which is a Promise (check your self-build opencv.js
, line:34). However, the offical build opencv.js return cv ( ). So if you follow the old document to use cv with your self-bould opencv.js
, you will get error.
As mentioned in There are two ways to fix this problem.
<script src="js/opencv.js" onload="onOpenCvReady();" type="text/javascript"></script>
async function onOpenCvReady() { = await }
:modify opencv.js line:34
return cv.ready
return cv
and then use cv after onRuntimeInitialize
is called.
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 494
I've just faced the same problem as well. It looks like the opencv.js documentation hasn't been updated for newer versions of the emscripten Module API (or this is just something I am doing differently than the OpenCV docs and it happens to work).
As shown in the embind docs you can use the onRuntimeInitialized
function to detect when the WASM module has finished loading, and thereafter access its exported functions via the Module
object. This is how I was able to use opencv.js
including cv.imread
<h1>Hello OpenCV.js</h1>
<canvas id="canvas"></canvas>
<input type="file" id="fileInput" name="file" />
var Module = {
onRuntimeInitialized: function() {
const cv = Module;
let fileInput = document.getElementById('fileInput');
fileInput.onchange = (e) => {
const image = new Image();
image.src = URL.createObjectURL([0]);
image.onload = () => {
const canvas = document.getElementById('canvas');
const context = canvas.getContext('2d');
canvas.height = image.height;
canvas.width = image.width;
context.drawImage(image, 0, 0, image.width, image.height);
const imageData = context.getImageData(0, 0, image.width, image.height);
const cvImage = cv.imread("canvas");
const mean = cv.mean(cvImage)
console.log(`Mean: ${mean[0]}, ${mean[1]}, ${mean[2]}`)
<script src="opencv.js"></script>
Important: Make sure that you don't compile the OpenCV imcodecs
module, as the browser version of imread
will be overwritten by the C++ version. The browser implementation (defined in opencv/modules/js/src/helpers.js
) loads images from the browser, whereas the C++ version loads them from files.
Bear in mind that I am just starting out with WASM, emscripten and JavaScript, so excuse any potential misuse of terminology please. And if I am doing something wrong or badly, I would be more than happy for some feedback as well.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 281
I had the same problem. I used emscripten to compile opencv from source and it finished without any error, but when I tried to load it in browser, it didn't work at all. Problem was solved with an older version of emscripten.
git clone
cd emsdk/
./emsdk install 1.39.15
./emsdk activate 1.39.15
source ./
git clone
emcmake python ./opencv/platforms/js/ build_wasm --build_wasm
I went through all the newer versions but the 1.39.15 is the latest one what worked for me. This way I reduced the opencv.js file until 1.7MB.
Upvotes: 1