Reputation: 1233
I'm using swift
to assign an structure form one array to an attribute of another structure array. The arrays are fairly small. The figureArray
is about 4000 records and the specificsArray
is about 200 records. The lookup match firstIndex
takes about 20 seconds. Even if I comment out the assignment of specifics
to the figureArray
, the process takes 20 seconds, which suggests that the firstIndex in a for
is extremely slow.
The memory for the process is about 90M on my iPhone 8 and the CPU hits ~100%
Question is, how can I make it faster? (much faster - i.e., less than 2 seconds). To me it seems like this process should take milliseconds for the array sizes.
The specifics
objects are unique and never overlap, therefore the setting can be done in parallel. I'm just not sure how.
specificsArray.forEach { specific in
// look for a figure
if let indexFigure = figureArray.firstIndex(where: {$0.figureGlobalUniqueId == specific.specificsFirebase.figureGlobalUniqueId}) {
figureArray[indexFigure].specifics = specific
I've also tried the following. The timing is almost identical at about 20 seconds
for indexSpecifics in 0 ..< specificsArray.count {
// look for a figure
if let indexFigure = figureArray.firstIndex(where: {$0.figureGlobalUniqueId == specificsArray[indexSpecifics].specificsFirebase.figureGlobalUniqueId}) {
figureArray[indexFigure].specifics = specificsArray[indexSpecifics]
Specific structure
struct Specifics: Hashable, Codable, Identifiable {
var id: UUID
var specificsFirebase: SpecificsFirebase
var isSet = false
struct SpecificsFirebase: Hashable, Codable, CustomStringConvertible {
let seriesUniqueId: String
let figureGlobalUniqueId: String
var loose_haveCount: Int = 0
var loose_sellCount: Int = 0
var loose_wantCount: Int = 0
var new_haveCount: Int = 0
var new_orderCount: Int = 0
var new_orderText: String = ""
var new_sellCount: Int = 0
var new_wantCount: Int = 0
var notes: String = ""
var updateDate: String = ""
// print description
var description: String {
return ("SpecificsStruct: \(seriesUniqueId), \(figureGlobalUniqueId), \n LOOSE: Have \(loose_haveCount), sell \(loose_sellCount), want \(loose_wantCount) \n NEW: Have \(new_haveCount), sell \(new_sellCount), want \(new_wantCount), order \(new_orderCount) \(new_orderText) \n notes \(notes), update date \(updateDate)")
func saveSpecifics(userID: String) {
setFirebaseSpecifics(userID: userID)
func setFirebaseSpecifics(userID: String) {
let firebaseRef: DatabaseReference! = Database.database().reference()
let specificsPath = SpecificsFirebase.getSpecificsFirebaseRef(userID: userID, seriesUniqueId: SeriesUniqueIdEnum(rawValue: seriesUniqueId)!,
figureGlobalUniqueId: figureGlobalUniqueId)
let dateFormatter = DateFormatter()
dateFormatter.dateFormat = kDateFormatDatabase // firebase 2020-09-13T14:34:47.336
let updateDate = Date()
let updateDateString = dateFormatter.string(from: updateDate)
let firebaseSpecifics = [
"figureGlobalUniqueId": figureGlobalUniqueId,
"loose_haveCount": loose_haveCount,
"loose_sellCount": loose_sellCount,
"loose_wantCount": loose_wantCount,
"new_haveCount": new_haveCount,
"new_orderCount": new_orderCount,
"new_orderText": new_orderText,
"new_sellCount": new_sellCount,
"new_wantCount": new_wantCount,
"notes": notes,
"seriesUniqueId": seriesUniqueId,
"updateDate": updateDateString
] as [String: Any]
// #if DEBUG
// print("Setting firebase specifics for \(firebaseSpecifics)")
// #endif
Figure structure
struct Figure: Hashable, Codable, Identifiable {
var id = UUID()
// var id: String { Figure_Unique_ID }
func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
let figureGlobalUniqueId: String
let seriesUniqueId: SeriesUniqueIdEnum
let figureUniqueId: String
let sortOrder: Int
let debutYear: Int?
let phase: String
let wave: String
var figureNumber: String?
