Reputation: 87
I am trying to make a loop from my variable $Unique_Groups
but I keep getting the Get-ADObject: Variable: 'item' found in expression: $item is not defined.
Maybe I did wrong on my filter side? Thank you so much in advance for the help.
$resultHOlder = @()
$data = Import-Csv -Path $path.csv
# $data = Import-Csv -Path
foreach ($item in $data) {
$table = new-object psobject
$table | Add-Member -NotePropertyName Server_Name -NotePropertyValue $item.'Server Name'
$table | Add-Member -NotePropertyName Users_Group_Belonging -NotePropertyValue $item.'User Name ( belonging to Group)'
$table | Add-Member -NotePropertyName Account_Type -NotePropertyValue $item.'Account Type'
$table | Add-Member -NotePropertyName Machine_Domain -NotePropertyValue $item.'Machine Domain'
$table | Add-Member -NotePropertyName Account_Category -NotePropertyValue $item.'Account Category'
$table | Add-Member -NotePropertyName Account_Disabled -NotePropertyValue $item.'AccountDisabled'
$table | Add-Member -NotePropertyName Last_Login_Date -NotePropertyValue $item.'Last Login Date'
$table | Add-Member -NotePropertyName Domain_Name -NotePropertyValue $item.'User Name ( belonging to Group)'.Split("\")[0]
$table | Add-Member -NotePropertyName Object_Name -NotePropertyValue $item.'User Name ( belonging to Group)'.Split("\")[1]
$table | Where-Object { !$item.'User Name ( belonging to Group)'.contains("ONEABBOTT") } | ForEach-Object { $table.Domain_Name = $null }
$resultHOlder += $table
# $Unique_Groups
$Unique_Groups = $resultHOlder.Object_Name | sort -Unique
# function to get the objecttype of the unique groups
function Get-ADobjectType {
$storage = @()
# $Unique_Groups | ForEach-Object {
foreach ($item in $Unique_Groups) {
# $filter = {"sAMAccountName -eq ""`$_"""}
$Membertype = Get-adobject -Filter {sammaccountName -eq $item}
$out = new-object psobject
$out | add-member noteproperty AD.localAdminMember $item
if($Membertype.Name -ne $null){$out | add-member noteproperty AD.Object $Membertype.Name}else{$out | add-member noteproperty AD.Object "NODATA"}
if($Membertype.ObjectClass -ne $null){$out | add-member noteproperty AD.Class $Membertype.ObjectClass}else{$out | add-member noteproperty AD.Class "NODATA"}
$storage += $out
# }
I am expecting for a result like this:
AD.localAdminMember AD.Object AD.Class
------------------- --------- --------
user1 user1 user
user2 user2 user
group1 group1 group
group2 group2 group
Upvotes: 1
Views: 331
Reputation: 60045
Ok, you can use something like this:
function Get-ADObjectType {
$domain = (Get-ADRootDSE).DefaultNamingContext
# foreach ($item in $Unique_Groups) { <= Don't need this, process block handles this for you
$filter = "(|(name=$Name)(samAccountName=$Name))"
$object = Get-ADObject -LDAPFilter $filter
if(-not $object)
YourInput = $Name
ObjectName = "Not found in $domain"
ObjectClass = $null
YourInput = $Name
ObjectName = $object.Name
ObjectClass = $object.objectClass
Use it like this if you want to process multiple users:
$resultHOlder.Object_Name | sort -Unique | Get-ADObjectType
'this.Example.User1','this.Example.User2','this.Example.User3' | Get-ADObjectType
This function will stream results, meaning, each user will be evaluated and sent to standard output.
For a unique user you can do:
Get-ADObjectType -Name this.Example.User
I think this is something, not related to your function, but related to making your life easier in the future :)
All this:
$resultHOlder = @()
$data = Import-Csv -Path $path.csv
# $data = Import-Csv -Path
foreach ($item in $data) {
$table = new-object psobject
$table | Add-Member -NotePropertyName Server_Name -NotePropertyValue $item.'Server Name'
$table | Add-Member -NotePropertyName Users_Group_Belonging -NotePropertyValue $item.'User Name ( belonging to Group)'
$table | Add-Member -NotePropertyName Account_Type -NotePropertyValue $item.'Account Type'
Can be replaced with this:
$header = @(
'YourHeaderName 1'
'YourHeaderName 2'
'YourHeaderName 3'
'YourHeaderName 4'
'YourHeaderName 5'
$csv = Get-Content -Path $path |
Select-Object -Skip 1 |
ConvertFrom-Csv -Header $header
Upvotes: 1