Elixir, Phoenix and Ecto : When database is down, requests to serve cached data become really slow (from 100ms to 3 seconds)

I created a phoenix project with --no-html and --database mysql

The version we're using at work is :

Erlang/OTP 21 [erts-10.2] [source] [64-bit] [smp:12:12] [ds:12:12:10] [async-threads:1] [hipe]

Elixir 1.8.0 (compiled with Erlang/OTP 20)

I'm doing a project that serves as a proxy between a status page tool (hund.io) and our own APIs and reporting tools, so I needed a database to store services names + url to requests, and, as I need a bit to dissociate with the database Cachex (https://github.com/whitfin/cachex) to put my data in cache

When data is cached, using postman to request my wrapper's api it takes ~100ms to get a response and phoenix's logs say things like [info] Sent 200 in 1ms But, I ever shut the database down, it goes up to 3 whole seconds for postman to get a response, phoenix logs still say that kind of things [info] Sent 200 in 1ms

I know for sure that the wrapper uses cached data in both cases :

My code :

def show(conn, %{"service_name" => service_name}) do
    Logger.debug("Top of show func")

    case Cachex.get(:proxies, service_name) do
      {:ok, nil} ->
        Logger.debug("Service #{service_name} not found in cache")
        proxy = Health.get_proxy_by_name!(service_name)
        Logger.debug("Service #{service_name} found in db")
        Cachex.put(:proxies, service_name, proxy)
        proxy_with_health = Checker.call_api(proxy)

        render(conn, "show.json", proxy_health: proxy_with_health)

      {:ok, proxy} ->
        Logger.debug("Found service #{service_name} in cache")
        proxy_with_health = Checker.call_api(proxy)
        render(conn, "show.json", proxy_health: proxy_with_health)

The log :

[info] GET /api/proxies_health/docto
[debug] Processing with StatusWeb.ProxyHealthController.show/2
  Parameters: %{"service_name" => "docto"}
  Pipelines: [:api]
[debug] Top of show func
[debug] Found service docto in cache

For the router part :

 pipeline :api do
    plug :accepts, ["json"]

  scope "/api", StatusWeb do
    pipe_through :api

    resources "/proxies", ProxyController, except: [:new, :edit]
    get "/proxies_health", ProxyHealthController, :index
    get "/proxies_health/:service_name", ProxyHealthController, :show

I also get two errors in the logs :

[error] MyXQL.Connection (#PID<0.373.0>) failed to connect: ** (DBConnection.ConnectionError) connection refused

Which seems "normal", continuously as the application wants to reconnect to the database and this one, right before a request is processed (at least according to the logs)

[error] Could not create schema migrations table. This error usually happens due to the following:

  * The database does not exist
  * The "schema_migrations" table, which Ecto uses for managing
    migrations, was defined by another library
  * There is a deadlock while migrating (such as using concurrent
    indexes with a migration_lock)

To fix the first issue, run "mix ecto.create".

To address the second, you can run "mix ecto.drop" followed by
"mix ecto.create". Alternatively you may configure Ecto to use
another table and/or repository for managing migrations:

    config :status, Status.Repo,
      migration_source: "some_other_table_for_schema_migrations",
      migration_repo: AnotherRepoForSchemaMigrations

The full error report is shown below.

[error] GenServer #PID<0.620.0> terminating
** (DBConnection.ConnectionError) connection refused
    (db_connection) lib/db_connection/connection.ex:100: DBConnection.Connection.connect/2
    (connection) lib/connection.ex:622: Connection.enter_connect/5
    (stdlib) proc_lib.erl:249: :proc_lib.init_p_do_apply/3
Last message: nil
State: MyXQL.Connection

I tried to put in my Status.Repo file (repo.ex) while looking at How do I detect database connection issues from Elixir Ecto?

backoff_type: :stop

but it changed nothing to my issue

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Views: 609

Answers (1)

As my code, in the path were an object is found in the cache doesn't (at all) involve the database, we finally found on discord that the problem comes from a plug in the endpoint which should be present only in dev environment (MyAppWeb/endpoint.ex)

   if code_reloading? do
      plug Phoenix.CodeReloader
      plug Phoenix.Ecto.CheckRepoStatus, otp_app: :status

It's a plug which will check, at each request, if the database is up, if the migrations were run etc Waiting for an answer from Ecto, with a timeout in the genserver realizing the call resulted in the delay experienced !

The fix is to simply comment the line

          plug Phoenix.Ecto.CheckRepoStatus, otp_app: :status

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