Reputation: 11
Hi i'm trying to insert Stripe on my php website, i took the Stripe sample from the their website but all i receive instead of a nice checkout page is nothing more than text, i'm in local using Wamp, stripe php is install through composerthe create-checkout-session.php
[the server part] `
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
header('Content-Type: application/json');
$YOUR_DOMAIN = 'http://localhost:4242';
$checkout_session = \Stripe\Checkout\Session::create([
'payment_method_types' => ['card'],
'line_items' => [[
'price_data' => [
'currency' => 'usd',
'unit_amount' => 2000,
'product_data' => [
'name' => 'Stubborn Attachments',
'images' => [""],
'quantity' => 1,
'mode' => 'payment',
'success_url' => $YOUR_DOMAIN . '/success.html',
'cancel_url' => $YOUR_DOMAIN . '/cancel.html',
echo json_encode(['id' => $checkout_session->id]);``
the checkout.html [the front part]
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Buy cool new product</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div class="product">
alt="The cover of Stubborn Attachments"
<div class="description">
<h3>Stubborn Attachments</h3>
<button type="button" id="checkout-button">Checkout</button>
<script type="text/javascript">
// Create an instance of the Stripe object with your publishable API key
var stripe = Stripe("pk_test_51GnYWKFeoY7b2LtgWEqcinzq7f7xCsQA8RPvCcWDvF5YIl3573ueUJKBlQEMo8P5nIM3vu1dj6YmRD3auTmDaw0K00njLvdBQ1");
var checkoutButton = document.getElementById("checkout-button");
checkoutButton.addEventListener("click", function () {
fetch("/create-checkout-session.php", {
method: "POST",
.then(function (response) {
return response.json();
.then(function (session) {
return stripe.redirectToCheckout({ sessionId: });
.then(function (result) {
// If redirectToCheckout fails due to a browser or network
// error, you should display the localized error message to your
// customer using error.message.
if (result.error) {
.catch(function (error) {
console.error("Error:", error);
Here what i receive when i go on localhost 4242
Upvotes: 1
Views: 1247
Reputation: 5847
Sounds like localhost:4242
is pointing to your create-checkout-session.php
file, which is returning a Checkout Session ID as json as expected.
You need to make sure that localhost:4242
points to your checkout.html
file instead. Look into your server set up to see if you can find out why it's pointing to the wrong file.
As a side note, you left your secret test API key in the question. That key is now compromised, you should roll it immediately at
Upvotes: 2