let sortGrouping: String
var uPC: String?
let figureName: String
let figurePackageName: String
// var tags = [String]()
var scene: String?
var findTerms: String
var excludeTerms: String?
var amazonASIN: String?
var amazonShortLink: String?
var walmartSKU: String?
var targetTCIN: String?
var targetDPCI: String?
var entertainmentEarthIN: String?
var retailDate: Date?
var retailPrice: Float?
var addedDate: Date
// calculated or set
let primaryFrontImageName: String
let primaryFrontImageNameNoExt: String
// generated retail links
var searchString: String
// calculated later
var amazonURL: URL?
var entertainmentEarthURL: URL?
var targetURL: URL?
var walmartURL: URL?
var eBayURL: URL?
var specifics: Specifics
init (seriesUniqueId: SeriesUniqueIdEnum,
figureUniqueId: String,
sortOrder: Int,
debutYear: Int?,
phase: String,
wave: String,
figureNumber: String?,
// sortGrouping: String,
// tags: String?,
uPC: String?,
figureName: String,
figurePackageName: String,
scene: String?,
findTerms: String,
excludeTerms: String?,
amazonASIN: String?,
amazonShortLink: String?,
walmartSKU: String?,
targetTCIN: String?,
targetDPCI: String?,
entertainmentEarthIN: String?,
retailDate: Date?,
retailPrice: Float?,
addedDate: Date) {
self.seriesUniqueId = seriesUniqueId
self.figureUniqueId = figureUniqueId
self.figureGlobalUniqueId = "\(seriesUniqueId.rawValue)_\(figureUniqueId)"
self.sortOrder = sortOrder
self.debutYear = debutYear
self.phase = phase
self.wave = wave
self.figureNumber = figureNumber
self.sortGrouping = phase // <---------- Uses Phase!
self.uPC = uPC
self.figureName = figureName
self.figurePackageName = figurePackageName
self.scene = scene
self.findTerms = findTerms
self.excludeTerms = excludeTerms
self.amazonASIN = amazonASIN
self.amazonShortLink = amazonShortLink
self.walmartSKU = walmartSKU
self.targetTCIN = targetTCIN
self.targetDPCI = targetDPCI
self.entertainmentEarthIN = entertainmentEarthIN
self.retailDate = retailDate
self.retailPrice = retailPrice
self.addedDate = addedDate
// split out the hash tags
// if let tags = tags {
// let words = tags.components(separatedBy: " ")
// for word in words{
// if word.hasPrefix("#"){
//// let hashtag = word.dropFirst()
// self.tags.append(String(word))
// }
// }
// }
// set the specifics to the default so that the pickers work. Pickers don't like optionals.
// DONT SET the isSet here as this is a default record
self.specifics = Specifics(id: UUID(), specificsFirebase: SpecificsFirebase(seriesUniqueId: seriesUniqueId.rawValue, figureGlobalUniqueId: figureGlobalUniqueId))
// built fields
self.primaryFrontImageName = "\(seriesUniqueId.rawValue)_\(figureUniqueId)\(kPrimaryFrontImageNameSuffix)\(kSmallSuffix).\(kImageJpgExt)"
self.primaryFrontImageNameNoExt = "\(seriesUniqueId.rawValue)_\(figureUniqueId)\(kPrimaryFrontImageNameSuffix)\(kSmallSuffix)"
// generated
self.searchString = "\(seriesUniqueId) \(figureUniqueId), \(phase) \(wave) \(figurePackageName)"
if let figureNumber = figureNumber {
self.searchString += " \(figureNumber)"
if let uPC = uPC {
self.searchString += " \(uPC)"
if let amazonASIN = amazonASIN {
