Reputation: 628
I've never used JSON before so I'm not familiar with its syntax.
At the moment I have multiple arrays containing different pieces of data.
I would like to create one JSON object, that contains the multiple arrays each with several pieces of data. E.g. An object called HotelList, containing multiple arrays each for a different name of Hotels. see the example :
class Jsons {
static var hotelListJson = {
'hotelData': [
'index': 0,
'restaurantName': 'Monginis Cake Shop',
'foodCategory': 'The Cake Shop',
'restReview': 5,
'restImage': 'assets/images/Restaurant1.png',
'distanceFromLocation': 40,
'restStatus': 'open',
'menuCategories': [
'categoryName': 'Pastry',
'dishes': [
'Dutch Pastry',
'Truffle Pastry',
'Pipeapple Veg Pastry',
'Brownee Sqare Veg Pastry',
'Choco Lava Veg Cup'
'categoryName': 'small cake ( half kg)',
'dishes': [
'Sapphire Veg Small',
'Deviles Delite Veg Small',
'Duth Chocolate Heart Veg (Small)',
'Shimmer Choco Veg Small'
'categoryName': 'Breads',
'dishes': ['Sandwich Bread', 'Multigrain Bread', 'Brown Bread']
'categoryName': 'Large cake',
'dishes': ['Alpine Choco Veg(Large)']
'categoryName': 'Cookies',
'dishes': [
'Almond Cocos Cookies',
'Shewsburry Cookies',
'Honey Crunch Cookis',
'Kesar Cookies',
'Jeeraa Cookies'
'categoryName': 'Savouries',
'dishes': [
'Panner pattice',
'Veg Burger',
'Pan Pizza Veg',
'Veg pattice'
'categoryName': 'Chocolate',
'dishes': ['Just Temptations']
'categoryName': 'Plum & Bar cake',
'dishes': ['Fruit Bar cake']
'index': 1,
'restaurantName': 'Swami Hotel',
'foodCategory': 'Family Hotel',
'restReview': 2,
'restImage': 'assets/images/Restaurant2.png',
'distanceFromLocation': 40,
'restStatus': 'open',
'menuCategories': [
'categoryName': 'Veg Starter',
'dishes': [ 'Paneer pahadi kabab','Garlic chana','Masala papad', 'Manchurian']
'categoryName': 'Tandoori',
'dishes': ['Chicken Tandoori','Chicken Tangadi Kabab','Chicken Pahadi Kabab','Mutton Kadhai]
'categoryName': 'INDIAN BREAD',
'dishes': ['Aalu Paratha','Paneer Paratha','Nan', 'Butter Nan','Tandoori Roti','Chapati']
'index': 2,
'restaurantName': 'Diva Sagar',
'foodCategory': 'Family restaurant',
'restReview': 5,
'restImage': 'assets/images/Restaurant3.png',
'distanceFromLocation': 30,
'restStatus': 'open',
'index': 3,
'restaurantName': 'Smart open pick cake shop',
'foodCategory': 'Cake Shop',
'restReview': 1,
'restImage': 'assets/images/Restaurant4.png',
'distanceFromLocation': 10,
'restStatus': 'closed',
'offer': 'Get 5% discount',
I wanted to add list to dishes. how can i do that ?
Upvotes: 0
Views: 208
Reputation: 628
I got what I have to do.
'index': 3,
'restaurantName': 'abc',
'foodCategory': 'abc1',
'restReview': 1,
'restImage': 'assets/images/Restaurant.png',
'distanceFromLocation': 10,
'restStatus': 'closed',
'offer': 'Get 5% discount',
'menuCategories': [
'categoryName': 'XYZ',
'dishes': [
'dishName': 'XYZ1',
'price': 300,
'dishName': 'XYZ2',
'price': 50,
'dishName': 'XYZ3',
'price': 35,
'dishName': 'XYZ4',
'price': 50,
'categoryName': 'PQR',
'dishes': [
'dishName': 'PQR1',
'price': 5,
'dishName': 'PQR2',
'price': 50,
'dishName': 'PQR3',
'price': 35,
'dishName': 'PQR4',
'price': 50,
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 2419
I have this json
"data": [
"id": 0,
"code": "string",
"title": "string",
"description": "string",
"orderDetails": [
"productId": 0,
"product": {
"name": "string",
"code": "string",
"unit": {
"name": "string",
"id": 0
"brand": {
"name": "string",
"imagePath": "string",
"id": 0
"country": {
"name": "string",
"id": 0
"images": [
"path": "string",
"type": 1,
"id": 0
"productInfos": [
"qty": 0,
"price": 0,
"sumSale": 0,
"warranty": true,
"score": 0
"qtyCart": 0,
"oldQtyCart": 0,
"sumSale": 0,
"saleRoles": [
"groupId": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
"multipleQTY": 0,
"saleRoleType": {
"value": "string",
"id": 1
"id": 0
"groupId": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
"multipleQTY": 0,
"saleRuleType": "string",
"familtySearchedHighLight": true,
"joinSearchedHighLight": true,
"id": 0
"qty": 0,
"price": 0,
"oldQty": 0,
"oldUnitPrice": 0,
"unitPrice": 0,
"finalPrice": 0,
"sumPrice": 0
"orderStatusId": 1,
"orderStatus": {
"description": "string",
"id": 1
"shippings": [
"shipperName": "string",
"shipperHtmlData": "string",
"driverName": "string",
"driverHtmlData": "string",
"car": "string",
"carIdentity": "string",
"driverPhone": "string",
"shipperPhone": "string",
"orderId": 0,
"totalItems": 0,
"shippingCost": 0,
"increasedCost": 0,
"increasedCostDescription": "string",
"blNo": "string",
"departureTime": "2021-05-08T07:34:22.288Z",
"deliveredTime": "2021-05-08T07:34:22.288Z",
"originCity": "string",
"originProvince": "string",
"originAddress": "string",
"targetCity": "string",
"targetProvince": "string",
"targetAddress": "string",
"documentAttach": "string",
"inTownShipping": true,
"id": 0
"profileId": 0,
"paymentDocAuthority": "string",
"referenceId": "string",
"deliveryProvince": "string",
"deliveryCity": "string",
"deliveryAddress": "string",
"createDm": "2021-05-08T07:34:22.288Z",
"createDs": "string",
"finalPrice": 0,
"sumPrice": 0
"isSuccess": true,
"statusCode": 200,
"message": "string"}
it is as complex as your json with I create a class out of it which is very long so i won't post it but you can try it yourself if you create a class for it you can add delete and actually everything with it
there is something wrong with your json and I could not use it on that website please take a look at my json and correct your json
Upvotes: 1