Reputation: 1
This my first time making one of these, so bare with me.
I am currently facing a problem where, using replit's database (which is a dictionary I'm pretty sure), I am trying to make a birthday loop, and I got this KeyError.
in get_raw raise KeyError(key)
keyErorr: 310439746247589889
The KeyError that this is coming from is from a list I am trying to split. is two numbers split with a space, or in this case:
"bd043010" : "690738010903281734 310439746247589889"
This the first time I've seen this error, and I don't know how to solve it. The error starts after the second for loop.
@tasks.loop(hours = 23.9)
async def checkTodaysBirthdays():
announcements=client.get_channel(690738010903281734) #(671210942436081685)
date_md = today.strftime("%m%d")
date_BdY = today.strftime("%B %d, %Y")
# The stores the birthdays.
if "date_md" and "B_today" in db.keys():
print("db 'Birthdays announcments' working")
db["date_md"] = date_md
db["B_today"] = True
# Checks if the birthday message has been sent today.
if (db["date_md"] == date_md and db["B_today"] == True):
# Sees if there is a birthday today.
if db.prefix(f"bd{date_md}") != ():
# if there is a birthday, loop through the guilds and send a custom message.
for guild in client.guilds:
B_days = []
print( + " " + str( # for testing
for x in db.prefix(f"bd{date_md}"):
splitX = db[x].split()
print(str( + "\n" + splitX[0])
if splitX[0] == str(
userId = int(db[splitX[1]])
# The final message, orginized.
birthday_box = discord.Embed(
title = f"Birthdays Today: {date_BdY}",
description = ",".join(B_days),
color =,
birthday_box.set_thumbnail(url = "")
#birthday_box.set_footer(" :partying_face: :birthday: Be sure to say happy birthday to them! :confetti_ball: :tada:")
await announcements.send(embed=birthday_box)
#This will be updated later
print(f"birthdays today:{date_BdY}")
print(f"No Birthdays Today!")
db["B_today"] = True
elif (db["date_md"] == date_md and db["B_today"] == False):
db["B_today"] = True
db["date_md"] = date_md
I am not sure if the code is wrong or what. Also if there is anything I can improve, either about the code or the formatting of this message, please tell me. Thank you.
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Views: 230
Reputation: 429
A KeyError means you tried to get a key of a dictionary, where that key did not exist. For example:
In [1]: mydict = {"key": "value"}
In [2]: mydict["notakey"]
KeyError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-2-9a5a2e833438> in <module>
----> 1 mydict["notakey"]
KeyError: 'notakey'
So in this case, you tried to get a key (probably a user id) from the database (which is a dictionary, btw) that didn't exist.
Upvotes: 1