Reputation: 11
The macro is written to return the number of letter differences (insertions, replacements, or deletions) of two words (case sensitive).
It is suppose to format and output in phrases
1-2 Letters off,
1-2 Letters off, Same Starting Letter,
3-4 Letters off,
3-4 Letters off, Same Starting Letter and
5 or more letters off, CHECK
It is only outputting
1-2 Letters off, Same Starting Letter,
3-4 Letters off, Same Starting Letter and
5 or more Letters off, CHECK
I would like the formatting to stay the same for now.
Sub Test_HW_Formatter()
'declare the variables
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim k As Integer
Dim testNames As Integer
Dim responses As Integer
Dim printRow As Integer
Dim name As String
Dim count As Integer
Dim coding As String
Dim statLetter As Boolean
Dim tempCount As Integer
Dim tempResp As String
'the queues for the entries, the respective counts, and respective codes
Dim words As Object
Set words = CreateObject("System.Collections.Queue")
Dim counts As Object
Set counts = CreateObject("System.Collections.Queue")
Dim codes As Object
Set codes = CreateObject("System.Collections.Queue")
'set the variables
printRow = 3
testNames = Selection.Columns.count
responses = Selection.Rows.count - 1
Cells(4, 3).Value = Selection(4)
startLetter = True
'make the header
Cells(1, 1).Value = "Name"
Cells(1, 2).Value = "Response"
Cells(1, 3).Value = "Count"
Cells(1, 4).Value = "Code"
Cells(1, 5).Value = "Agency close matches"
Cells(1, 6).Value = "N=" + Trim(Str(responses))
Cells(1, 6).Interior.Color = RGB(255, 255, 204)
Cells(1, 6).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
For i = 1 To 5
Cells(1, i).Interior.Color = RGB(1, 139, 175)
Cells(1, i).Font.Color = RGB(255, 255, 255)
Cells(1, i).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
Next i
'get the information and put it in the queues
For i = 0 To (testNames - 1)
name = Selection(i + 1).Value
For j = 1 To responses
count = 1
If Not Selection(j * testNames + i + 1) = "" Then
For k = 1 To (responses - j)
If Not Selection((j + k) * testNames + i + 1).Value = "" Then
If Trim(UCase(Selection(j * testNames + i + 1).Value)) = Trim(UCase(Selection((j + k) * testNames + i + 1).Value)) Then
count = count + 1
Selection((j + k) * testNames + i + 1).Value = ""
End If
End If
Next k
'get the coding
coding = ""
ld = Levenshtein(name, Trim(UCase(Selection(j * testNames + i + 1))))
If Mid(testName, 1, 1) = Mid(sample, 1, 1) Then
startLetter = True
startLetter = False
End If 'if for starting letter
Select Case ld
Case 0
coding = "Exact Match"
Case 1
If startLetter = True Then
coding = "1-2 Letters off, Same Starting Letter"
coding = "1-2 Letters off"
End If
Case 2
If startLetter = True Then
coding = "1-2 Letters off, Same Starting Letter"
coding = "1-2 Letters off"
End If
Case 3
If startLetter = True Then
coding = "3-4 Letters off, Same Starting Letter"
coding = "3-4 Letters off"
End If
Case 4
If startLetter = True Then
coding = "3-4 Letters off, Same Starting Letter"
coding = "3-4 Letters off"
End If
Case Else
coding = "5 or more Letters off, CHECK"
End Select
'enqueue the values
tempResp = UCase(Mid(Selection(j * testNames + i + 1).Value, 1, 1)) + LCase(Mid(Selection(j * testNames + i + 1).Value, 2, Len(Selection(j * testNames + i + 1).Value)))
words.enqueue (tempResp)
counts.enqueue (count)
codes.enqueue (coding)
End If 'if the cell is not blank
Next j
'print the queues from the ith column
'start the section header
Cells(printRow, 1).Value = name
Cells(printRow, 1).Font.Color = RGB(255, 255, 255)
For k = 1 To 5
Cells(printRow, k).Interior.Color = RGB(1, 139, 175)
Cells(printRow, k).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
Next k
tempCount = counts.count
Cells(150, 20 + i).Value = tempCount
For k = 1 To tempCount
Cells(printRow + k, 2).Value = words.dequeue
Cells(printRow + k, 3).Value = counts.dequeue
Cells(printRow + k, 4).Value = codes.dequeue
If Cells(printRow + k, 4).Value = "Exact Match" Then
Cells(printRow + k, 4).Interior.Color = RGB(236, 239, 218)
End If
Next k
printRow = printRow + tempCount + 2
Next i
End Sub
Upvotes: 0
Views: 141
Reputation: 166271
Edited to add counting replicates of the same name, and skip empty values:
Sub Test_HW_Formatter()
Dim arr, numReps As Long, ws As Worksheet, col As Long, c As Range
Dim nm As String, rep As Long, cmp As String
Dim i As Long, dict As Object, tmp
arr = Selection.Value 'inputs
numReps = UBound(arr, 1) - 1 'reps per column
Set ws = Selection.Parent 'sheet with selection
With ws.Range("A1:E1")
.Value = Array("Name", "Response", "Count", "Code", "Agency Close match")
doHeaders .Cells
End With
ws.Range("F1").Value = "N=" & numReps
Set c = ws.Range("A3") 'start of output sections
For col = 1 To UBound(arr, 2) 'loop columns of selection
nm = arr(1, col)
c.Value = nm
doHeaders c.Resize(1, 5) 'format headers
i = 0
Set dict = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
For rep = 1 To numReps 'loop values to compare
cmp = arr(rep + 1, col)
If Len(cmp) > 0 Then
If Not dict.exists(cmp) Then
i = i + 1
dict.Add cmp, i
c.Offset(i, 1).Value = cmp
c.Offset(i, 2) = 1
c.Offset(i, 3).Value = MatchCoding(nm, cmp) 'now in separate function
'increment count for existing line
c.Offset(dict(cmp), 2).Value = c.Offset(dict(cmp), 2).Value + 1
End If
End If 'not zero-length
Next rep
Set c = c.Offset(i + 2, 0) 'next set
Next col
End Sub
'return a string summarizing how closeley two terms match
Function MatchCoding(nm As String, cmp As String)
Dim ld As Long, firstMatch As Boolean
firstMatch = (Left(nm, 1) = Left(cmp, 1))
ld = Levenshtein(nm, cmp)
Select Case ld
Case 0: MatchCoding = "Exact Match"
Case 1, 2: MatchCoding = "1-2 Letters off"
Case 3, 4: MatchCoding = "3-4 Letters off"
Case Else: MatchCoding = "5 or more Letters off, CHECK"
End Select
If ld > 0 And ld < 5 Then MatchCoding = MatchCoding & _
IIf(firstMatch, ", Same Starting Letter", "")
End Function
'utility sub for formatting headers
Sub doHeaders(rng As Range)
With rng
.Interior.Color = RGB(1, 139, 175)
.Font.Color = RGB(255, 255, 255)
.HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
End With
End Sub
Upvotes: 1