self.searchString += " \(amazonASIN)"
if let targetTCIN = targetTCIN {
self.searchString += " \(targetTCIN)"
if let targetDPCI = targetDPCI {
self.searchString += " \(targetDPCI)"
if let entertainmentEarthIN = entertainmentEarthIN {
self.searchString += " \(entertainmentEarthIN)"
if let scene = scene {
self.searchString += " \(scene)"
if let debutYear = debutYear {
self.searchString += " \(debutYear)"
enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case figureUniqueId = "Figure_Unique_ID"
case seriesUniqueId = "Series_Unique_ID"
case sortOrder = "Sort_Order"
case debutYear = "Debut_Year"
case phase = "Phase"
case wave = "Wave"
case figureNumber = "Number"
// case sortGrouping = "Sort_Grouping"
// case tags = "Tags"
case uPC = "UPC"
case figureName = "Action_Figure"
case figurePackageName = "Action_Figure_Package_Name"
case scene = "Scene"
case findTerms = "Find_Terms"
case excludeTerms = "Exclude_Terms"
case amazonASIN = "Amazon_ASIN"
case amazonShortLink = "Amazon_Short_Link"
case walmartSKU = "WalmartSKU"
case targetTCIN = "Target_TCIN"
case targetDPCI = "Target_DPCI"
case entertainmentEarthIN = "EEIN"
case retailDate = "Retail_Date"
case retailPrice = "Retail_Price"
case addedDate = "Added_Date"
init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
let values = try decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
let seriesUniqueIdString = try values.decode(String.self, forKey: .seriesUniqueId)
let figureUniqueId = try values.decode(String.self, forKey: .figureUniqueId)
let sortOrder = try values.decode(Int.self, forKey: .sortOrder)
let debutYear = try values.decode(Int.self, forKey: .debutYear)
let phase = try values.decode(String.self, forKey: .phase)
let wave = try values.decode(String.self, forKey: .wave)
let figureNumber = try? values.decode(String.self, forKey: .figureNumber)
// let sortGrouping = try values.decode(String.self, forKey: .sortGrouping)
// let tags = try? values.decode(String.self, forKey: .tags)
let uPC = try? values.decode(String.self, forKey: .uPC)
let figureName = try values.decode(String.self, forKey: .figureName)
let figurePackageName = try values.decode(String.self, forKey: .figurePackageName)
let scene = try? values.decode(String.self, forKey: .scene)
let findTerms = try values.decode(String.self, forKey: .findTerms)
let excludeTerms = try? values.decode(String.self, forKey: .excludeTerms)
let amazonASIN = try? values.decode(String.self, forKey: .amazonASIN)
let amazonShortLink = try? values.decode(String.self, forKey: .amazonShortLink)
let walmartSKU = try? values.decode(String.self, forKey: .walmartSKU)
let targetTCIN = try? values.decode(String.self, forKey: .targetTCIN)
let targetDPCI = try? values.decode(String.self, forKey: .targetDPCI)
let entertainmentEarthIN = try? values.decode(String.self, forKey: .entertainmentEarthIN)
let retailDateString = try? values.decode(String.self, forKey: .retailDate)
let retailPrice = try? values.decode(Float.self, forKey: .retailPrice)
let addedDateString = try? values.decode(String.self, forKey: .addedDate)
// calculated
let seriesUniqueId = SeriesUniqueIdEnum(rawValue: seriesUniqueIdString)!
