Reputation: 41
I've been trying to find/write a macro that opens all hyperlinks contained in a selected range at once. The code I've come across works on only some types of hyperlinks, specifically hyperlinks added through either the right click/Insert>Link/Ctrl+K. The code wont recognise any hyperlinks that are formed using the HYPERLINK() function.
Here's the code I found online:
Sub OpenMultipleLinks()
On Error Resume Next
Set myRange = Application.Selection
Set myRange = Application.InputBox("Range", "OpenMultipleLinks", myRange.Address, Type:=8)
For Each oneLink In myRange.Hyperlinks
End Sub
And here's the formula of a cell that becomes a hyperlink.
=IF($D2="All Charts","",HYPERLINK("http://SubstituteWebsite/ChartId="&$D2&$AF$1,"link"))
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Views: 1043
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Since you do not answer my clarification questions, I will assume that my understanding is correct. So, the following code will work if your formulae containing 'HYPERLINK' formula inside respect the pattern you show us and it should be followed without evaluating if the formula condition is True
Sub OpenMultipleLinks()
Dim myrange As Range, cel As Range, oneLink
On Error Resume Next
Set myrange = Application.Selection
Set myrange = Application.InputBox("Range", "OpenMultipleLinks", myrange.Address, Type:=8)
For Each oneLink In myrange.Hyperlinks
On Error GoTo 0
For Each cel In myrange
If InStr(cel.Formula, "HYPERLINK") > 0 Then
ActiveWorkbook.FollowHyperlink extractHypFromFormula(ActiveCell.Formula)
End If
End Sub
Function extractHypFromFormula(strForm As String) As String
Dim Hpos As Long, startP As Long, Hlength As Long, strRoot As String
Dim startP2 As Long, cellsAddr As String
Hpos = InStr(strForm, "HYPERLINK") 'it returns position of the first character for "HYPERLINK" string in the formula
If Hpos > 0 Then
startP = Hpos + Len("HYPERLINK") + 2 'it builds the position after which to start searching
'+ 2 because of '(' and "
Hlength = InStr(startP, strForm, """") - startP 'length of the hyperlink fix part (before the strings taken from the two cells value)
strRoot = Mid(strForm, startP, Hlength) 'it returns the hyperlink fix part
startP2 = startP + Len(strRoot) + 2 'next START to return the string keeping the concatenation of the two cells value
cellsAddr = Mid(strForm, startP2, InStr(startP2, strForm, ",") - startP2) 'the string keeping the concatenation of the two cells value
'split the string on "&" separator and use the two elements as range string:
extractHypFromFormula = strRoot & Range(Split(cellsAddr, "&")(0)).value & Range(Split(cellsAddr, "&")(1)).value
End If
End Function
Please, send some feedback after testing it...
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 784
You need to parse/evaluate the "hyperlink" formula first. Assuming all your links are in col A this will do what you want:
Sub link()
Dim arr, arr2, j As Long
arr = Sheet1.Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Formula2 'get all in an array
For j = 1 To UBound(arr)
If Left(arr(j, 1), 3) = "=HY" Then 'check if it's a formula
arr(j, 1) = Evaluate(Split(Mid(arr(j, 1), 2), ",")(0) & ")") 'split the url from the rest, evaluate and replace in array
End If
ActiveWorkbook.FollowHyperlink Address:=arr(j, 1), NewWindow:=True 'open in default browser
Next j
End Sub
Best of luck,
Upvotes: 1