Reputation: 1112
I'm trying to add AppleScript support to a program that I wrote. It should be fairly straightforward, and I've pared it down to the absolute basics - but still I get error -1708.
The sdef for my program is as follows:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE dictionary SYSTEM "file://localhost/System/Library/DTDs/sdef.dtd">
<dictionary title="AppleScript Test">
<suite name="AppleScript Test Suite" code="ASTS" description="AppleScript Test Scripts">
<command name="open" code="aevtodoc" description="Open a document.">
<direct-parameter description="The file(s) to be opened.">
<type type="file"/>
<type type="file" list="yes"/>
<result description="The opened document(s).">
<type type="document"/>
<type type="document" list="yes"/>
<command name="quit" code="aevtquit" description="Quit the application.">
<cocoa class="NSQuitCommand"/>
<parameter name="saving" code="savo" type="save options" optional="yes" description="Should changes be saved before quitting?">
<cocoa key="SaveOptions"/>
<command name="run test" code="astsrunt" description="Run test code with a script">
<cocoa class="RunTestCommand"/>
<result type="text" description="A return string to show that it works okay"/>
The RunTestCommand class is implemented as follows:
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
@interface RunTestCommand : NSObject
#import "RunTestCommand.h"
@implementation RunTestCommand
-(id)performDefaultImplementation {
NSString* returnString = @"Hello World"; // <-- There's a breakpoint here which never gets tripped
return returnString;
I have also made sure that the application is set to be scriptable and the sdef defined in the info.plist. When I drag the application onto the script editor, its dictionary shows correctly. That said, the following script results in error -1708 and doesn't complete.
Test Script
tell application "AppleScript Test Program"
run test
end tell
My spidey sense tells me that this is a brown paper bag error, but I can't see it for looking. Can anyone suggest what the problem might be?
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Views: 394
Reputation: 3194
RunTestCommand needs to inherit from NSScriptCommand or one of its subclasses. E.g. RunTestCommand.h should be:
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
@interface RunTestCommand : NSScriptCommand
Upvotes: 2