Reputation: 59
I am trying to tune a PID controller using Matlab(not Simulink because I am learning/uni coursework). 1. Summarize the problem:
2.Describe what I've tried
with real numbers but that is not feasible as it defeats the purpose of doing this, I want Matlab to calculate the GR and frequency and substitute that into the tfProblem
Minimum reproducible code example:
syms s w
%--------------TF of the aircraft
G(s)= (160*(s+2.5)*(s+0.7))/((s^2+5*s+40)*(s^2+0.03*s+0.06));
k= 8; % selected k value range 4<k<8
Max_PA=asind((k-1)/(k+1)); % computes max phase advance
Centre_dB= 20*log10(sqrt(k)); % computing centre gain in dB
Poi= -120-Max_PA % looking for Point of interest(Poi)
tf_int= subs(G(s),1j*w); %intermediate transfer function
eqn= atan2d(imag(tf_int),real(tf_int))==Poi; % solve for w at Poi
% computing crossover freq(wc)
wc= vpasolve(eqn,w); % find exactly the wc at Poi
GR=20*log10(abs(subs(tf_int,w,wc))); % find the gain at at wc
Kpa= 10^((GR-Centre_dB)/20);
ti= 1/(sqrt(k)*wc); % computing Kpa and ti
num1= [Kpa*k*ti,Kpa];
den2= [ti,1];
PA= tf(num1,den2) %PA tf defined
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Views: 270
Reputation: 35525
Yo are trying to input non-numerical (symbolic numers) values into tf
, which only accepts numerical arrays. You can convert them to that with double()
PA= tf(double(num1),double(den2)) %PA tf defined
Upvotes: 1