Reputation: 143
I found git branch -r --merged master
to see all the branches ever merged into master
Our flow is pretty standard: develop == feature branch --> develop == release branch --> master ("==" create a branch from; "-->" PR into)
I want to find out when the branch merged (or the latest sha) in order to generate a list of branches merged since the last PR into master
Ideally, we would have an inventory of each release branch
Upvotes: 1
Views: 85
Reputation: 143
I found a good solution for me:
I compare the release branches against each other
import sys
from subprocess import run, PIPE, CompletedProcess
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
branch1 = sys.argv[1]
branch1 = "master"
if len(sys.argv) > 2:
branch2 = sys.argv[2]
branch2 = "develop"
base_command = ["git", "branch", "-r", "--merged"]
branch2_command = base_command + [branch2]
process_result : CompletedProcess = run(branch2_command, stdout=PIPE, check=True)
branch2_result = process_result.stdout.decode("utf-8")
branch2_list = branch2_result.split()
branch1_command = base_command + [branch1]
process_result : CompletedProcess = run(branch1_command, stdout=PIPE, check=True)
branch1_result = process_result.stdout.decode("utf-8")
branch1_list = branch1_result.split()
result = [item for item in branch2_list if item not in set(branch1_list)]
print(branch2 + " minus " + branch1 + " is\n" + "\n".join(result))
if I compare origin/release/1 to origin/release/2, I get the new stuff in release/2
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 97996
"git branch" is probably the wrong tool for this job: it will only tell you about branches that still exist, and merged feature branches aren't something you particularly need lying around.
Its definition of "merged" also can't tell you "when" - it just means there's at least one path working backwards from "master" that gets you to the current tip of that branch. (A commit is never really "on" a branch in git; a branch only exists as a pointer to a single commit, and from there to its entire history.)
A different approach to the problem is this:
git log --first-parent master..develop
As long as the only commits that get into develop are merge commits - no fast-forward merges or direct commits to that branch - this will give you a list of them.
stops it listing out the individual commits from each feature merged in.master..develop
notation means roughly "everything on develop that's not also on master". (Again, "on" actually means "reachable from the current tip of".)You can use the --pretty
option to customise exactly what gets shown here. I frequently use it with --pretty='format:%s'
which just shows the commit message on the merge commit.
Upvotes: 1