Reputation: 6229
Some people like to use long folder names and deep folder structures. This is especially painful when you use OneDrive/SharePoint Online and sync long paths with Windows.
Hence I am looking for an approach to shorten those paths and keep the meaning, especially when archiving files and folders.
Basically trying to transform:
And generating the following index file:
1 VeryLongPath
2 AnotherLongFolderPath
3 AndAnotherOne
4 VeryLongFilename.xlsx
Upvotes: 0
Views: 277
Reputation: 174660
You could create a helper class to track the individual labels:
class PathLabelIndexer
# This will hold the label translations, [string] -> [int]
[hashtable]$_terms = @{}
# This will keep track of how many distinct labels we've encountered
[int]$_length = 0
# Transforms a path into index values
[string] Transform([string]$Path){
return @($Path.Split('\') |%{
# If we already have a translation for $_, use that!
else {
# No existing translation found, add a new one
($this._terms[$_] = $this._length++)
}) -join '\'
# Produces the index needed to translate them back to labels
[string[]] GetIndex(){
# Since $_length starts at 0, a sorted array of the index values will give us the correct mapping
return [string[]]@($this._terms.GetEnumerator() |Sort Value |ForEach-Object Key)
Now you can do:
PS ~> $indexer = [PathLabelIndexer]::new()
PS ~> $indexer.Transform('VeryLongPath\AnotherLongFolderPath\AndAnotherOne\VeryLongFilename.xlsx')
To get the reverse, simply produce the resulting index and look up the individual labels again:
PS ~> $index = $indexer.GetIndex()
PS ~> $index['0\1\2\3'.Split('\')] -join '\'
Upvotes: 2