Reputation: 517
I am using rows and columns in my layout and load some data from the internet to display information inside my rows and columns.
I want to design a dynamic loading page in such a way that every loaded data makes a particular widget visible with an animation (by moving the other widgets around smoothly).
I am currently using if clauses inside my layouts and calling setState()
when new data is retrieved.
children: [
if (data != null)
How can I insert widgets between other widgets in rows/columns with animation after some data is retrieved?
Upvotes: 6
Views: 9542
Reputation: 41
You can use AnimatedSize
together with SizeBox
. Here's how it will look like on your example:
children: [
duration: Duration(seconds: 1),
child: SizeBox(
height: data == null ? 0 : null,
child: DataWidget()
Important: if you don't specify a height in SizeBox, the animation will only extend to the width.
Upvotes: 2
Flutter already has tons of useful widgets which you can use for this implementation. I believe that the AnimatedList
widget solves your problem. I have added the widget of the week video and a basic example below.
Widget of the Week - AnimatedList
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
class PageOne extends StatefulWidget {
_PageOneState createState() => _PageOneState();
class _PageOneState extends State<PageOne> {
/// The global key to access the animated list.
final _animatedListKey = GlobalKey<AnimatedListState>();
List<String> _items = [];
void initState() {
// Set the items that should be display.
_items = ['A', 'B', 'D', 'E', 'F'];
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(title: Text('Example')),
body: AnimatedList(
key: _animatedListKey,
initialItemCount: _items.length,
itemBuilder: (context, index, animation) {
return SlideTransition(
// Tween that slides from right to left.
Tween(begin: Offset(1.0, 0.0), end: Offset(0.0, 0.0)),
// Simply display the letter.
child: ListTile(title: Text(_items[index])),
floatingActionButton: FloatingActionButton(
child: Icon(Icons.add),
onPressed: () {
// The item to insert.
final _item = 'C';
// Add, sort, and retrieve the index of the inserted item.
List<String> _temp = _items..add(_item);
final _index = _temp.indexOf(_item);
// Update the state and start the animated list animation.
setState(() {
_items.insert(_index, _item);
Upvotes: 5
Reputation: 7601
you can always use AnimatedSwitcher to animate between widgets, just setState and change _widget:
duration: Duration(milliseconds: 200),
transitionBuilder: (Widget child, Animation<double> animation) {
var tween=Tween<Offset>(begin: Offset(1, 0), end: Offset(0, 0))
return SlideTransition(
child: child,
position: tween.animate(animation),
child: _widget,
OR using flutter_staggered_animations with Column & Row showing animation
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
body: SingleChildScrollView(
child: AnimationLimiter(
child: Column(
children: AnimationConfiguration.toStaggeredList(
duration: const Duration(milliseconds: 375),
childAnimationBuilder: (widget) => SlideAnimation(
horizontalOffset: 50.0,
child: FadeInAnimation(
child: widget,
children: YourColumnChildren(),
Upvotes: -1