// date logic
let dateFormatter = DateFormatter()
dateFormatter.dateFormat = "MM/dd/yyyy" //Your date format
var retailDate: Date? = nil
if let retailDateString = retailDateString {
if let retailDateValid = retailDateString) {
retailDate = retailDateValid
var addedDate = defaultAddedDate
if let addedDateString = addedDateString {
if let addedDateValid = addedDateString) {
addedDate = addedDateValid
self.init(seriesUniqueId: seriesUniqueId,
figureUniqueId: figureUniqueId,
sortOrder: sortOrder,
debutYear: debutYear,
phase: phase,
wave: wave,
figureNumber: figureNumber,
// sortGrouping: phase,
// tags: tags,
uPC: uPC,
figureName: figureName,
figurePackageName: figurePackageName,
scene: scene,
findTerms: findTerms,
excludeTerms: excludeTerms,
amazonASIN: amazonASIN,
amazonShortLink: amazonShortLink,
walmartSKU: walmartSKU,
targetTCIN: targetTCIN,
targetDPCI: targetDPCI,
entertainmentEarthIN: entertainmentEarthIN,
retailDate: retailDate,
retailPrice: retailPrice,
addedDate: addedDate)
func encode( to encoder: Encoder) throws {
var container = encoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
try container.encode(self.seriesUniqueId, forKey: .seriesUniqueId)
try container.encode(self.figureUniqueId, forKey: .figureUniqueId)
try container.encode(self.sortOrder, forKey: .sortOrder)
try container.encode(self.debutYear, forKey: .debutYear)
try container.encode(self.phase, forKey: .phase)
try container.encode(self.wave, forKey: .wave)
try container.encode(self.figureNumber, forKey: .figureNumber)
// try container.encode(self.sortGrouping, forKey: .sortGrouping)
// try container.encode(self.tags, forKey: .tags)
try container.encode(self.uPC, forKey: .uPC)
try container.encode(self.figureName, forKey: .figureName)
try container.encode(self.figurePackageName, forKey: .figurePackageName)
try container.encode(self.scene, forKey: .scene)
try container.encode(self.findTerms, forKey: .findTerms)
try container.encode(self.excludeTerms, forKey: .excludeTerms)
try container.encode(self.amazonASIN, forKey: .amazonASIN)
try container.encode(self.amazonShortLink, forKey: .amazonShortLink)
try container.encode(self.walmartSKU, forKey: .walmartSKU)
try container.encode(self.targetTCIN, forKey: .targetTCIN)
try container.encode(self.targetDPCI, forKey: .targetDPCI)
try container.encode(self.entertainmentEarthIN, forKey: .entertainmentEarthIN)
try container.encode(self.retailDate, forKey: .retailDate)
try container.encode(self.retailPrice, forKey: .retailPrice)
try container.encode(self.addedDate, forKey: .addedDate)
Upvotes: 2
Views: 325
Reputation: 299355
The problem is that you're likely making a full copy of figureArray
every time you mutate it. Swift value types are "copy on write," which means they may be copied anytime they're mutated. Often this can be avoided, though. This may work dramatically better if you turn on optimizations (i.e. build for Release), but in Debug mode it's possible that it can't avoid the copying.
One way to avoid that is to turn this around, and iterate over figureArray
rather than over specificsArray
. I would expect this is easier to optimize. It also avoids searching the big array so many times. This touches every element of the big array exactly one time rather than half of the elements for every element of specificsArray:
for index in figureArray.indices {
let id = figureArray[index].figureGlobalUniqueId
if let specific = specific.first(where: { id == specific.specificsFirebase.figureGlobalUniqueId }) {
figureArray[index].specifics = specific
That should hopefully avoid any copying, but if it doesn't, you can ensure that there there is exactly one copy rather than many by turning it into a map:
figureArray = { figure in
guard let specific = specificsArray.first(where: { specific in
specific.specificsFirebase.figureGlobalUniqueId == figure.figureGlobalUniqueId })
else { return figure } // Return the original value if nothing has changed
// Otherwise update it
var newFigure = figure
figure.specifics = figure
return figure
When you made this a class, you made copying the array much cheaper. The struct is very large, so copying it is expensive. When you copy an array of classes, you only have to add an extra retain count on each and copy a pointer. That can be much faster when the struct is massive. (But it would be better to avoid all the copying instead if possible.)
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 33967
The problem here is that your algorithm is running in quadratic time. For each element in one array you are linearly searching through the other array. Worst case, that means every element of the second array is compared to every element of the first array. (x * y comparisons!)
This should help:
func example(specificsArray: [Specifics], figureArray: inout [Figure]) {
let specificsDict = Dictionary(uniqueKeysWithValues: specificsArray
.map { ($0.specificsFirebase.figureGlobalUniqueId, $0) })
for (index, figure) in figureArray.enumerated() {
if let specific = specificsDict[figure.figureGlobalUniqueId] {
figureArray[index].specifics = specific
The above will drop the big-O time to linear (assuming a good hash.) The code is no longer comparing each specific with every figure. Instead, it is doing a hash calculation and looking up the specific in constant time (ideally at least.) This is at the cost of running through the specifics once to create the dictionary which is also linear.
Another benefit is that neither Specifics
nor Figure
need to be Hashable.
Try it out and see if you get a performance improvement.
Upvotes: 1